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August 9th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onAugust 09, 2024

You deserve a glamorous slamming pick-me-up. Try a Martini. Mix 2 parts dry vermouth, 1 part gin, and cracked ice in a shaker until frost forms. Strain into chilled cocktail glass, garnish with stuffed olive or lemon rind.

Sun Sign: Leo/Sun

Decanate: Leo/Jupiter; Numbers: 8, 9

August 9th Birthday Love Astrology

These are extremely persuasive individuals, with buckets of reassuring charm. August 9 is clever, serious and innovative, with a genuine desire to make the world a better place. You will very often find them in medicine, science, teaching and writing where they may become famous for new breakthroughs. If they turn to the visual arts there will be murals, or sculptures for public places and hospitals, maybe stations, which are primarily constructed to give enjoyment, not to shock. August 9 is a jolly person whose artistic view is not ultra-challenging - neither better nor worse for that.

Both sexes may be drawn to medicine from an early age. If this is so, how lucky they are to pursue a career to which they are dedicated. It will be cruel and pointless for anybody around them to try to put them off. Far better to discuss if a teenager wishes to end up as a GP, or a hospital specialist. The former doesnt necessarily come second to the latter. And then, which particular speciality fascinates them. At present it looks as if virology and the study of the brain are going to be areas of high hospital employment in the 21st century.

The men's reassuring manner helps them lead others. They make audiences listen, and that also means children in a school class. August 9 makes science lessons as fascinating as The X-Files, social studies as enchanting as Disney's Beauty and the Beast, and literature something to enjoy and be proud of. Kids will always remember this individual, and in adulthood look back with grateful affection.

The women are as likely to be a surgeon as a hairdresser, but when babies arrive, hairdresser may be a more practical alternative. Surgeons regularly work all night. If it's a hairdresser's, or any kind of service shop - perhaps a beauty parlour or a baker with ovens at the back - August 9 will make it very special.

In Love

Lions born on this date are among the most optimistic members of their Sun sign. Innately warm and loving, your generosity to others is legendary.

You regard love as absolutely vital to personal happiness, and you project a magnetic allure that draws it into your life. As romantic as you are compassionate, you’re as likely to fall in love with an ideal as with a person.

However, if reality doesn’t live up to your dreams, you don’t let your disappointment keep you from seeking another soul mate. When you find your special someone, you’re loyal and devoted to his or her happiness.

In Bed

Your chameleonlike personality provides endless fascination in the bedroom.

You’re quite capable of enchanting your lover with subtle seductive moves one night and then dazzling him or her with sizzling intensity and wild abandon the next. Engaging in dramatic, ecstatic lovemaking makes you feel vitally alive. Taking time for slow, deliberate foreplay opens up all your senses. Your innate ability to intuit your partner’s needs and desires makes it easy for you to gratify them.


This date is not plagued by health problems, but may suffer from sleeplessness. When you are very tired, new projects or indeed almost anything seems an enormous challenge. Worse still, fatigue induces worries that the world doesnt like you, anxieties about things in the home left undone and telephone calls not made. A good night's sleep fixes all this. A few drops of aromatherapy oil, lavender is ideal, can help you achieve this. Sprinkle on the pillow, or for a more lasting effect, sprinkle on a piece of cotton and place it inside the pillowcase so that the aroma seeps through.


You respond passionately to visual entertainment and dramatic lovemaking.

A sultry, exotic striptease is a guaranteed turn-on. Your ideal lover is open to suggestions for spontaneous play and eager to join you in acting out your amorous daydreams. By creating an otherworldly atmosphere together, you intensify your feelings of intimacy.


You deserve a glamorous slamming pick-me-up. Try a Martini. Mix 2 parts dry vermouth, 1 part gin, and cracked ice in a shaker until frost forms. Strain into chilled cocktail glass, garnish with stuffed olive or lemon rind.

Reality Check

Although you think you want a tranquil existence, your fiery solar nature craves action, excitement, and drama. Imaginative and intuitive, with an artistic temperament, you tend to be more restless and unpredictable than the average Leo Sun native. You’re also more sensitive and easily distressed than most other lions. Because your humanitarian instincts are so strong, you do whatever you can to help people in need.

August 9 Date Share

Whitney Houston, singer, beauty, film star.Melanie Griffith, Hollywood film star.Rod Laver, Australian tennis champion.John Dryden, British poet.Philip Larkin, British poet. Jean Piaget, Swiss child psychologist, father of 20th century child development theories.

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