December 27th Golden Heart Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onDecember 27, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is saying “no”

☆The way forward is to understand that saying “no” when you are not in a position to give is saying “yes” to yourself.

The Birthday Of The Golden Heart, The Day Of The Clever Contributor

December 27th Golden Heart Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of December 27th Birthdays

Sun sign: Capricorn

Ruling planet: Saturn, the teacher

Symbol: The Goat

Birth date ruler: Mars, the warrior

Tarot card: The Hermit (inner strength)

Favorable numbers: 3, 9

Lucky days: Saturday and Tuesday, especially when these days fall on 3 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Dark green, red, indigo

Birthstone: Garnet

People born on December 27 may give the impression of being sturdy and strong on the outside, but on the inside they have a heart of pure gold. Although they can be stubborn at times, they are life’s givers, not takers. They also have a heroic side to them and will be the first to rush to offer their support or help when someone is in trouble.

These people set incredibly noble standards for themselves and are giving to the point of self-sacrifice. They pride themselves on being kind, thoughtful and compassionate human beings who will always do the right thing or offer their support if it is needed. However, because their goodwill makes it hard for them to refuse any request, they may become overburdened with problems that aren’t their own. Their generosity and good-natured charm may win them many admirers, but underneath they can often be plagued by self-doubts and silent frustration. Part of the reason for their insecurity is that they can feel torn between their strong feelings of personal responsibility and the need for time and space to pursue their own interests.

Until the age of twenty-four they will often have a very goal-orientated, practical approach to life; but after the age of twenty-five there is a shift in emphasis, and opportunities will be presented to them to develop their individuality. It is important that they take advantage of these because only when they are able to reconcile their desire to help others with their desire to find personal fulfillment can they unlock their remarkable potential.

At first those who live and work with these people may find it unsettling to see them becoming more independent, but it is absolutely crucial that they don’t allow this to unsettle them. They only have to make the effort to strike out on their own and pay attention to what they want to achieve in life to perform miracles, rise to the top of their career, and achieve long-lasting success while maintaining the respect and affection of those around them.

☆ On the dark side:Self-sacrificing, insecure, frustrated

☆ At your best:Generous, charming, noble

December 27 people are service-oriented in the highest sense, that is, concerned with the wants and needs of family, friends and community. Often possessed of technical skills, they know how to put their talents to good use and though they tend to be idealistic can temper this idealism by making practical contributions to life around them.

December 27 people love witty humor and are generally good-natured. They do. however, have a dark side which few people other than those close to them are privy to. Their depth of emotion causes them to feel insults and rejection keenly, and they are capable of suffering in silence for years while internalizing their frustrations and aggressions. They should aim to express themselves more, and be a bit more reactive and impulsive if necessary.

December 27 people generally maintain a strict split between their public and private lives—a very healthy practice, indeed. They are curiously able to leave the workplace behind when they go home, and occupy a whole different mindset. This is equally true for those who are self-employed or work at home, for those born on this day value their private life greatly and are generally not ones to neglect those close to them.

One of the biggest problems December 27 people face is that of self-sacrifice. They can be giving to a fault, and lack the aggression to stand up for themselves which is their birthright.

More highly evolved individuals born on this day ultimately are more forceful in setting limits that protect them; they learn never to nurture resentment inside. Less highly evolved December 27 individuals blame themselves and suffer from depressions and low self-esteem. Basically, however, since all December 27 individuals carry a certain nobility7 with them and pride themselves on correct ethical behavior, such negative feelings of doubt and guilt can strike at the very core of their personalities. Learning how to handle both exterior and interior negativity is crucial to their personal and spiritual development.

Because they are generally recognized by others as being unselfish or giving. December 27 people may sometimes upset people when they choose to go their own way. Those born on this day should nonetheless insist on their independence and reserve the right to be outspoken and flaunt their differences if they so desire.

Faith is a very important element in the lives of December 27 people; often they need a religious or spiritual system to back them up and give their lives meaning. Such faith, whether in higher powers, man or both, makes those born on this day more accepting of others. But again, December 27 people must strike a balance in their personality where they maintain their agreeable manner without allowing themselves to be imposed upon.

Power Thought:If I put my mind and heart into it, there’s nothing I cannot do,Laughter itself may be meaningless,but its effect on the soul profound

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 27th day of the month are ruled by the number 9 ( 2+7=9), and by the planet Mars. The number 9 is powerful in its influence on other numbers (any number added to 9 yields that number: e.g.. 5+9=1-4. -4+1=5. and any number multiplied by 9 yields a 9: e.g.. 9x5= n. t+5=9). and December Tl people are similarly influential. The planet Mars is forceful and aggressive; since December 27 people can at times be repressed and lethargic, they must learn to put their Martian energy to positive use. Classically, a conjunction of Mars and Saturn ( ruler of Capricorn ) indicates a tendency to be too self-effacing and mild.

December 27th Birthday Tarot Card

The 9th card of the Major Arcana is The Hermit, who is usually depicted walking with a lantern and a stick; he represents meditation, isolation and quietude. The card also signifies crystallized wisdom and ultimate discipline. The Hermit is a taskmaster who motivates by conscience and guides others on their path. The positive side of this card is stick-to-it-iveness. purpose, profundity and concentration: negative qualities include dogmatism, intolerance, mistrust and discouragement. December T7 people must particularly beware of becoming overly isolated, or of living in their own personal world cut off from the emotions of their fellow human beings.

☆Luck maker:(Receive without guilt)To receive makes you vulnerable but to create luck you must be fluid, spontaneous, vulnerable and, above all, willing to gratefully accept help when it is offered to you.

Love Give and receive in equal measure

You’re drawn to people born on October 23 to November 22:You have so much to learn from and love about each other, making this a passionate and powerful combination.

When it comes to affairs of the heart, people born on December 27 may be drawn to wild, unconventional and sometimes selfish characters, but they are happiest with a partner who can offer them security, affection and support. They need to be careful that they don’t become too dependent in their romantic affairs, and to take as much as they give.

Health Learn to accept praise graciously

People born on this day may be prone to anxiety, worry and depression. This is in part due to their giving nature and the fact that others may take advantage of them; it is also due to the fact that they can suffer from low selfesteem. They need to learn to accept praise and to place their own happiness at the top of their list of priorities. When it comes to diet, they need to eat a diet low in salt and sugar, and ensure they eat plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables. As far as exercise is concerned, the more they do the better; as well as keeping their weight down and keeping their bones and joints flexible, exercise will boost their self-esteem. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color red will boost their confidence, and carrying a tiger’s eye crystal or placing it next to their bed at night will promote their self-esteem, giving them the courage to put themselves first.

Those born on December 27 may have emotional problems involving depression and frustration due to their overly self-sacrificing nature and difficulty in expressing aggression. Turning anger inside can often result in a paralysis of will. All activities which keep their energy flowing—exercise, a vibrant and varied diet, regular sexual expression with a loving partner—are crucial to their good mental health. December 27 people should adopt a diet that will not contribute to arteriosclerotic or thrombotic conditions (a diet low in fat. sodium, cholesterol and sugar with regular portions of fresh faiits and lightly-cooked vegetables is recommended I. A sedentary occupation can lx- detrimental to their health, particularh if they do not obtain sufficient exercise.

Career Born counselors

These people are multi-talented, so whatever career they choose they are likely to make extremely valuable contributions. They may be drawn toward teaching, nursing, medicine, the caring professions, public relations, human resources, counseling, charity work, emergency services, the leisure and beauty industries, sport, and social reform. Alternatively their desire to express themselves creativity may lead them to writing or the performing arts.

Destiny To be a role model for others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to balance their own needs with those of others. Once they are able to take as well as give, their destiny is to show others, by example, that there is always a place in this world for compassion, kindness and understanding.

Fight your depressive tendencies. Remain open and vibrant. Don'l allow anyone to take away your bounce and optimism: guard your positive thoughts and feelings. Continue to give, but demand something in return. Recognize your own worth.

Celebrities Born On December 27th

Marlene Dietrich(German actress and singer), Gérard Depardieu(French actor), Louis Pasteur(French biologist and inventor of pasteurisation),

Louis Pasteur (French biochemist, bacteriologist, founder of preventive medicine, germ theory of disease, inoculation, pasteurization), William H. Masters (sex therapist researcher [with partner Virginia E. Johnson], Human Sexual Inadequacy), (German-American film actress, icon, entertained US WWII troops, films banned in Germany), Giovanni Marlene Dietrich Palestnna (Italian Renaissance composer of Masses, motets and madngals), Jacques Bemouilli (16 th c. Swiss mathematician, important calculus theonst), Gerard Depardieu (French film actor), Michelle Piccoli (French film actor), Oscar Levant (pianist, composer, Gershwin performer, film actor, witty radio. TV personality, writer, A Smattering of Ignorance), Sidney Greenstreet (film actor, Gutman in Maltese Falcon), Cyrus Eaton (industrialist financier), Henryk Jablonski (Polish politician), Bogdan Suchodolski (Polish philosopher, Who is Man7 ), Auguste Vaillant (French anarchist threw bomb into Chamber of Deputies [1893], guillotined), Willem van Otterloo (Dutch conductor, composer), Charles H. Russell (Nevada governor, senator, congressman), Carl Zuckmayer (German-Swiss poet playwnght). Bunk Johnson (early Dixieland jazz trumpeter), Conyers Middleton (British 1 7 th c. philosophical, controversial wnter), Arthur Murphy (Insh 1 8* c. playwnght writer). Bill Crow (jazz bassist)

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