One of your biggest challenges is keeping track of what you’ve done. While you may keep a diary, actually noting your achievements is a lot more difficult. Except how else will you remember what you achieved if you don’t at least make a note or save a souvenir that will remind you of those achievements?
The best adventure is as challenging as it is unexpected
You sometimes think the best gift you could possibly have is some free time—time to relax, time to do what you want, time to think. But, despite those dreams, it seems like you always have too much to do. Yet you also tend to refuse offers of help from those around you, some of whom really enjoy doing exactly that kind of thing. They are not only able to impose order on life’s tedious practicalities, they’ll happily organize you, then deal with those matters so you don’t have to do.
Still, you say “No.” Why? Usually, the reason is that you feel explaining what needs to be done would take too much time. But the fact is, you are impatient. Others can probably figure out how to deal with any such matters and with what you’re doing—and probably better than you.
That may be a shock. However, at the same time it will create an entirely new relationship, first, with time—you will have more of it. But it will also alter your relationship with those individuals you’ve simply dismissed as being unable to handle things as well as you do. They can, and actually, better than you. This recognition of their abilities will change your relationship as well. They will know you appreciate them, and trust them with those tasks. Even more than that, you will be able to speak as equals, too.
Recognizing that some individuals have the same joy you do in being spontaneous, at acting swiftly, yet others don’t, is a great gift. In both cases, you’ll want to thank them for what they offer, but also you want to recognize who you can trust with those pressing tasks.
Many people don’t think of this. But for you as a Sagittarius, in particular, clearing out your space is as important as exercise. Getting rid of excess stuff, which you look at and which depletes your energy, is as important as doing actual exercise.
One of your biggest challenges is keeping track of what you’ve done. While you may keep a diary, actually noting your achievements is a lot more difficult. Except how else will you remember what you achieved if you don’t at least make a note or save a souvenir that will remind you of those achievements?
There is no tidy way to make sudden and, in some cases, dramatic changes in long-standing arrangements. Others may complain that they, too, are being influenced by the changes triggered by this current cycle. Unsettling as these are, there is no arguing the fact that things must move on.
Sagittarius: NOVEMBER 21 – DECEMBER 20
Ruler: Jupiter
Symbol: The Archer
Element: Fire
Flower: Dandelion
Being half horse, half human—and what’s more, an archer—it’s no surprise you Sagittarians are restless. The third fire sign, you thrive on new ideas, action, and challenges, and suffer when life is too predictable. While you’re risk-takers, you’ve an instinctive sense that comes from your ruling planet, the fortunate Jupiter. Dandelion is your flower, sharp cinnamon is your herb, and the yew is your tree. Your stone is gold topaz.