December 27th Birthday Horoscope

Last updated onDecember 27, 2024

Everybody needs a challenge, especially a Capricorn. As a goat, having a challenge is very much part of your life, but there are many kinds of challenges. Some of them are public, and some of them are very private. And on occasion, you don’t even know you’re doing them at the time. It’s not until they’re history that you realize how much you’ve achieved.

Taking chances is an art, one that isn’t about planning but courage

December 27th Birthday Horoscope

You were born on December 27th

As a conscientious Capricorn, you are well aware how unwise it is to live life seeking the approval of others. Yet you live in a world where, despite knowing that fact, there are certain individuals you admire for one reason or another. It may be family or friends, somebody who inspires you. Or the setting may be more worldly—somebody who has undertaken a challenge or, as is often the case, an individual in a professional setting whose approval or assistance is vital if you’re going to achieve more.

All seem important in their own way. Yet there is something else you can do. Initially, it may seem strange, but give them your approval. You can let them know how much you’re learning from them, and now much you appreciate that. Once you shift the balance, their approval isn’t quite as important, and in fact you have, in a way, “changed the rules.”

Instead of a life of challenges to be met, you will shift from being aware of them to enjoying what’s on offer—whatever the setting. While challenges are good, and you grow from them, sometimes the ability to shift the balance is more important. It is a chance not only to grow but to become more creative. Instead of focusing on knowing most, it’s about being wise enough to learn from those challenging situations and those around you.

You and others

Humility is a funny thing. However much certain individuals have accomplished, every once in a while they need the support of others, often about simple matters. Not only will that reveal the necessary facts, it’s also a reminder that we all have something to learn. And that process of exchanging ideas is more valuable than the facts you already know.

Health and well-being

Feeling fit is one thing. Feeling energetic when you get up in the morning and being the right weight and shape according to your society can be nice, but it depends on what you were born with. What is most important is simply being able to love yourself, to look in the mirror each day and give yourself an embrace.

Goals and challenges

Everybody needs a challenge, especially a Capricorn. As a goat, having a challenge is very much part of your life, but there are many kinds of challenges. Some of them are public, and some of them are very private. And on occasion, you don’t even know you’re doing them at the time. It’s not until they’re history that you realize how much you’ve achieved.


For days, if not weeks, you’ve been avoiding a seriously tricky issue that you quite rightly fear could become explosive. Since this isn’t going to vanish in an otherwise quiet period, you’re urged to raise and discuss this. Do so now and the odds are good that you’ll avoid those dreaded dramas.

Zodiac Sign

Capricorn: DECEMBER 21 – JANUARY 19

Ruler: Saturn

Symbol: The Goat

Element: Earth

Flower: Pansy

As a practical earth sign, whose symbol is the horned goat, you can achieve the impossible, in the form of ascending a mountain, or attaining an ambition. Being ruled by hardy Saturn, you’re discreet about your many kindnesses, but glory in your tough exterior. Your flower is the pansy; your plants are hemp and ivy; your trees, elm and yew. Your stones are symbolic of winter’s dark days—black pearls, black diamonds, and jet.

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