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February 17th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onFebruary 17, 2024

Concentrate on the good things. Lucky days for February are 1, 3, 10, 19, 21 and 28 excellent days for working things out, unexpected good fortune, including financial, a marriage proposal, a romantic meeting, possible pregnancies and joy for February 16's kids.

Sun Sign: Aquarius/Uranus

Decanate: Aquarius/Venus; Numbers: 1, 8

February 17th Birthday Love Astrology

Nothing is ever good enough for February 16, whose level of self-doubt plagues this self-critical star all his life. Friends throw themselves into a new craze, job or love affair, but for February 16 nothing promising comes along without the downside highlit. This habit of looking for potential problems actually gives them a useful overview, because we aren't talking hopeless galaxy pessimist here - more Messrs Caution. So when they start their own business, a strong possibility, they examine money flow and the nearest competition with discerning eyes. Thus everything February 16 embarks upon has been well thought through.

Both sexes take longer to complete tasks than their flash and dazzle colleagues at work. But they never present arguments with gaping holes. Nor have apparently good ideas they expect others to pull off, but which are impossibly flawed. Madame Aquarius in particular is good at assessing others' capabilities. She gives tasks to the inexperienced, but chooses those she knows can do it. She doesn't expect miracles and if miracles do happen, she acts cautiously.

In private these good-lookers choose partners with ideas that complement theirs. Marriages may not be made in heaven, but they are heavenly. However, expect lots of pre-marriage colliwobbles, broken engagements and partners left standing at the altar. Because they are such talented all rounders Aquarians often engender great wealth and frequently hit the lucky money jackpot. Their good eye means they spot a rare, fabulously valuable early teddy bear lying among jumble at a car boot sale. Random luck hovers over their golden heads and could bring a National Lottery win. Wealth brings freedom and happiness, but not before they've agonised over the downside - begging letters, requests for loans from friends and relatives.

Expect dissatisfied 16 to keep changing their looks. One day they've dyed their hair red. The next they've had a hair weave. It's a more frivolous side of their search for perfection and it's fun.

In Love

You’re a strong-willed, ambitious, determined individualist. You know what you want to accomplish and you refuse to be diverted by emotional factors.

Where your personal relationships are concerned, you’re sociable, friendly, and charming on the outside, but within yourself you are often uncertain and indecisive. Because you rarely let your deeper feelings show, you may appear even cooler and more detached than you actually are. Although you want and need a loving partner at your side, you’re afraid that a serious romantic involvement might distract you from your work and prevent you from fulfilling your destiny.

In Bed

The ongoing conflict between your deep need for love and affection and your workaholic obsession with success can be frustrating and confusing.

Despite your strong sex drive, you may repress or ignore your physical and emotional needs. However, when you stop trying to control your feelings and give in to your sexual impulses, you make a passionate, enthusiastic lover. Your desires are driven by your intellect. For you, erotic stimulation always begins in your mind and then spreads throughout your body.


Could you try to be more happy-go-lucky? Try the HP Test (Habitual Pessimist) 1: A ravishing creature you desire invites you to a night of love, do you wonder if you're up to it? 2: The company gives you a beautiful red car. Do you think it will get stolen? 3: Exam results are brilliant. You think ‘I could have done better'? 4: The genie says, ‘You've got three wishes.' You think, ‘I know I'll get this wrong.' 5: Stephen Spielberg rings to offer you a part in Jurassic Park II. You think ‘Who'll feed the cat?'Any ticks at all and you're an HP.


There is an element of idealism in your attitude toward love and sex. You can be seduced more readily with sensual elegance and sophistication than by cheap, raunchy displays of overt sexuality. A wise partner will ease you into a relaxed mood with a little wine and music before attempting to make love to you.


Concentrate on the good things. Lucky days for February are 1, 3, 10, 19, 21 and 28 excellent days for working things out, unexpected good fortune, including financial, a marriage proposal, a romantic meeting, possible pregnancies and joy for February 16's kids.

Reality Check

In your close relationships, an air of detachment masks your devotion to your loved ones. You want affection and understanding, but you are wary of losing your precious independence. You think that a display of feelings will make you seem vulnerable and dependent. Intimacy may not be your strong point, but your loyalty and fidelity counterbalance any emotional shortcomings.

February 17 Date Share

Geraint Evans, world-famous Welsh baritone. John McEnroe, tennis star bad boy, Wimbledon champion. Sonny Bono, singer, ex-husband of Cher, massive hit ‘I got you Babe', politician. Anthony Dowell, British ballet dancer, choreographer, ballet school founder. John Schlesinger, film director, MidnightCowboy, Marathon Man.Francis Galton, inspiration for eugenics craze earlier this century, suggested working classes should have their fertility limited. LeVar Burton, film star, Kunta Kinte in Roots. Robert Flaherty, film director, Nanook of The North.

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