☆Your greatest challenge is outgrowing your constant need for recognition
☆The way forward is to realize that no matter how much recognition and applause others give you, it will never be enough until you can grow in self-esteem.
The Birthday Of The Kaleidoscope, The Day Of Larger-than-life
Sun sign: Sagittarius
Ruling planet: Jupiter, the philosopher
Symbol: The Archer
Birth date ruler: Moon, the intuitive
Tarot card: The High Priestess (intuition)
Favorable numbers: 2, 5
Lucky days: Thursday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 2 and 5 of the month
Lucky colors: Purple, silver, milky white
Birthstone: Turquoise
People born on December 2 are dynamic and colorful characters who tend to command attention wherever they go. They wear their heart on their sleeve and are so spontaneous that the whole kaleidoscope of their constantly changing emotions will be on display for all to see.
Their emotional honesty and energy can be refreshing, and their drive and determination make them excellent leaders and an inspiration to friends and co-workers. The effect they can have on others is dramatic, but it could be life changing for both themselves and others if they learned to balance their directness with a little tact, occasionally stepping back to examine what their emotions are telling them. With a little more self-understanding they might see that some kind of pattern is emerging.
Until the age of nineteen they may be something of a wild child, exploring and expanding their horizons in as many different directions as possible. After the age of twenty there is a turning point when there are opportunities for them to become more practical, goal-orientated and realistic in their approach to life. They should take advantage of these opportunities to establish order and structure in their life, because if they don’t too many changes of direction can lead to confusion and uncertainty. After the age of fifty there is another turning point that highlights a growing need for more independence, but also a need to become more humanitarian in their approach.
Above all, these people are charismatic individuals, but they are also problem solvers looking for a deeper meaning or pattern to their life. Their inner sensitivity, however, may not always be visible from their colorful, confident front. Once they find a way to connect and work with it, not only will they be able to intuitively know the answer to other people’s dilemmas; they will be able to take charge of their constantly changing and confusing emotions, find a cause in life that is worthy of their creative talents, and create the magical pattern of peace and happiness they so richly deserve.
☆ On the dark side:Unaware, volatile, intimidating
☆ At your best:Inspirational, creative, demonstrative
Those born on December 2 are possessed of tremendous spirit. No matter how small their physical frame, they will exert an influence on their surroundings far beyond what one might expect on first meeting them. It is only when seen in action that they really shine. So magical is their effect that those involved with them may sometimes feel as if they've been hit with a bolo punch.
The December 2 judgmental aspect is very expansive, for better or for worse. On the one hand, those born on this day are keen evaluators, true judges of honesty and integrity, but on the other hand they are capable of harboring grudges and taking their often furious tempers out on those who have transgressed. Less highly evolved individuals born on this day can do a great amount of damage to others and to themselves through manipulating emotions and demanding approval or allegiance from those close to them. Generally, however, December 2 people remain convinced of their own rightness, and only much later are they able, if at all, to admit that they were indeed wrong in what they did or said.
December 2 people not only display a strong character but also practically worship it in those they respect. December 2 people are not ones to follow like sheep but nonetheless can be swept along by a powerful personality or a cause which appeals to their ideals. A basic faith in humankind is characteristic of those born on this day. Indeed, they are fascinated by the whole kaleidoscope of human emotions, actions, thoughts and feelings—from the most base and treacherous to the most pure and idealized. Life is their God, but life supercharged by belief and by daring achievements. Generally those born on this day are confrontational when provoked but not overly aggressive. Since they rarely back down, refusing to give in may amount to a mania with them.
Too often December 2 people see life as a struggle in which they must emerge the victor.
However, what they are fighting for is not necessarily their personal welfare but the survival of certain basic human values, as they see it. Along with character and faith, integrity also rates high with them. Thus when they find they have acted basely, or in an unworthy fashion, they may become severely repentant. Guilt often figures as a major theme in their lives.
Developing their individualism, and both finding and following their spiritual path are the greatest challenges for December 2 people. Often they stray from this path, but their indomitable spirit never seems to forsake them, even in their most trying hour. Learning to distinguish between what is false and what is real, what is illusion and what is truly meaningful, is the constant preoccupation of their often difficult and complex lives.
Power Thought:Peace and understanding begin within me,True greatness may be found in the humblest places
Those born on the 2nd day of the month are ailed by the number 2 and by the Moon Number 2 people often make good co-workers and partners rather than leaders However, Moon influences can also act as a brake on individual initiative and action, producing frustration, particularly for those under the undue influence of a more dominant personality. This is further enhanced by the Moon's strongly reflective and passive tendencies. Combined with the jupiterian qualities of Sagittarius. Moon influences support nurturing and generous impulses. If a second child, some December 2 people can have trouble establishing themselves as individuals since they have formed a conception of themselves subordinated to a powerful older sibling.
The 2nd card of the Major Arcana is The Priestess, shown seated on her throne, calm and impenetrable. She is a spiritual woman who reveals hidden forces and secrets, empowering those of us who heed her with that knowledge. Favorable qualities of this card are quietude, intuition, reserve and discretion: negative values are secretiveness, mistrust, indifference and inertia.
☆Luck maker:(Sometimes put yourself second)There is nothing more powerful than asking people what they think and quietly listening to their responses. This makes them feel important, special and far more likely to want to help you.
You’re drawn to people born on October 23 to November 21:You have so much to love and learn from each other; anything could happen in this exciting relationship.
People born on December 1 don’t mean to but simply can’t help being terrible flirts. They will often be surrounded by admirers even when they are in a committed relationship. There are many sides to their personality, and potential partners will need to adjust to their shifting moods. But once they find someone they can connect with on a deep level, they make loyal and loving partners.
Music is a great therapy for people born on this day. It can help clear their mind and encourage them to see patterns and connections instead of confusion or fantasy. They should therefore try to listen to music as much as they can to enhance their creativity and language skills, as well as the logical, analytical side of their brain. As far as diet is concerned, they would benefit from spending more time carefully planning their menus and meal plans; they might also benefit from going on a cookery course. Regular moderate exercise is absolutely essential, preferably on a daily basis to keep their weight under control and boost their circulation, as they are prone to circulation problems and varicose veins. Time spent reading and studying spiritual disciplines or mastering the techniques of meditation will not be wasted, and wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color blue will help bring order and clarity when there is confusion.
December 2 people's health is aided by their belief in themselves. However, they still need to have regular yearly checkups with a trusted family physician. They are apt to let small problems (infections, miscellaneous aches and pains, headaches or stomachaches) go too long without being diagnosed or treated. They must be particular careful of problems with their lower venous system, especially insults to their cardiovascular system and leg veins which can lead to varicosities in later life. They should work on improving their appetite and diet by deepening their interest in food preparation. As far as exercise is concerned, only moderate activity is recommended. Sleep (as much as ten hours per night if necessary) is particularly important to their mental health, since they need plenty of dream time.
These people have the potential not only to achieve personal happiness but also to make significant contributions to society, perhaps as pioneering scientists, or as inspirational artists and performers. There may be a number of career changes, but work opportunities that might also appeal to them include education, sales, publishing, media, writing, charity work, and the tourist and leisure industries.
The life path of people born on this day is to take charge of their emotions so that they feel more in control of their lives. Once they are more self-aware, their destiny is to make an inspirational or pioneering mark on the world.
Watch your temper. Regardless of what people say. winning isn't everything. Real self-assurance will minimize your need to be appreciated. Try to be less judgmental and condemning improve, one must first acknowledge weaknesses and faults
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