December 25th Peak Experience Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onDecember 25, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is being realistic

☆The way forward is to understand that setting yourself goals or ideals that are unattainable isn’t uplifting, it is the path to disillusionment and unhappiness.

The Birthday Of The Peak Experience, The Day Of The Supernatural

December 25th Peak Experience Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of December 25th Birthdays

Sun sign: Capricorn

Ruling planet: Saturn, the teacher

Symbol: The Goat

Birth date ruler: Neptune, the speculator

Tarot card: The Chariot (resilience)

Favorable numbers: 1, 7

Lucky days: Saturday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 7 of the month

Lucky colors: Indigo, sea green, pale blue

Birthstone: Garnet

People born on December 25 can struggle with the more mundane aspects of life, and the main theme in their lives is their search for a state of heightened awareness where they can transcend the everyday. Others may dismiss them as unrealistic dreamers but may secretly admire the sense of awe and wonder they bring to everything they say and do.

In both their professional and their personal lives, they bring energy, strength of purpose and a gift for organization. Above all, they bring a willingness to push things just that little bit further than others would dare in search of the peak experience they long to experience. One of the reasons people born on this day may feel the need to make their experience of life extraordinary is because they generally receive less attention on their birthday than anyone else in the year. They may therefore feel they are missing out on life in some way. These feelings persist throughout their lives, giving them the drive and the determination to stand out and achieve their ambitious aspirations.

Before the age of twenty-six they are likely to have a goal-orientated, straightforward approach to their achievements, but after the age of twenty-seven and for the next thirty years they are likely to feel a growing need to experiment with different concepts and express their individuality. Another turning point comes at the age of fifty-seven when they are likely to place more emphasis on their already enhanced sensitivity and feelings.

Whatever their age or stage in life, however, they will always place spiritual aspirations above material ones; this doesn’t just set them apart, it puts them way ahead of the rest. As long as these goals are not used as a means of escaping from the complications of life, and as long as they can find ways to increase their chances of success by injecting realism into their idealistic visions, these people are capable not only of great happiness and fulfillment, but of making lasting contributions to the greater good.

☆ On the dark side:Escapist, restless, sensation seeking

☆ At your best:Visionary, courageous, spiritual

December 25 people like to experience firsthand the more unusual side of life. It is that which releases us from mundane concerns that awakens their interest, often the quest for heightened or exalted states. They may reach such states through forms of art such as music and dance, through religious experience or perhaps imagination alone. However, the less highly evolved of this day may seek to escape from the demands of life or personal problems through a variety of means (stimulants or addictive substances, sensational diversions, etc.).

For many December 25 people, peak experiences have more to do with achievement and concrete deeds than with fanciful thought or imagination. Yet, such accomplishments may still have a fantastic side, and December 25 people are likely to push their abilities and talents to the outer edge of the envelope. Indeed, even the less exceptional people born on this day tend to go that extra mile where their career, hobbies or interests are concerned. Generally speaking, they place greater emphasis on transcending personal or social limits than on accumulating wealth or power.

Regardless of what their ultimate goal happens to be, most December 25 people are risktakers.

If businesspeople. they are not ones to sit on their investments; if artists or craftspeople, they are unlikely to grow complacent over the quality' of their work; as family members, they tend to strive for a group ideal that rises far beyond everyday comforts and concerns.

However, those born on this day must beware of overreaching themselves, as they may jeopardize the well-being of those dependent on them or perhaps unconsciously give in to selfdestructive impulses Because December 25 people tend to be so focused on reaching, attaining, transcending, they may in fact be missing out on some of what is going on at the present time, right now, around them. Therefore, it is important that those born on this day learn to savor the moment, relax a bit and sometimes even bask in the glow of their achievements. In this regard, December 25 people are fortunate when they have friends and loved ones who bring out their more playful side, and allow them to take life a bit less seriously. A large part of appreciating the state of things, life as it is, necessarily involves acceptance of imperfection (both in themselves and others).

Indeed, when those born on December 25 can come to terms with the mundane world around them, the peak experiences they attain will be more meaningful, and their accomplishments more lasting.

Power Thought:I already have all of the joy I need to feel fulfilled and truly alive,Money given is a gift—if it is paid back, then it was a loan

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 25th dayof any month are ruled by the number 7 (2+5=7), and by the planet Neptune which governs mystical and religious states. Because Neptune is the watery planet ruling visions, dreams and psychic phenomena. January 25 people can be prone to unstable influences. The connection between Neptune and Saturn (ruler of Capricorn) can grant both selfcontrol and material fortune. However, on the unfavorable side it can also point to confusion, unreality and physical maladies. Conflicts may be indicated by the presence of two very different energies: Saturn (everyday reality, responsibility, maturity) and Neptune (illusion, metaphysical thought, dissolving bonds).

December 25th Birthday Tarot Card

The 7th card of the Major Arcana is The Chariot, which shows an emperor-like figure, moving through the world, manifesting his physical presence in a dynamic way. The card may be interpreted to mean that no matter how narrow or precarious the correct path, one must continue on. The good side of this card posits success, talents and efficiency; the bad side suggests a dictatorial attitude and a bad sense of direction.

☆Luck maker:(Be willing to compromise)Lucky people are self-aware enough to know who they are and what they believe in, but they are also open-minded and constantly increasing their luck-making potential with experience, insight, feedback, and information.

Love Higher love

You’re drawn to people born on February 19 to March 20:You are both mystical, mysterious creatures; if you keep your feet on the ground this will be a fulfilling relationship.

People born on December 25 have a strong need for love and affection and this may cause them to search for an idealized romance. They are happiest with someone who shares their spiritual aspirations. Although their gentle, uplifting charm can attract admirers, they should not flit from one relationship to another; once in a relationship they need to make sure they don’t put their lover on a pedestal and become overly dependent.

Health Keep your feet on the ground

When it comes to their health, people born on this day can be extremely sensitive to allergies of all kinds and they need to steer clear completely of recreational drugs because there is an addictive side to their personality. As far as diet is concerned, cutting down on caffeine, sugar, salt, saturated fat, and food additives, drinking plenty of water, and increasing their intake of food that is as fresh and as natural as possible are highly recommended. Regular rather than sporadic exercise will not only help boost their self-esteem but help them feel more connected to their bodies, as they have a tendency to detach at times and live in their dreams. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color green will help keep them grounded, and carrying a tiger’s eye crystal will help promote feelings of confidence and courage.

As mentioned above, those born on December 25 must be careful around addictive substances, particularly coffee, amphetamines, alcohol and hallucinogens. Those born on this day also tend to gravitate to those ftxxls which stimulate them, for example, spicy or salty things, sugar drinks or chocolate. When such foods awaken their appetite or give them a sense- of well-being, those born on this day may in fact feel better, but in the long run they should concentrate on increasing fresh fruit and vegetable consumption and in general stick to a diet built around grains, lowfat dairy, and moderate meat or fish consumption. December 25 people are often suited for intense exercise, competitive or team sports, but they should, if possible, make such acth ities a regular part of their life rather than engaging in them sporadically.

Career Born philanthropists

These people have the ability to combine their practical skills with intellectual insight and they may be drawn to science, business, politics, or the arts, where they will demonstrate humanitarian or philanthropic inclinations. Possible career choices might include social reform, charity work, the healing professions, teaching, writing, music, astronomy, chemistry, and biology. Their love of metaphysics may also inspire them to study or teach philosophy, astrology, religion, and spirituality.

Destiny To inspire others with their idealism

The life path of people born on this day is to retain their sense of awe and wonder but keep their feet firmly on the ground. Once they are able to discover the intensity and joy of living in the here and now, their destiny is to inspire others with their progressive and idealistic outlook.

Be realistic, but don't lose your sense of awe and wonderment. Fight disillusionment. Strike a bargain with the world and be open to those compromises thai make things a bit easier on yourself and others Keep it light.

Celebrities Born On December 25th

Sissy Spacek(American actress and singer), Annie Lennox(Scottish singer-songwriter), Humphrey Bogart(American actor),

Jesus of Nazareth [traditional birthdate], Clara Barton (Civil War nurse, American Red Cross founder, lived to age ninety-one), Robert Ripley (cartoonist creator, Believe It or Not), Cissie Spacek (film actress), Rod Serling (6x Emmy Award-winning TV fantasy screenwriter, host The Twilight Zone, Night Gallery, WWII paratrooper), Anwar Sadat (Egyptian president Nobel Peace Prize winner for historic accord with Israel, assassinated), Carlos Castaneda (anthropologist sorcerer's apprentice, writer, The Teachings ofDonJuan), Ernst Ruska (German Nobel Pnze-winning physicist, electron microscope), Gerhard Herzberg (Canadian physicist spectroscopist Nobel Prize for chemistry), Ricky Henderson (Oakland A's outfielder, single season and all-time base stealing leader, MVP), Larry Csonka (football full- back, led Miami Dol- Pnins to perfect season and Super Bowl victory), Annie Lennox (rock musician, lead singer, The Eurythmics), Ronnie Cuber (jazz baritone saxophonist, bandleader, composer), Helena Rubinstein (Russian-bom cosmetics manufacturer), Conrad Nicholson Hilton (hotel founder, magnate, father of Nickie), Barbara Mandrell (country singer, Mandrell Sisters), Gao Ying (Chinese writer, Da Ji and Her Fathers), Vladimir Tatlm (Russian constructivist painter), Noel Redding (rock bassist Jim/ Hendhx Experience), Quentin Cnsp (writer, The Naked Gvil Servant)

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