February 14th Vulnerable Wit Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onFebruary 14, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is to keep confidential information to yourself

☆The way forward is to understand that the trust and respect of others are far more rewarding than the short-lived thrill of being the center of attention.

The Birthday Of The Vulnerable Wit, The Day Of The Cool Quip

February 14th Vulnerable Wit Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of February 14th Birthdays

Sun sign: Aquarius

Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary

Symbol: The Water Carrier

Birth date ruler: Mercury, the communicator

Tarot card: Temperance (moderation)

Favorable numbers: 5,7

Lucky days: Saturday and Wednesday, especially when these days fall on 5 and 7 of the month

Lucky colors: Blue, green

Birthstone: Amethyst

Charming, intelligent and warm-hearted, people born on February 14 are shrewd observers of human foibles. They think quickly and analytically, tending to express themselves succinctly in great one-liners.

The incisive wit of these people can work both for and against them. Their biting sense of humor can make them wonderful and entertaining company, and formidable allies in the workplace, but they can also be blunt to the point of sarcasm, driving others away with deeply wounding comments. Their sarcasm tends to surface most when they feel impatient or frustrated because others aren’t attending to their demands. And because other people tend to reveal personal information to them, they need to be careful that they don’t become gossips.

Jovial banter can be a way for people born on this day to camouflage their true emotions. They are typically the first to cry when a sad song is being played or to feel heartbreaking empathy with those in the world who are suffering misfortune. This vulnerability can often surprise those around them as they often expect someone with such a cool and incisive wit to be emotionally stronger.

Those born on this day should apply some of their penetrating insight to themselves as well as others, and understand that their emotions bubble quickly to the surface because they have an important message to deliver. They should listen to that message because the strong reactions they have to the misfortunes of others are often a sign of their own repressed emotion searching for an outlet. Fortunately, around the age of thirty-six there is a turning point, emphasizing that they should become more self-aware and assertive regarding their own emotions.

A lamb in wolf’s clothing, people born on February 14 may appear tough but they don’t take themselves too seriously. This isn’t to say they are superficial; there is great emotional depth behind their banter. It simply means they are great company to keep because, whenever they are around, life always seems easier, lighter and much, much happier.

☆ On the dark side:Insensitive, cutting, demanding

☆ At your best:Witty, astute, engaging

The quick-witted individuals born on February 14 are usually masters of the short, ironic and sometimes devastating comment. They have what it takes to make people laugh, but also the capacity to make them think. Abbreviators. they take what others might need an hour to say, roll it into an attractive little bon mot and simply come across with it for all to hear. Lovers of jokes and stories, tellers of sometimes tall tales, and not above practical joking, February 14 people bring their witty outlook to bear on every aspect of life around them.

None of this is meant to suggest that February 14 people are somehow superficial. Humor, eloquence and acerbic comments are but a means of expression. It is true that those born on this day do not specialize in taking themselves (or life in general) too seriously, but this in no way reflects on their work. It is more indicative of a philosophical outlook.

Less highly evolved individuals born on this day can be overwhelmingly negative in their approach to life, sometimes behaving in a destructive or power-seeking manner. They can make the mistake of placing themselves above human laws and social rules, believing that they are somehow exempted from karma and the retribution of fate, "bad energy," or the like.

Characteristically, they are caught unawares when a heavy blow falls.

All February 14 people must beware of their irony turning to sarcasm, of adopting a mocking or derisive tone. Such an attitude only arouses opposition. Although others might find such dark humor funny for a time, it can eventually wear rather thin. Of course, everyone likes a good laugh, but the ultimate concern may be the object of the laughter. Those February 14 people capable of joking about themselves are far more sensitive to this issue, but here as well, they must not allow self-deprecation to go too far.

Speed of thought and mental concentration are pronounced in February 14 people. Their ability to focus on tasks in the middle of an uproar is quite remarkable. Yet those born on this day have a decidedly physical side as well. They enjoy all sorts of sensuous activities, which allow their brains a well-needed rest. Not to have to talk can be a great luxury for these verbal people. Consequently, they may choose to spend their free time with those less intellectually oriented. Their friends are often earthy people who. though intelligent, know how to relax and have fun.

February 14 people must control their tendency to keep others on the defensive. Moreover, if they can apply some of their talent for critical insight to themselves, they will benefit greatly.

Allowing themselves time alone, away from their busy involvement with their surroundings is key.

Power Thought:Giving is its own reward,Verbal cuts do not heal as quickly as those made with a knife

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 14th day of the month are ailed by the number 5(1+4=5), and by the speedy planet Mercury. The number 5 grants strongly developed mental abilities to February 1 i people, which are reinforced by the influence of Uranus, ruler of Aquarius. For those February 1 1 people who suffer setbacks, it is fortunate that the number 5 bestows a resilient character, which recovers quickly from the hard knocks of life.

February 14th Birthday Tarot Card

The 14th card of the Major Arcana is Temperance. The figure shown is a guardian angel who protects us and keeps us on an even keel. Such a figure emphasizes the need for balance and moderation in the lives of February 14 people. Positively seen. Temperance modifies passions in order to allow for new truths to be learned and incorporated into one's life. The Temperance card urges February 14 people to establish and maintain their own ethical code and resist tx)th seductive temptations and false behavior for the sake of personal gain.

☆Luck maker:(Don’t have enemies)Lucky people regard everyone they meet as potential luck makers. You never know who could eventually be of help. There should always be time for politeness, sensitivity, decency, tact, and trust.

Love Mischievous flirt

You’re drawn to people born on May 22 to June 21:You both have piercing insight and if you remain honest with each other this can create an intense and fulfilling union.

Not surprisingly, people born on February 14 have the ability to seduce others with humor and their live-for-the-moment approach to life. They will probably have quite a few relationships before they finally settle down with someone who can rise to their verbal challenges but who can also offer them loyalty, honesty and loving security.

Health See green

People born on this day may give the appearance of being cool and in control of their lives but they can often become stressed because they are repressing their insecurities behind a tough exterior. It is important for them to find ways to work through their insecurities, such as exercise and chats with friends and loved ones, and to find ways to calm their mind. Breathing exercises and meditation are recommended to help them to do this. It goes without saying that they should make sure they eat a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise. They should also make sure they stay away from too much alcohol and nicotine. If they try to maintain their relaxed image by taking mindaltering drugs, they may become susceptible to addictive substances. Meditating on, wearing or surrounding themselves with the color pale green will help them manage their emotions.

Although they often convey a loose, relaxed image in their professional lives, February 14 people are nonetheless vulnerable to stress. For this reason, they have to learn to sit on the sidelines more and relax, rather than so often monopolizing the group's attention Keeping a distance from disturbances and unneeded stimulation, and learning to calm themselves internally are the key. Those born on February 14 must also beware of internalizing and repressing their more aggressive instincts, since this can ultimately spell serious physical problems, most often with their internal abdominal organs, cardiovascular or endocrine systems. Particularly for February 1 * people, drugs, including tobacco and alcohol should Ixr avoided, or at the very least restricted. A balanced, well-rounded diet and moderate to vigorous physical exercise are both recommended.

Career Born talk-show host

These people make ideal interviewers, magazine editors, radio and TV hosts, or networkers in large organizations. Alternatively banking, insurance or the stock market may appeal, as might writing, publishing or the entertainment world. Their ability to empathize with the suffering of others may also draw them toward social reform, humanitarian work or work in education. In business, whether self-employed or working for others, they will use their verbal skills and personality to promote themselves, sometimes to the very top.

Destiny To use words to inspire others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to use their excellent communication skills positively rather than negatively. Once they understand this, their destiny is to influence and inspire those around them with the power of their words.

Direct your energy into positive endeavors Be sensitive to what others are feeling and weigh your words before speaking. Slow down a bit. Silence often says more than speech

Celebrities Born On February 14th

Jimmy Hoffa(American labour leader), Mike Bloomberg(American businessman and politician), Simon Pegg(British actor),

Frederick Douglass (African- American abolitionist, writer, journalist, orator, consul general to Haiti), Thomas Malthus (British clergyman, economist, An Essay on the Principle of Population), I Gregory Hines (dancer, choreographer, film actor, stage director, Je//y's Last Jam), James Hoffa (Teamster's Union president, sentenced for criminal activities, sentence commuted, disappeared, assumed murdered), Paul Tsongas (Massachusetts governor, presidential candidate), Jack Benny (stage, radio, TV, film comedian, actor), Molly Rmgwald (film actress), Hugh Downs (TV personality, 20120 news program host), Mel Allen (sportscaster), Carl Bernstein (Watergate journalist, along with Woodward uncovered Watergate scandal, co-writer, All the President's Men), Christopher Sholes (typewriter inventor, Excelsior church founder), Johnny Longden (jockey, Triple Crown winner, first to win 6,000 races), Mickey Wnght (women's golf champion, 4x US Open, LPGA winner), Byron Nelson (golfer, 2x Masters, 2x PGA. US Open winner), Alan Parker (British film director, Midnight Express), Magic Sam (blues singer, songwriter, g tanst). Manon Mahony [ Griffin (architer Robert R. Young (rail- H road baron, stock exchange speculator). Jim Kelly (Buffalo Bills football quarterback, third all-time in passing efficiency). Ken Wahl (TV actor. Wise Guy)

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