August 8th Versatility Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onAugust 08, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is setting yourself realistic goals

☆The way forward is to understand that it is great to be bold but you also need to be realistic and aim for what you know you can achieve.

The Birthday Of Versatility, The Day Of The Roleplayers

August 8th Versatility Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of August 8th Birthdays

Sun sign: Leo

Ruling planet: Sun, the individual

Symbol: The Lion

Birth date ruler: Saturn, the teacher

Tarot card: Strength (passion)

Favorable numbers: 7, 8

Lucky days: Sunday and Saturday, especially when these days fall on 7 and 8 of the month

Lucky colors: Yellow, burgundy, orange

Birthstone: Ruby

Other people tend to think that success comes easily to people born on August 8 because they appear to be naturally good at everything they do. Their success, however, is the result of their sharp intellect and strong work ethic. It is also a result of their exceptional versatility and ability to learn new skills from scratch.

Although they are versatile and will probably play many roles and sample many careers in their lives, they are not flighty by nature. Quite the opposite, in fact; when they are engaged in a particular project their focus is intense and their discipline inspirational. It is just that when they have learned all they feel they can learn or gained the recognition they feel they deserve, they like to move on to the next challenge, even if it is totally unrelated to the one they devoted themselves to previously. This ability to change direction and immerse themselves in different projects both confuses and surprises others, especially when these people change direction when they appear to be at the height of their success or capability.

Until the age of forty-four there is an emphasis in their lives on order, problem solving and being more discriminating with their time and energy. It is particularly important during this period that their versatility does not lead them to make career or life choices that are unrealistic or simply unsuitable. After the age of forty-four there is a significant turning point which stimulates their need for balance and harmony, and heightens their awareness of partnerships and relationships in general.

During this period in their lives the key to their happiness will be to develop more emotional depth and find ways to stamp their individuality on the world around them. Having said that, they should not try to suppress their characteristic versatility because, once they find a cause that is worthy of them, their affinity with diversity and love of fresh challenges will continue to be the key to their success.

☆ On the dark side:Unrealistic, perfectionist, unaware

☆ At your best:Versatile, energetic, talented

Those born on August 8 manifest a strong desire to play numerous and varied roles in their lives. This should not be interpreted to mean that they are flighty people who shift gears easily, hopping from one career to another. Each change, each new role is painstakingly studied so that success may be assured. Those born on this day usually have a strong desire for professional recognition and stand a good chance of success unless their career choice has been highly unrealistic or poorly suited to their character.

It may well be astonishing to others, and even to August 8 people themselves to realize just how fully they have played a given role, particularly when looking back on life from a later vantage point, or after subsequent changes. But as they are highly realistic and responsible, August 8 people generally only move on to a new role once they feel the previous one has been fully played out or satisfied. Mothers who transform into working women, men who change their company or occupation even when successful, children who seem like two different people depending on which family member they are spending time with are all typical models of the adaptability found on this birthday. Should those born on this day be performers or creative artists they will generally be involved in widely varied styles and modes of expression.

Those August 8 people who fail at a particular endeavor most often remain undaunted and just pick up and move on to the next job or backtrack to a career which they may have temporarily neglected. However, most highly developed individuals born on this day do not allow a desire for change and varied interests to dissipate their energies; they are therefore loath to involve themselves in more than one project simultaneously if they feel the nature of their commitment is compromised. In the same way, they make faithful mates, business partners, parents and friends.

Usually when August 8 people head in a wrong direction or go off the track, they remain open to helpful advice (which is somewhat notable for such stubbornly determined people); thus their closest friends and love mate are invaluable to them at such times. Ultimately, however, after weighing all reasonable points of view, August 8 people generally make independent and rather fixed decisions.

In order to keep themselves happy, those born on this day should introduce all sorts of diversity into their daily life. Their egos must be kept under control, however, and goals realistic.

A healthy desire for security will contribute stability to their career and lifestyle.

Power Thought:True inspiration arises from the still silence within me,When are we truly ourselves?

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 8th day of the month are ruled by the number 8 and by the planet Saturn. Since Saturn posits responsibility, and a sense of limitation, caution and fatalism, the conservative side of August 8 people is emphasized. Those ruled by the number 8 tend to develop their careers carefully, although the temptation of role change within that career will be strong, as well as the need for one major change of occupation in middle life. The added influence of the Sun (Leo's ruler) on Saturn gives an intense quality to August 8 people, but not necessarily one that is backed up by deep self-confidence.

August 8th Birthday Tarot Card

The 8th card of the Major Arcana is Strength or Courage, which depicts a graceful queen taming a furious lion. The queen symbolizes the female Magician who can master rebellious energies and stands for moral as well as physical strength. This card's positive attributes include charisma and determination to succeed; the negative qualities include complacency and the misuse of power.

☆Luck maker:(Make things better, not perfect)Lucky people stay with reality. Perfection is never their goal because they know it is unattainable. Their aim is to make things better, not perfect, and not get all they want but most of what they want.

Love All-round excellence

You’re drawn to people born on December 22 to January 20:You share an appreciation of luxury and life’s good things, and this can be a creative and stimulating union.

The all-round excellence of people born on August 8 may be intimidating to partners and friends alike, so for success in long-term relationships they need to ensure they allow others to see their vulnerable human qualities as well as their super-capable ones. In a relationship they work for harmony but they can become quarrelsome if they feel insecure. Learning to be more patient with others will help smooth over problems.

Health Relax and unwind

Without realizing it, people born on this day are likely to push themselves very hard and they need to understand that even they need to take a step back and unwind every so often. Sticking to a regular sleep, exercise and meal routine will help them feel more secure, especially when they are going through one of their many life transitions. They are often very physical and sensuous individuals, and sports of all kinds are recommended. Weight problems, especially around the middle, could be a problem later in life but they can handle this by eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, and cutting down on the amount of refined foods they eat and the amount of stress in their lives. Time spent relaxing with friends and loved ones will help keep them on an even keel, and wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color yellow will increase their creative confidence.

Stable patterns of diet, exercise, sleep and sexual activity are deeply important in keeping August 8 people on an even keel. The need of those born on this day to express themselves through the body makes competitive sports or achievement-oriented activities such as jogging or gymnastics highly attractive. Affectionate and sensuous expression will be a necessary correlate to sexual fulfillment. Problems with weight can usually be handled through diets emphasizing grains, fresh vegetables and fruits. All outdoor activities involving family members are recommended—vacations, picnics, holidays, camping. Above all, the sharing of affection with at least a few close friends or family members is vitally important to preserving the psychological health of August 8 people.

Career Born travelers

These inquisitive, imaginative and energetic people have an affinity for sporting or artistic careers, but they may also be drawn to theater, the world of media and entertainment, advertising, business, politics, and tourism. Because they are multi-talented, many careers will appeal to them and there are likely to be many changes, but their love of change means they will always be happiest in flexible careers.

Destiny To challenge the wisdom of convention

The life path of people born on this day is to find ways to stamp their individuality on all that they do. Once they are able to make their goals realistic and attainable, their destiny is to challenge convention with their versatility and ability to make even the hardest of challenges appear easy.

Take time off from your active life and develop your contemplative side. Relax with your family.Make your goals realistic ones, but don't ever get stuck. Remain adaptable and flexible.

Celebrities Born On August 8th

Keith Carradine(American actor and singer-songwriter), Dustin Hoffman(American actor), Roger Federer(Swiss tennis player),

Dustin Hoffman (film, stage actor), Benny Carter ("The King," jazz alto, tenor saxophonist composer, arranger, bandleader), Keith Carradine (film actor, singer, songwriter), Ernest Lawrence (US Nobel Prize-winning physicist, inventor of both subatomic particle accelerator and color TV picture tube), Leonide Massine (Rus- sian choreographer of Firebird. Rite of Spring), Dmo De Laurentiis (film producer, director), Isabel Allende (Peruvian novelist, Eva Luna), Ken Dryden (Canadian hockey goalie, led Montreal to six Stanley Cups), Nigel Mansell (British Formula One world champion auto racer, 2 1 x Grand Prix winner), Esther Williams (swimmer, film actress), Arthur J. Goldberg (Supreme Court justice, US UN representative), Helen Jacobs (tennis champion. Wimbledon, 4x US Open winner), Marjorie Kmnan Rawlings (chil- dren's writer, The Yearling), Jimmy Wrtherspoon (blues singer), Gertrude Himmelfarb (historian, The Idea of Poverty), Marts Wielander (Swedish tennis player, US, French Open winner), Jose Delgado (neurophysiologist, implanted electrodes in animals to give desired responses), Deborah Norville (TV journalist, Today show), Connie Stevens (singer), Mel Tillis (country singer)

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