December 29th Laid-back Commander Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onDecember 29, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is living up to your potential

☆The way forward is to direct your energy inward and discover the courage you need to step out of your comfort zone and put yourself on the line.

The Birthday Of The Laid-back Commander, The Day Of Preeminence

December 29th Laid-back Commander Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of December 29th Birthdays

Sun sign: Capricorn

Ruling planet: Saturn the teacher

Symbol: The Goat

Birth date ruler: Moon, the intuitive

Tarot card: The High Priestess (intuition)

Favorable numbers: 2, 5

Lucky days: Saturday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 2 and 5 of the month

Lucky colors: Indigo, silver, white

Birthstone: Garnet

People born on December 29 are often in great demand because they are extremely confident, responsible and adaptable, and also because they relish opportunities to assist or enlighten others. They are not overly ambitious, but because they have a great sense of timing they will often find themselves in positions of responsibility.

Although people born on this day can be quite laid back, they are willing to work hard for what they want. They are also willing to work hard to help others get what they want, and while this may endear them to others they need to be careful not to take on too much. Their greatest strength is their facility for commanding or controlling people and situations without appearing domineering. Part of the reason they can do this so successfully is that they have excellent communication skills.

They can come across as serious or deadpan at times, but the more time people spend with them, the more they begin to appreciate their wonderful sense of irony and dry humor. Given the chance they can hypnotize audiences with their intelligent choice of words and wickedly perceptive observations, realizing that humor can get their message across strongly and effectively without others feeling offended or criticized.

After the age of twenty-three they become less influenced by rules and traditions and more willing to develop their own unique perspective. Another turning point arrives at the age of fifty-three when there is an emphasis on their emotional life, reflected in dreams and an intuitive understanding of others. Whatever age they are, the key to their success is to stop living in the past and stop doubting themselves, because they are bursting with creativity and have all the talent they need to make pioneering innovations that can advance knowledge or prosperity in some way. In short, they have the potential; all they need to do is to step into their own shoes, shake off any pessimism and negativity, and become the great leader or pioneer they are destined to be.

☆ On the dark side:Unfulfilled, negative, unrealistic

☆ At your best:Supportive, entertaining, commanding

Those born on December 29 are often destined to play a leading role in the life around them. Although they may not desire to be a boss, somehow they are chosen by fate to occupy positions of responsibility. Those born on this day who are suited for leadership roles can function in an executive post year after year in a steady fashion. Those who are not may one day find the apple cart upset and themselves unceremoniously toppled.

Again, it should be emphasized that December 29 people are not in general overly ambitious, but have a knack for being in the right place at the right time. The question which only they can answer is whether they wish to accept the opportunities offered them. In order to make such choices they will have to devote time to understanding themselves better and making a realistic assessment of their true talents and abilities.

Some born on this day may find themselves more comfortable playing a supporting role in life, yet close to a source of power. Such December 29 people have an ability to fit into work and social activities and do the politically correct thing. It is crucial that they cultivate tact and diplomacy, however, for such qualities do not come naturally to many born on this day.

Furthermore, December 29 people must beware of attracting the suspicion of others concerning supposed misdeeds which they in fact have never committed. Their vulnerability in this area may derive from their own oversight or even arrogance. Those born on this day must be sure of their motives before acting, and not allow expediency to direct their course.

December 29 people have a low-key sense of humor which is not always noticed or appreciated.

They may give the impression of being overly serious, but in fact are at heart ironic.

When those born on this day choose to exercise their talent for communication, they can hold audiences spellbound, whether it be family, friends or a wider group of listeners. Perhaps it is their physical presence or the sonority of their voice that keeps attention riveted on them. Many born on this day have a subdued but potent aggressiveness which makes others take notice out of a mixture of fear and fascination.

The greatest challenge for December 29 people is quite simply to live up to their position of preeminence in their family, social circle or field of endeavor. They must, however, avoid locking themselves into a fixed notion of how they may function in such a role, and never exclude the possibility that they may one day wish to relinquish their responsibility (hopefully free of rancor or guilt).

Power Thought:My possibilities are endless,The leader is usually the one out front

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 29th day of the month are ruled by the number 2 (2+9=11, 1 + 1=2). and by the Moon. Those ruled by the number 2 often make good co-workers and partners, rather than leaders, so December 29 people may experience a measure of stress when occupying positions of authority. Though the Moon's influence strengthens their sense of cooperation and team play, it may also act as a brake on individual initiative and action. The secondary number 1 1 (2+9=1 1 ) lends a feeling for the physical plane as well as a possible interest in double occurrences and replicate phenomena. A strong connection between the Moon and Saturn (ruler of Capricorn) can indicate profundity, but also bluntness and sometimes self-pity.

December 29th Birthday Tarot Card

The 2nd card of the Major Arcana is The Priestess, shown seated on her throne, calm and impenetrable. She is a spiritual woman who reveals hidden forces and secrets, empowering those of us who heed her with that knowledge. Favorable qualities of this card are silence, intuition, reserve and discretion; negative traits are secretiveness, mistrust and inertia.

☆Luck maker:(Cultivate tact and diplomacy)It doesn’t matter how right you are or how just your cause, if you don’t present your argument in a tactful or diplomatic way you will not attract the luck you deserve.

Love Strong need for companionship

You’re drawn to people born on June 21 to July 22:You are both expressive and supportive individuals who can give each other understanding and unconditional love.

People born on December 29 have a strong need for companionship, and their ideal partner will be someone who is successful and creative, like themselves. Once committed to a relationship, they understand the importance of keeping a work-life balance, but they need to make sure they keep the spirit of passion and romance alive by staying as spontaneous as they can.

Health Bring more color into your life

People born on this day may go through phases in their life when they are more sedentary than they should be. It is important for them to treat exercise not as something they do occasionally but as something that is as much a part of their daily routine as brushing their teeth or combing their hair. They are advised to stay away from recreational drugs of all kinds, and to make sure they have regular check-ups with their doctor because they may be prone to rheumatism, bone disease and circulatory disorders. When it comes to diet, they should remember first and foremost that food is something to be enjoyed, and making sure there is always plenty of color—in the form of fruit and vegetables—on their plate will boost their nutrient intake and their mood. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color yellow will encourage them to believe in themselves more, as will carrying a tiger’s eye crystal around with them.

Those born on December 29 may be prone to nursing private resentments or internalized failures. Consequently they must beware of turning to alcohol or any other highly addictive drugs for solace. Those born on this day may be prone to debilitating, chronic ailments affecting their internal organs and circulatory or skeletal systems. At the first indication of such difficulties they should seek treatment with a trusted and competent physician, homeopath, chiropractor or physiotherapist. As far as diet is concerned. December 29 people should in general use food to make them feel good and stimulate their will to win. Learning to cook a wide variety of tasty dishes can do wonders for their sense of well-being. Where exercise is concerned, vigorous athletic workouts once or twice a week are strongly recommended.

Career Born interpreters

These people are especially suited to realms where they can offer guidance and support to others, such as teaching or politics, or to fields where they can advance knowledge in some way, such as science or engineering. Other possible career choices might include lecturing, research, communication technology, interpreting, translation, music, acting, and poetry.

Destiny To advance human knowledge

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to trust themselves more. Once they have started to think more positively about their potential for success, their destiny is lead others toward advancement in human knowledge.

Have the courage to lead but also to compromise and admit your mistakes Just walk away and begin over when necessary. Fulfill the opportunities you have been given by living up to your potential

Celebrities Born On December 29th

Jude Law(British actor), Marianne Faithfull(British singer-songwriter and actress), Jessica Andrews(American singer),

Pablo Casals (Spanish master cellist, conductor), William Ewart Gladstone (Victorian 4x Liberal prime minister, Disraeli opponent, "I will back the masses against the classes," introduced Home Rule for Ireland), Andrew Johnson (US president, vice president who succeeded Lincoln, purchase of Alaska, impeached on purely political charges but acquitted), Tom Bradley (Los Angeles mayor, police chief), Mary Tyler Moore (film, TV actress, The Mary Tyler Moore Show), Jon Voight (film, stage actor), Marianne Faithfull (pop-folk singer, songwnter, overcame heroin addiction to make post-punk comeback), Ted Danson (stage, film, TV actor, Cheers, producer), Laffrt Pincay, Jr. (jockey, 5x Eclipse winner, second in career wins, Kentucky Derby, 3x Belmont winner), Jim Murray (Los Angeles Times sports columnist, 1 4x Sportswriter of Year), Gelsey Kirkland (ballet dancer), Madame de Pompadour (French mistress of Louis XV, politician, influential courtier), Lionel Tertis (British violist), Fred Hansen (US Olympic gold medalwinning pole vaulter), Ray Nitschke (football middle linebacker, Green Bay Packers, Hall of Famer), Kathy Schmidt (US track and field Olympic bronze medalist), He Zhenliang (president of Athletic Association of People's Republic of China). Viveca Lmdfors (Swedish- American film actress), Dr. Sam Sheppard (accused of murdenng wife, served twelve years, exonerated, became pro wrestler), Charles Guenn (French poet, The Ash Sower)

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