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December 20th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onDecember 20, 2024

Find this person with a dog'or cat, neither pedigree, but sharing a close and loving relationship with their master or mistress. December 20 talks to animals for hours and others around them know that whatever is said between them is important.

Sun Sign: Sagittarius/Jupiter

Decanate: Sagittarius/Sun; Numbers: 2, 5

December 20th Birthday Love Astrology

This lovely child of Christmas brings more to the mortal world than it understands. Like the Three Wise Men, December 20 comes to others bearing gifts whose richness can never be bought. This is an old soul, one who has lived before and brings back from another world wisdom which can't be learned in one lifetime. Most of them endure a career rather than throw themselves into one. They are talented enough to do anything, but content themselves by earning money by whatever is at hand.

December 20's main job seems to be to conserve, encourage and in some way enlighten those about him. Not done consciously, but naturally. Most will become extremely knowledgeable about their interests, formally educated or not. Most will also read and write and feel that there are never enough hours in the day to complete their intense interests and the tasks they set themselves.

Marvellous fathers, most December 20s pass on dignity and fairness to their own children, with a gentle love of the countryside and acknowledgement of each man and woman's value. Ms 20 is slightly more practical than her male counterpart, soothing herself with household tasks such as bottling fruit and traditional skills of homemaking.

In public life they will be concerned with some form of education, very likely setting up centres of learning, or making sure that all children, however underprivileged or damaged, get a greater chance in the world. Usually great linguists, but never showing off their intellectual talents in any area, either sex may choose to work abroad, often in dangerous countries and to their own disadvantage. But they never mind. If danger threatens they shrug and leave it to fate. A small house or even a room is all the home they need. And although pleasure-loving and certainly naturally aesthetic - they may have a stunning painting or book collection - it's no matter to December 20 if he or she loses most of their worldly possessions.

In Love

The individual celebrating a birthday on this day is cheerful, exciting, and fun loving yet also reliable and dependable. In an intimate relationship, you are an ardent, affectionate, and generous lover. Sometimes you feel confused about what you want in life. Although your heart yearns for freedom and independence, your more practical head prefers a settled existence with roots and a firm foundation. Even so, you tend to become bored and restless if you stick close to home for long periods of time. Your ideal mate understands the duality of your nature and shares your love of travel and adventure.

In Bed

You have an innate understanding of intimate relations and a willingness to invest a great deal of energy in satisfying your own and your partner’s sexual desires. Any gesture of physical contact with your lover is likely to spark your fire. You respond amorously to the beauty and comfort of sumptuous surroundings and the tactile pleasures of lush, luxurious fabrics. Your way with words extends to the bedroom, and your sweet, affectionate pillow talk evokes a romantic atmosphere.


December 20 adores making small things for Christmas, much more than buying them. Try Traditional Christmas Tree Decorations. Gold or silver tassels from furnishing departments make lovely decorations, especially if you attach fake pearls, tiny beads or a single sparkling drop earring. Tie on tree with thin wire or silver embroidery thread. Thread an assortment of beads on to strong thin florists’ wire or cord, mixing artificial pearls with different shaped glass beds, anything light and spangly. Hang a few short lengths of the beads off the main string and leave a wire loop at each end for fixing to tree.


You’re extremely sensual, with a deep appreciation for all the good things in life. A slow, languid aromatherapy massage relaxes you into a state of heightened receptivity. Erotic touching reenergizes you and incites your lusty libido. Subtle teasing adds to your anticipation, and delving into your collection of sexy toys further inflames your passions.


Find this person with a dog'or cat, neither pedigree, but sharing a close and loving relationship with their master or mistress. December 20 talks to animals for hours and others around them know that whatever is said between them is important.

Reality Check

Philosophical and highly principled, you are honorable and sincere but also extremely frank and outspoken. Your propensity for saying what you think can get you into a great deal of trouble. You are not a snob, intellectual or otherwise, but there is a touch of the pompous in your nature. At times, you can come across as something of a know-it-all.

December 20 Date Share

Died: Bobby Darin, Hollywood heart-throb. Born: Kiefer Sutherland, film star. George Hill, director, Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid, The Sting. Jenny Agutter, actress, dancer, The Railway Children. Irene Dunne, film star, stage actress. Bob Hayes, US Olympic gold medal-winning 100 metres sprinter. Uli Geller, Israeli psychic, paranormal, once bent Katharine Hadley's spoon from behind kitchen door. Kim Young Sam, South Korean president. Peter Crisscoula, rock musician, Kiss.

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