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August 7th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onAugust 07, 2024

In numerology, those ruled by the number 7 enjoy travel and excitement, but may be indecisive. In Tarot, the 7th card in the Major Arcana is The Chariot, which suggests success, talent, efficiency - and a poor sense of direction.

Sun Sign: Leo/Sun

Decanate: Leo/Jupiter; Numbers: 6, 7

August 7th Birthday Love Astrology

There's a curious side to August 7. An urge to seek out information especially where there are obstacles to doing so. Sometimes it's just gossipy intruding. Sometimes it's what goes into the making of an investigative journalist, a policeman, a VAT bat, or one of those sweet customs and excise lads who think that all middle-aged lady travellers have a packet of cocaine in their bathbag along with emergency anusol.

Women with a highly developed nosey-parker streak make school gates a minefield of silky invitations to coffee and sympathetic questions about single parenthood, divorce or whatever Ms Investigative August 7 feels needs a good ferreting. Failure to comply can induce pushchair rage, the victim mercilessly trapped against playground railings and threatened with a Johnson's Wet Wipe.

The men go into ‘human resources', a fab opportunity to read everybody's secret file and add some thoroughly fair, unhelpful comments.

More rounded individuals use the questioning urge to general good. Both sexes can be relied on to keep an eye on nearby old people. Kindly, they will pop round to help with a garden, or mend a broken window. And if they don't see one of these neighbours for a day or two, they will investigate to make sure nothing is untoward.

Similarly if a neighbouring child is in need, August 7 volunteers a tactful rescue. Other people's children frequently come to stay in their house for short periods. And elderly relatives live very happily beneath the same roof, because this individual enjoys the rough and tumble of big family life where age and youth complement each other.

Many people born on this day excel at public speaking. Pillars of the local council, or, maybe editors of local newspapers, they will not let a beautiful meadow be dug up for housing or an old building crumble away until there is nothing for it but to turn the site into a lucrative car park.

In Love

The exuberance of your surface personality conceals a very un-Leo-like inner nature that tends to be secretive and mysterious. In love and romance, you are passionate, complex, and determined to have things your own way.

Nevertheless, you possess a wonderful innocence that colors your view of life and keeps you from ever becoming jaded. Although fervently loyal to your beloved, you can be rather jealous and possessive. You treasure your own independence but have difficulty granting the same freedom to your mate or partner. Communication is essential in your close relationships because talking things over helps you overcome any differences.

In Bed

A generous lover, you are eager to please and always willing to try new things in the bedroom. You have an intuitive ability to tune in to your mate’s likes and dislikes Sensuality is your weakness. You enjoy being stroked, fondled, and fussed over. Taking time for intimacy with your sweetheart is a top priority. You particularly like it when your bed partner makes a special effort to seduce you with fun toys, sexy apparel, and provocative language.


Now the spotlight is on neurological science, there's a great deal of depressing talk about the decline of brainpower in forty-somethings. Surprisingly, aspirin may have a key future role in treating dementia and even Alzheimer's disease. Cases of vascular dementia are caused by small blood clots sticking in the arteries within the brain. The destruction of brain tissue by such clots eventually leads to loss of intellect. In theory an aspirin a day should reduce or even prevent this. Aspirin reduces the stickiness of platelets, the smallest type of blood cell, which play a major part in blood clotting.


Complimentary sweet nothings whispered in your ear turn you on big time.

You like knowing that you are loved, especially when your partner goes on to list all the reasons why you are so totally fascinating. Seeing yourself reflected in the eyes of your adoring lover flatters your ego, boosts your self-esteem, and inflames your lusty libido.


In numerology, those ruled by the number 7 enjoy travel and excitement, but may be indecisive. In Tarot, the 7th card in the Major Arcana is The Chariot, which suggests success, talent, efficiency - and a poor sense of direction.

Reality Check

Passionate and dedicated to your goals, you have likes and dislikes that are very strongly defined. When carrying out your ideas, you think and act quickly and decisively. Life is your stage, and you view yourself as the hero of your personal drama. You know exactly what you want, and you refuse to give up until you get it.

August 7 Date Share

Mata Hart, gorgeous spy, double agent, exotic dancer famous for the allure of her stomach, made a noble show of bravery at her execution.Louis Leakey, British archaeologist and anthropologist, discoverer of remains of early man, author, Human Origins. Ralph Bunch, US statesman, Nobel Peace Prize winner, negotiated Arab-Israeli truce.

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