December 31 adores odd fact collecting. Here's one about their own planet. Known since ancient times, Saturn is the only planet with rings. Galileo spotted it through the first telescope, but it was only finally described correctly by Christian Huygens in 1659. Its diameter is 75, 100 miles.
Sun Sign: Capricorn/Saturn
Decanate: Capricorn/Saturn; Numbers: 4, 7
Perhaps this day is Saturnervous, coming to earth as he has at the turning of the year, but the nervous behaviour doesn't reveal this creature's best side. There's a Saturnoxious need to demonstrate superiority to other dates and a galaxian capacity to describe his feelings in clichés. Favourites include ‘I don't suffer fools gladly', making assumptions that she is not a fool and everybody else is. Then there's ‘If you want something doing well you'd better do it yourself.
In the kitchen and on work projects December 31 believes that Too many cooks spoil the broth’ which ensures that nobody offers to help, after which they complain ‘Do I have to do everything myself round here?’ Martyrs to punctuality and Saturnoxiously early rising they murmur at latecomers and sleepy heads: ‘The earlv bird catches the worm. I've been here for an hour', or ‘up since 5.30'. They interrupt others with ‘Don't mind me’ and then take over the conversation. And on meeting someone more attractive than themselves, they cry ‘Handsome is as handsome does'. In the face of another's success they shake their heads with ‘A flash in the pan'.
It's a sad fact that all of this complimentary commenting on their own behaviour gets up other people's noses. Unless December 31 can control herself, party invitations are a rarity and so is promotion at work, because others can't stand the advice saturation which goes with this creature's presence. This is a pity, because while kindness i's not their strong card, they are often very clever and can make a stunning contribution.
Not that it matters to strong-minded, personally convinced December 31. In fact it just goes to prove what fools most people are. Fortunately their dark, comehither good looks make them sufficiently attractive, so there's always an admiring companion at home for them to murmur at ‘Two's company, three's none'.
The dramatic individual born on this date seeks recognition and likes to bask in the warmth of the spotlight. Despite your vibrant personality, there are actually two distinct sides to your character. On one hand, you’re occasionally plagued by pessimism and melancholy. On the other, you’re known for your audacious charm and the delicious, offbeat sense of humor that keeps everyone around you in stitches. In your personal relationships, you don’t like to seem vulnerable. However, when you’re willing to trust enough to let down your guard, you make a loving partner who is always there when needed.
Although not outwardly romantic, beneath your restrained exterior you’re deeply passionate, extremely sensitive, and very much in need of love and affection. More than most, you want love in your life, but you have a difficult time expressing your feelings. You may not be the most exciting lover around, but you certainly rank among the most generous, caring, and responsible. Your seduction style is subtle but extremely effective. When you learn how to relax and unwind, your deeper sensuality emerges.
Are You A Saturnoxious Advice Giver? 1. Do you interrupt others halfway through a sentence? 2. Insist on getting your word in edgeways? 3. Find you can never remember other people's names? 4. Take over the cooking without asking and automatically add more spices, turn down/up the heat? 5. Take over a project and automatically redo it? 6. Argue people down? 7. Feel unappreciated? 8. Insist on driving? 9. Automatically assume if the washing machine breaks down that it's somebody else's fault? 10. Think others' sickness is malingering? 11. Pooh-pooh another's fatigue as weakness? Answer ‘yes’ to more than six and you should modify your Saturnoxious ways.
You have a tendency to hide or repress your sexual fantasies until you feel totally comfortable with your bed partner. Your ideal lover knows that you would really like to experiment with fresh ways to enhance your lovemaking, but you’re too shy to say so. Exotic techniques, sexy toys, erotic edibles, and naughty attire can all be great turn-ons.
December 31 adores odd fact collecting. Here's one about their own planet. Known since ancient times, Saturn is the only planet with rings. Galileo spotted it through the first telescope, but it was only finally described correctly by Christian Huygens in 1659. Its diameter is 75, 100 miles.
No matter how wonderful life is, you never feel you have it made. You take all possible precautions but still think there is something you forgot to do.
You’re afraid everything you’ve built will come tumbling down. You need to slow down and relax, even though inertia is anathema to your tightly wound personality.
Sir Anthony Hopkins, film star, Silence of The Lambs. Sara Miles, British actress, film star. Ben Kingsley, stage, film star. Elizabeth Arden, cosmetics entrepreneur. Diane von Furstenberg, fashion designer, Lichtenstein princess. Simon Wiesenthal, Nazi hunter, Eichmann catcher. Henri Matisse, French painter. Nathan Milstein, Russian violinist.