☆Your greatest challenge is learning from your mistakes
☆The way forward is to understand that if an approach doesn’t work the first time around, unless changes are made it won’t work the second time either.
The Birthday Of Complicated Far Sight, The Day Of Complex Emotions
Sun sign: Capricorn
Ruling planet: Saturn, the teacher
Symbol: The Goat
Birth date ruler: Venus, the lover
Tarot card: The Lovers (choices)
Favorable numbers: 6, 9
Lucky days: Saturday and Friday, especially when these days fall on 6 and 9 of the month
Lucky colors: Indigo, pink, lavender
Birthstone: Garnet
People born on December 24 seem destined to live complicated, uncertain but exciting and fast-moving lives. Life is never straightforward or stress-free for them, but they have a knack of rising above challenges and achieving great success.
There are many reasons why life can appear unnecessarily stressful for people born on this day. They can find it hard to react with tact and diplomacy to people and situations, and they aren’t very good at learning from their mistakes. They also have a gift for seeing into the future, or for knowing which methods will or won’t work. In this respect they could be described as visionary, but unfortunately for them it takes a while for others—and themselves—to recognize and appreciate their gift of far-sightedness. Until that recognition is forthcoming others will wonder why they insist on making life so difficult, and they themselves will wonder why life always feels so complicated.
Until the age of twenty-seven they tend to place practical considerations and a desire for order and security first, but after the age of twenty-eight things start to change and they will often feel a growing need for independence and a desire to express their individuality. After the age of fifty-eight there is more emphasis on emotional receptivity, and these are the years when their intuitive potential may develop into psychic ability. Whatever their age or stage in life, the key to their success will be their ability to learn from their mistakes and be more sensitive and tactful with others, especially those who recognize their potential and want to help them. If a dose of self-confidence is thrown into the mix, not only will they will start to understand themselves and the people around them better, but life will start to feel and become much easier and more rewarding for them. When all this comes together, they will finally be able to see their potential clearly and to attract considerable success and happiness into their lives.
☆ On the dark side:Confusing, tactless, stubborn
☆ At your best:Innovative, visionary, exciting
Those bom on December 24 cannot expect to have an easy life. Their joys, sorrows, rewards and disappointments are generally of a greater order of magnitude than those around them, who indeed may think that those bom on this day put themselves through unnecessary stress and tribulations. From the point of view of emotions (particularly true of December 24 women), their involved, demanding and difficult interpersonal relationships can contribute an env ironment of uncertainty to their already complex lifestyles.
Though things rarely go easily for December 24 people, they somehow manage to keep their heads above water and even accomplish great things. Of hey are usually excellent at giving structure to their lives, for example in terms of order and neatness.) What career problems they have are usually related to their emotional nature, which can create difficulties with their superiors and colleagues. They are able to get along with people, and even win their respect, but nonetheless seem to arouse hidden animosities and encounter powerful enemies. What other people may dislike about them is their very forward way of critiquing a given situation or product, which at times can lack diplomacy and tact. The key to those bom on this day improving themselves lies in recognizing certain patterns in their lives, studying them and resolving not to repeat those actions that didn't work. Thus they will be able to better their fortunes and avoid landing themselves in a mess, which they naturally hate.
December 24 people often have psychic or intuitive abilities, and part of their problem is that they may see and already react to things which have not even occurred to others. Because of this, they must leam to cultivate patience and not get so quickly turned off and irritated.
They have magnetic qualities that attract others to them (often sexually), but those who are drawn to them are not always the right people in a long-term constructive sense. Consequently, December 24 people may later have trouble breaking off attachments with those they have mistakenly encouraged at the outset.
Not infrequently there is a technical, specialized area in which December 24 people excel.
If they can keep their nose to the grindstone, deal with the anxieties and depressions to which they are prone, not allow their emotional lives to intrude too much on their work and above all maintain faith in themselves and their aspirations, they will be highly successful in their field.
On the other hand, if they cannot maintain their objectivity and self-confidence they can flounder. sometimes for years. Without building a wall around themselves (which can happen), they must guard their independence and at the same time discharge their responsibilities.
December 24 people must leam how to deal with negative energy and upsetting circumstances.
If they cannot cultivate a more optimistic outlook tow ard life, they may bring unhappiness on themselves, simply by expecting it. On the other hand, if they remain realistic but open to life's possibilities, giving and taking in an easy fashion, they can ease difficulties and make life more pleasurable.
Power Thought:I will grow wiser and stronger emotionally every day,Does the dog wag the tail, or does the tail wag the dog?
Those born on the 24th day of the month are ruled by the number 6 (2+4=6), and by the planet Venus. Because those ruled by the number 6 are magnetic in attracting love and admiration, and since Venus is strongly connected with social interaction, it would be a strong temptation for December 24 people to give themselves over to the easy pursuit of pleasure, were it not for the somber influence of the planet Saturn (ruler of Capricorn). A Venus-Saturn connection can make for difficulties in interpersonal relationships. Often love becomes the dominant theme in the lives of those ruled by the Number 6.
Emphasizing this last point is the fact that the 6th card of the Major Arcana of the Tarot is The Lovers. In the case of December 24 people this love theme may be written in a minor key. producing major disappointments. On the good side The Lovers indicates affections and desires of a high moral and aesthetic as well as physical caliber; on the bad side it suggests unhealthy seduction, unfulfilled desires, and sentimentality and indecisivcness.
☆Luck maker:(Show people how help helps)When you ask people for advice or input, keep them updated on your progress; it’s amazing how something as simple as an update can keep them motivated to continue sending opportunities your way.
You’re drawn to people born on April 20 to May 20:You are both sensual and dramatic individuals; if you remain loyal, this can be a fulfilling and intense union.
People born on December 24 can be extremely attractive to others in a sexual way, and potential partners will find them honest, romantic and exciting. As they are so sensitive, demonstrations of love and affection are especially important to them, and can help them feel calmer and less confused about themselves and their action-packed lives. Although they may have many partners, their need for security will help them settle down and commit when they find the right person.
The lives of people born on this day can be very complicated emotionally and as a result they are likely to suffer from stress, anxiety and occasionally depression. Learning to accept and manage their emotions is crucial because, once they understand that they are in control of the way they feel and that their emotions do not control them, their lives will improve immeasurably. They need to be careful that they don’t attract people or experiences into their lives that are damaging for them, and should stay away from recreational drugs of all kinds. Building their self-confidence and sense of self-worth is central here. As far as diet is concerned, they should aim for variety, and when it comes to exercise, vigorous exercise at least four or five times a week will help them deal with pent-up emotions. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color blue will help give them the objectivity they need to make better decisions.
Those bom on December 24 must be particularly careful of attracting the wrong kind of energy. In this respect they can be highly self-destructive. Psychologically, their labile emotions can lead to anxiety, depression and excitable tendencies. Developing their self-confidence and not falling prey to negative energy- and unconstructive criticism is important. Often therapy and or counseling is helpful, but those born on this day should beware of getting hooked on medications which regulate their moods. Vigorous physical exercise and a positive attitude toward diet can be invaluable in maintaining stability. Dancing is highly recommended, particularly in a social context. Rather than restricting their diet, most December 2^ people should widen their culinary range by trying many different types of food.
They may choose to work as technical, commercial, political, or educational innovators, or they may become pioneers in the arts. Possible work options include writing, teaching, acting, politics, or the world of entertainment. They may also be attracted to the study of philosophy, metaphysics or mysticism.
The life path of people born on this day is to learn from the past, not repeat it. Once they have started to build their self-esteem, their destiny is to better themselves and, by so doing, to better society and point the way toward progress.
Don't repeat your mistakes; learn from hurtful experiences. You are not a football; believe in yourself and demand recognition for your talents and accomplishments. Be careful around dnigs of all types
Ava Gardner(American actress), Ricky Martin(Puerto Rican singer-songwriter), Kate Spade(American fashion designer and entrepreneur),
Michel de Nostradamus (Provencal- Jew:sh prophet physician, astrologer, ma;or pred'ctions for future have St. Ignatius Loyola (Spanish founder of Jesuit order, leader Counter Reformation), Tycho Brahe (Danish 16th c. astronomer, instituted systematic and accurate astronomical ODservations), Kit Carson (frontiersman, US Army general, scout trapper, rancher), Leadbely (blues singer, convicted murderer, pardoned after compos ng, singing blues for Texas governor). Robert Joffrey (New Yorx choreographer, ballet company founder), Howard R Hughes ( ndustna st aviator, film producer, bi ,ona:re recluse), Ava Gardner (film acfess), Jan Ramon Jimnez (Soanish Nobei Prize-winning poet Piatero and I), Cab Calloway (entertainer, singer, musician, bandleader), Michael Curtiz (d rector of over 150 feature films, Yankee Doodle Dandy, Casablanca), Wooay Shaw ( azz trumpeter), Baby Dodds (leading New Orieans-style jazz drummer), Emanuel Las