A short first finger, often found in December 18, denotes disinclination to take responsibility. Its owner neither wishes to be pinned down nor be put in a position where either sex has to pin down others.
Sun Sign: Sagittarius/Jupiter
Decanate: Sagittarius/Sun; Numbers: 3, 9
Many December 18 people have great joy in their surroundings. They were made for parties and celebrations. They were also made for summer sports, particularly watery ones, picnics and all the other good things that go with June, July and August. Weddings always make both sexes cry. The men like cricket. And both sexes adore dressing up for fancy events.
They make good style journalists and creators, always with an eye to novel ideas which bring amusement. It's December 18 who plans fabulous firework displays with a barbecue for forty beforehand. At weddings their speeches are packed with appalling jokes, but nobody minds. Both sexes have to be discouraged from taking their clothes off in restaurants and at parties. And in particular from feeling tempted to streak at the Oval or Wimbledon.
Jolly December 18 is the good sort at work who asks everybody down to the pub and institutes a work darts match, or a lovely legs competition for men. And he or she's the one who starts a collection for sick workmates or somebody who's been unfairly or even fairly sacked. They don't blame. Just help.
Many do have trouble reaching career heights because they aren't motivated to give everything up for vaulting ambition. As policemen they are happy to stay on the beat, where they feel the real work is done. Nearly all have such strong outside interests anyway that they can't abide the idea of staying late. And often can't abide staying in any job at all for very long because they want to travel, or maybe just go and live in a new part of the country.
Women born today have slightly less of the rolling stone about them, preferring to settle down and bring up children without too much change. But if they must, they take a sanguine view of any move, believing that somehow everything will turn out for the best. Which it mostly does for December 18.
More emotional and less independent than the typical archer, you believe in true love and long to meet your soul mate. When you find the one you are seeking, you make a devoted, passionate, sexy lover. Sharing and caring are so important to you that it is natural for you to reach out to your beloved.
All your hopes and dreams seem more attainable when you’re able to talk over your plans with the one you love. Forthright communication is important to you in an intimate union, and you like knowing that you can say virtually anything to your romantic partner.
You lead an inner life based on romantic ideals. When you embark on a new relationship, you expect it to live up to some idea you’ve formed in your mind. Then when the real person fails to live up to your dreams, you’re disappointed. However, when it comes to sex, you’re more pragmatic. You enjoy being with a partner who is as creative and open-minded as you. Moreover, you’re acutely aware of the psychic bond that exists between lovers, and you depend on your intuition to tell you exactly what your bedmate wants and needs.
Travel sickness plagues this travel-loving person who learns to control it by trial and endeavour. Dont curl up in the car seat or slump in the aeroplane. Don't ready hut keep your eyes focused on a distant object out of the window. Keep one window open in a car, or at least a cracky and get out and take walks if you can. This Chinese wrist massage is a favourite for travel sickness. The point lies between the two tendons, two inches up the inner arm from the wrist crease. Massage for a couple of minutes or apply light pressure with fingernail or end of pencil.
Your ideal mate understands your highly intuitive approach to lovemaking.
You always seem to know what your partner feels, and the lover who has the same kind of instincts regarding your sexual needs turns you on. Fantasy plays a huge role in your life. Your imagination transports you to exotic places without leaving the comfort of your bed.
A short first finger, often found in December 18, denotes disinclination to take responsibility. Its owner neither wishes to be pinned down nor be put in a position where either sex has to pin down others.
Mentally you are clever and quick witted, yet also thoughtful and philosophical. The unification of intuition and imagination, with the energy and enthusiasm of your fiery Sun sign, fuels your inclination to explore both the material universe and the inner world of ideas.
Brad Pitt, Hollywood hot property, Interview With The Vampire. Keith Richards, British guitarist, singer, songwriter, Rolling Stones icon. Ray Liotta, comedian, film star, actor. Betty Grabie, film star. Steve Biko, South African student leader, murdered by police. Steven Spielberg, film director, producer, Jurassic Park, Schindlers List. Willy Brandt, Nobel Peace Prize-winning German chancellor. Paul Klee, Swiss painter. Christopher Fry, playwright, verse plays. The Lady Is Not For Burning. Joseph Grimaldi, British clown.