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December 3rd Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onDecember 03, 2024

In Tarot, the third card in the Major Arcana is The Empress. This indicates the mentor, the nurturer. There are the balanced qualities here, including love for family and loyalty. Beware vanity and a conviction that others are stupid and less gifted.

Sun Sign: Sagittarius/Jupiter

Decanate: Sagittarius/Mars; Numbers: 3, 6

December 3rd Birthday Love Astrology

December 3 is an extrovert airhead who really doesn't know the meaning of the word ‘depression', and most mornings wakes up feeling good, his first thought being breakfast. That's not to say that December 3 is unaware of the evils of the world. It's just that the good outweighs them. You can probably catch either sex in the bathroom singing their favourite song, ‘Always look on the bright side of life, te turn, te turn, te turn.'

This is one of the mentor dates in the year. Both sexes take younger people under their skylark's wing. Some are swept along by a spurt of powerful ambition to realise their talents in early life, particularly in the academic field, anywhere to do with research and the area of computer and high-tech development. Both sexes have a facility for computers, the women as innovative as the men. But unless they reach a position of influence quickly, December 3 may wallow in the shallows of power rather than reaching the beach unless he is given a push by a senior hand.

Whether it's as boss, owner, or manager, December 3 has a particular dignity which goes with intelligent lack of neurosis and the kind of generosity that comes with a talented and enviably envy-free Jupiterite. In youth you won't find them griping about the older generation. In age, they don't bemoan young people's spelling, manners, pop music, morals, taste in clothes and all that jabberwocky which middle-aged and elderly people have gone on about since Adam and Eve acquired the first middle-aged spreads.

In private both the men and women find pleasure in simple things. They like cooking, carpenting, gardening, singing lullabies to children, driving too fast and eating ice lollies. They also like to walk in the countryside, sometimes alone. December 3 needs regular periods of solitude, not so much to think, but not to think.

In Love

The person celebrating a birthday today loves to party and enjoys a very active social life. Naturally outgoing, playful, and flirtatious, you are better at working a crowd than anyone. With your sociable nature and ceaseless interest in other people, you probably have lots of pals and confidants. Even at your most romantic, you thrive on challenge and excitement. However, you love your independence more than anything or anyone. When your freedom is on the line, you think twice before committing yourself to a long-term relationship. Yet despite your freewheeling nature, you tend to be devoted to your family and friends.

In Bed

Like most Sagittarians, you are a charming, sexy lover with an affectionate, straightforward, openhearted manner. You pride yourself on your spontaneity, and creative, innovative sex is your forte. Your apparent nonchalance in the bedroom may sometimes be misinterpreted as a lack of deeper feeling.

However, nothing could be further from the truth. Physically, your passion burns very brightly. But on an emotional level, you are unusually careful and you keep the key to your heart well hidden until you’re ready to commit.


December 3 has good hair, infrequently lost in either sex. Keep it shining and healthy with a steady supply of protein and minerals. The B complex vitamins, notably pantothenic acid and vitamin B12, together with zinc and selenium are important for hair growth and preventing hair loss. Pantothenic acid in the form of panthenol is often added to shampoos to encourage shiny manageable hair. Dog breeders often give their pets cod liver oil for glossy coats - and this can do the same for humans. Increase levels of essential fatty acids in the diet. Vegetable oils in cooking promote healthy hair.


Inherently open-minded, you enjoy experimenting with new ways to increase sensual pleasure. A free-spirited, adventurous bed partner with few inhibitions knows what it takes to turn you on. You are also likely to be enamored of a lover with a quick wit and the ability to engage you in hot and spicy sexual banter anytime and anywhere.


In Tarot, the third card in the Major Arcana is The Empress. This indicates the mentor, the nurturer. There are the balanced qualities here, including love for family and loyalty. Beware vanity and a conviction that others are stupid and less gifted.

Reality Check

It’s standard operating procedure for you to keep several different projects going at once. Your restless temperament abhors a vacuum, and you’re constantly searching for fresh interests and challenges. You have a tendency to view life as a series of experiences consisting of as many exciting adventures and stimulating conversations as possible.

December 3 Date Share

Ozzie Osbourne, heavy metal singer, Black Sabbath. Zlata Flipovic, Bosnian child writer, Zlata's Diary, A Child's Life In Sarajevo. Katarina Witt, East German very beautiful figure skater, world champion, Olympic gold medallist. Joseph Conrad, Polish-born British novelist, Heart of Darkness. Jean-Luc Godard, French film director. Anna Freud, psychoanalyst, Sigmund's daughter. Anton Webern, Australian 20th century composer.

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