December 23rd Cautious Revolutionary Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onDecember 23, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is coping with sudden change

☆The way forward is to understand that sometimes it is impossible to control the outcome of events; you simply have to bend in the direction that life is taking you.

The Birthday Of The Cautious Revolutionary, The Day Of The Groundbreakers

December 23rd Cautious Revolutionary Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of December 23rd Birthdays

Sun signs: Capricorn/Sagittarius

Ruling planets: Saturn, the teacher/Jupiter, the philosopher

Symbols: The Goat

Birth date ruler: Mercury, the communicator

Tarot card: The Hierophant (guidance)

Favorable numbers: 5, 8

Lucky day: Thursday, especially when it falls on 5 or 8 of the month

Lucky colors: Purple, dark green, gray

Birthstone: Garnet

People born on December 23 are hardworking, quietly ambitious individuals who are at their happiest and their best when they can identify areas of improvement and then formulate original, sometimes radical but always practical solutions. Gifted organizers, they prefer to plan and work toward and then carefully prepare for improvement.

Those born on this day distrust sudden change and feel uncomfortable when it is thrust upon them as it upsets their steady and determined plans for progressive change and progress. In fact, when they assume positions of power—which more often than not they do, given their authoritative presence and excellent communication skills—they can be resistant to change. They can also become controlling and authoritarian when challenged, and when alternative viewpoints to their own are given they can become hostile and defensive. It is therefore extremely important for their psychological growth and their professional success that they learn to be more flexible and open-minded in their approach to people and situations.

Before the age of twenty-eight, they may have shown a responsibility beyond their years, perhaps getting their foot on the property ladder long before their peers, taking on the responsibilities of a partner and family, or firmly establishing themselves in their career. After the age of twenty-nine, however, there is a gradual shift of emphasis which highlights a growing need to be more carefree and independent and to express their individuality. Another turning point occurs when they are sixty: they are likely to become more sensitive and responsive to their creative urges.

Whatever their age or stage in life, they need to resist the urge to withdraw into stubbornness, inflexibility and complacency. This is because when they start to be more spontaneous and to share their compassion, generosity, creativity and curiosity with others, they will discover that they have the ability to lead and inspire others to follow them along the optimum path to progress, in whatever direction, or directions, it takes everyone.

☆ On the dark side:Complacent, authoritarian, inflexible

☆ At your best:Responsible, innovative, steady

Those bom on December 23 are happiest when they are breaking new ground, forging ahead in an effort to promote and implement their ideas and dreams. This should not give the impression that they are particularly radical or revolutionary since they are more often of a cautious and measured nature. Indeed, those born on this day generally embrace firmly established values, consider their plans carefully before acting and stay closely linked to the family or social group to which they belong. They can often be found improving the lot of this group, and because they are mentally quick they instinctively find the best way to do so. In this sense they are prophetic, capable of looking into the future and seeing not only what will be necessary at a later date bin also how to make ready for it.

December 23 people refuse to be ignored. They view outright rejection as a challenge to which they are fully prepared to respond. Since struggle comes naturally to those bom on this day, they generally will refuse to fold under pressure. This should not imply that they are invulnerable to feelings of self-doubt, but such insecurity usually just urges them on to improve and establish themselves at a higher level. In fact, those born on this day often feel uncomfortable with themselves or their position in life. A fundamental discomfort with their status may well prompt them to actively pursue their dreams rather than sit idly by wishing.

December 23 people have a characteristic earthiness about them combined with a stubborn streak that can make them hard to deal with. They do not appreciate their authority being challenged, nor are they particularly fond of far out or radical ideas (other than their own, of course). It is important that those bom on this day who achieve positions of power or influence remain open to healthy criticism and positive suggestions, and distinguish them from harmful negativity directed their way.

Understanding, particularly of an emotional sort, rarely occupies the highest position on the December 23 list of abilities and values. Although often possessed of a folksy or whimsical attitude that can be quite endearing, those bom on this day can just as easily appear cold and removed. December 23 men must be careful of assuming macho attitudes and women of being overly aggressive or dominant. Both sexes in later life will have to leam eventually to get out of the way and allow the younger generation to come through. But retirement does not sit easily with most December 23 people, who would prefer to be back in a more active role.

Power Thought:There is no greater power for me than the power of the present moment,Being overlooked can sometimes be a blessing

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 23th day of the month are ruled by the number 5 <2+3=t). and by the planet Mercury. Since Mercury represents quickness of thought and change. December 23 people may find themselves likely to overreact mentally and to change their minds and physical surroundings with great regularity, although in December 23 people this last point is mitigated by Saturn’s rulership of Capricorn. Whatever hard knocks those ruled by the number 5 receive from life tvplcally have little lasting effect on them—they recover quickly. The number 23 is associated with happening, and for December 23 people this underlines their desire for interesting, and sometimes dangerous experiences.

December 23rd Birthday Tarot Card

The 5th card of the Major Arcana is The Hierophant, an interpreter of sacred mysteries who is symbolic of human understanding and faith. His knowledge is esoteric and he has authority over things unseen. Favorable traits conferred by this card are self-assuredness and insight unfavorable traits include moralizing, bombast and dogmatism.

☆Luck maker:(Live in the now)Lucky people have a habit of squeezing happiness out of their present circumstances, so don’t waste the present focusing on the future, and make sure every day is your lucky day.

Love Dynamic but cold

You’re drawn to people born on August 23 to September 22:You are supportive and hardworking individuals, and have a natural, easygoing rapport with each other.

People born on December 23 are dynamic, charming and rarely short of admirers, but they can be quite cold and withdrawn when it comes to affairs of the heart. It’s crucially importance that they get in touch with their own feelings and those of others because their strong emotions need to express themselves positively in a loving, supportive relationship.

Health Cautious

People born on this day tend to have a conservative, cautious but stable approach to their health. Although this can sometimes block their progress in life, their chances of living to a ripe and healthy old age are high. On the down side, however, are their tendencies to worry and overwork, which can lower their immunity and make them prone to stress and mood swings. Rheumatism could be a problem with advancing age and they need to make sure they keep as active and flexible as possible in their daily lives. A regular program of moderate activity is highly recommended, as are daily stretching exercises. They also need to keep as mentally flexible as possible; whatever their age, learning a new skill or language is highly recommended, as is further education. As far as diet is concerned, these people need to cut down on salt and sugar, and increase their intake of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, oily fish, nuts, and seeds to keep their skin and hair glowing and their libido healthy. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color red will encourage them to be more passionate and impulsive.

December 23 people should take particular care of their bodies with advancing age. Those born on this day can be vulnerable to accidents which result from overuse of muscles as well as overstress of the skeletal bones, particular!; of the back. Attention should be paid to the teeth when young to avoid serious dental problems later, which often start to become a problem in the thirties and forties. Normally, fixed dietary patterns emerge for December 23 people by middle life, and these need only to be gently, but firmly, steered into the right direction to increase chances of continued health and longevity (primarily by lessening fats and increasing consumption of fresh foods). As far as exercise is concerned, only moderate physical activity is recommended, usually of a less competitive nature, although team sports can lend an important social component that is highly beneficial.

Career Born judges

These people are well suited to careers in politics, law enforcement or commerce, although those who wish to use their creativity may be attracted to science, art or spirituality. Possible work options include management, administration, promotion, photography, art, writing, music, and drama.

Destiny To advance the greater good

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to be more tolerant, accepting and flexible. Once they are able to go more with the flow of life, their destiny is to direct others along lines that can advance the greater good.

Don’t micro-manage your life; beware of being penny-wise but pound foolish Planning too much for the future can inhibit the natural flow of events. Learn to be more accepting of otli ers viewpoints.

Celebrities Born On December 23rd

Carla Bruni(Italian model), Chet Baker(American jazz musician), Eddie Vedder(American musician and singer-songwriter),

Joseph Smith (Mormon founder, visionary conversion, wrote Be ok of Mormon, fifty wives, shot to death with brother by mob), jean-Franco:s Champollion j (archaeologist. first Aegyptologist, broke hieroglyphic coce), John Jay (Supreme Court first chief justice, diplomat), Robert Bly (poet, men’s realizat'on teacher, Iron John), Antonio Tapies (Spanish 20th c. painter), Emperor Akihito (Japanese royalty, Hirohrto’s son, mamed a commoner), Helmut Schmidt (West German chancellor), Connie Mack (baseball owner, Philadelphia A's. manager for forty-nine years, coached team to five World Series wins, nine AL pennants, all-time wins leader). Jousef Karsh (Turkish- Armenian-Canad:an portrait photographer), Chet Baker (jazz trumpeter, singer, subject of film Let's Get Lost), Jose Greco (Italian-American choreographer, flamenco dancer), Alexander I (Russian emperor), James B. Duke (industrialist, American Tobacco Company founder, Г1 Duke University supporter), paul Mornung (football ha'fback, place kicker, 3x NFL leading scorer, "The Golden Boy"), Jonrr.a Kaukonen flead guitarist, singer, songwriter, Jefferson Airplane, Siarsh p), D no Ris. (ltnlan fmd rector AD ’feuiLife, cntic psychiatrist), Bob Kurland (basketba I center. 3x All-Anerican, led US Olymp : team to two gold medals). Susan Lucci (TV actress. Enka Kane in А М/ Ch &en), Dick Weber (Зх PBA Bo'.vler of Year, thirty PBA tites over four decades), Harold Masursky (NASA geo og st)

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