August 9th Mentor Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onAugust 09, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is allowing others to make their own decisions

☆The way forward is to understand that sometimes the best way for people to learn and grow is to allow them to make their own decisions and mistakes.

The Birthday Of The Mentor, The Day Of Psychological Leverage

August 9th Mentor Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of August 9th Birthdays

Sun sign: Leo

Ruling planet: Sun, the individual

Symbol: The Lion

Birth date ruler: Mars, the warrior

Tarot card: The Hermit (inner strength)

Favorable numbers: 8, 9

Lucky days: Sunday and Tuesday, especially when these days fall on 8 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Yellow, red, orange

Birthstone: Ruby

People born on August 9 are dynamic and determined achievers. Their presence is authoritative and others tend to look to them for guidance. Although they are extremely ambitious they can also be patient, inspiring and hands-on mentors to those who want to learn.

They are at their happiest and their best when they are giving advice to others. They feel qualified to take on the role of mentor because they have a good understanding of human psychology and what motivates or demotivates others. They have a wealth of ideas and insights about how people can improve or enjoy their life more, and are extremely generous with their advice and support. However, because they love to be looked up to and consulted when decisions need to be made, they can get upset if others ignore them, or assert their own independence and follow their own advice. It is extremely important for the psychological growth and emotional fulfillment of people born on this day that they ensure their concern for others does not turn into a need to control them.

Until the age of forty-three they will find that life presents them with opportunities to be conscientious, discriminating and efficient in the working environment. During these years they need to be especially careful not to let their controlling tendencies exert an unhealthy amount of influence over the lives of others. Learning to listen to others and understanding things from their point of view will help them with this. After the age of forty-four there is a turning point which brings a strong emphasis on social relationships and partnerships, and after the age of seventy their focus is on deep emotional transformation.

Whatever age they are, however, if these wise and generous individuals can learn to let go of their need to tell others what to do all the time and listen to their own inner guidance instead, they have the potential to be not just a mentor but a creative, inspiring, confident, charming, and successful role model as well.

☆ On the dark side:Controlling, dictatorial, self-righteous

☆ At your best:Authoritative, influential, insightful

Those born on August 9 can be a tower of strength for those dependent on them.

Excellent team players, they give definition to any group endeavor in which they are involved. Though certainly gratified by positions of leadership, those born on this day do not necessarily indulge their egos at the expense of the common good. Fighters, they are usually on the side of the average man, whose psychology they understand well.

August 9 people know what makes others tick; as students of human character they are not only adept at sizing people up but also know how to approach them, and when necessary convince them of what is best for everyone concerned in a situation. Thus they have many ideas about how people may best enjoy their lives, how they can get what they need, and how they can best proceed politically or socially. Therefore those born on this day can sometimes be too generous with their advice as well as too controlling and dominating. They must allow more for others to decide what is best for themselves.

August 9 people are not only good persuaders, able to win others over to their side, but feel a great measure of responsibility for those who follow their advice or come under their wing. This accountability to others can extend to almost any sector of life in which their influence comes to bear—finance, morals, recreation, education. Education particularly interests many born on August 9 who give thought to methods of learning and how they may be improved or refined. Again, August 9 people must avoid intruding on the lives of those who would perhaps prefer to be left to their own devices. With their well-developed opinions and forceful personalities, August 9 people often exert undue influence on those they come in contact with, even casually.

August 9 people rarely give up or admit defeat once they have embarked on a project.

They usually find their principal area of interest early in life and stick to it with great tenacity.

Most born on this day make devoted parents and family members, but if forced by death or circumstance to remarry will give their love again a second time without reserve.

At times August 9 people are capable of being insensitive to the needs of those they love in that they may think they know what is best before giving their ear to requests or suggestions.

It is very important that those born on this day have a trusted friend who can warn them when they get off track. Because August 9 people are powerfully influential, they tend to take a number of people with them when they take a wrong turn or make mistakes in their behavior or thought.

Power Thought:I release my need to control to the universe. I feel at peace with the world,Some people do their best work sleeping

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 9th day of the month are ruled by the number 9 and by the planet Mars. The number 9 is powerful in its influence on other numbers (any number added to 9 yields that number: e.g.. 5+9=14, 4+1=5. and any number multiplied by 9 yields a 9: e.g., 9x5=45,4+5=9). and August 9 people are similarly able to influence those around them. The planet Mars is forceful and aggressive (enhanced for August 9 people by the hot influence of the Sun, Leo's ruler), and embodies male energy; thus August 9 women may be seen sometimes as being a bit too pushy, and August 9 men as overly aggressive.

August 9th Birthday Tarot Card

The 9th card of the Major Arcana is The Hermit, who walks carrying a lantern and a stick; he represents meditation, isolation and silence. The card signifies crystallized wisdom and ultimate discipline. The Hermit is a taskmaster who uses conscience to keep others on their own path. The positive side of this card is stick-to-it-iveness, purpose, profundity and concentration; negative meanings include dogmatism, intolerance, mistrust and discouragement. August 9 people should learn from it the value of withdrawal from the world and periodic examination of their values.

☆Luck maker:(Learn to listen more)Lucky people understand that one of the most effective ways to gather potentially luckmaking information is to keep their mouth shut and their eyes and ears open.

Love Concern not control is required

You’re drawn to people born on March 20 to April 21:You are both dynamic individuals and this relationship has the potential to be a passionate and creative combination.

Although they are charming and have no problem attracting admirers, there is a tendency for people born on August 9 to come on too strongly or be too assertive and controlling in relationships, frequently telling loved ones what to do or even what to think in a self-righteous manner. Though their intentions are good, if they don’t allow others the same freedom they demand for themselves they could end up feeling emotionally isolated.

Health Listen to your own advice

Although people born on this day are excellent at dispensing health and diet advice to those around them, when it comes to their own lifestyle they may not show the same wisdom. They need to learn to listen to themselves, and put their own diet and health in the spotlight. As far as diet is concerned, they may find that, especially in later life, weight problems occur; but instead of skipping meals, which can slow their metabolism, they need to eat smaller meals every few hours to keep their metabolism and energy levels high and hunger at bay. It is especially important for them not to skip breakfast. Regular exercise is also recommended, in particular walking or jogging, because it is something they can do anytime, anywhere and will fit in with their busy lifestyle. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color indigo will help them feel calmer and encourage them to be less intimidating in their authority over others.

As they are so often involved in group endeavors. August 9 people generally have structured lives conducive to regular habits. Unfortunately, many August 9 people show more interest and concern for the health of others than they do for their own well-being. If they would only listen to their own advice concerning necessary nutrients, exercise and regular rest they would remain extremely healthy. Because of their disregard for their own fitness, however, they must Ix- periodically reminded by their mates, family or friends to take better care of themselves.

Career Born careers advisors

These people are well suited to careers in which they can devote themselves to guiding and benefiting others, such as teaching, counseling, lecturing, or human resources. They may also be drawn to politics and public relations. Alternatively, the world of entertainment may provide an outlet for their imagination and creativity.

Destiny To inform and inspire others

The life path of people born on this day is to understand that a vital part of the personal development of other people is for them to make their own decisions. When they are able to give others the freedom they need to flourish, their destiny is to inform and inspire others.

What you believe to be true for the welfare of others is not always for the best. Remember the power your words have to control and to hurt; therefore beware of undue influence on the lives of others. Learn to listen carefully.

Celebrities Born On August 9th

Whitney Houston(American singer), Melanie Griffith(American actress), Eric Bana(Australian actor and comedian),

Jean Piaget (French child psychologist, intelligence expert), Marvin Minsky (computer scientist, Artificial Intelligence pioneer, writer, Robotics), Whitney Houston (singer, film actress), John Smith (3x world champion wrestler [1 37 lbs.], US Olympic 2x gold medalist, only wrestler to ever win Sullivan Award), Bob Cousy (Boston Celtics basketball guard, I Ox All-NBA first team, MVP, 8x top in assists, led Celtics to six NBA titles), Melanie Griffith (film actress), Rod Laver (Australian tennis champion, only 2x grand-slam winner, 4x Wimbledon champion), John Dryden (British poet). Ralph Houk (New York Yankees baseball manager, three AL championships, two World Series victories), Jacques Parizeau (economics professor, Quebec Party leader). David Steinberg (comedian), Sam Elliott (actor), Robert Aldnch (TV, film director, The Longest Yard, producer), Zino Francescatti (violinist), "Neon" Deion Sanders (baseball outfielder and football defensive back, NFL All-Pro), Brett Hull (Hockey RW. NHL MVP, Bobby's son, holds right-wing scoring record with eighty-six goals), Mario Zagalo (Brazilian soccer star, captain and coach of World Cup champion), Joe Jackson (singer, songwriter), Phillip Larkin (British poet), Izaak Walton (British 1 7 th c. writer, The Compleat Angler)

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