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January 3rd Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJanuary 03, 2024

What blue flowers in your garden mean: love-in-the-mist, uncertainty; hyacinth, devotion; forget-me-not, remembrance; harebell, resignation; cornflower, delicacy; clematis, intellectuality; Canterbury Bell, faithfulness; bugloss, mendacity; thyme, domestic virtue; violet, modesty; Grecian windflower, estrangement.

Sun Sign: Capricorn/Saturn

Decanate: Capricorn/Venus; Numbers: 3, 4

January 3rd Birthday Love Astrology

Born in the dark days of winter, January 3 dreams of long summer days and breezy nights. His greatest delight is to sit in the garden amongst night-scented jasmine and entertain friends to good food, wine and laughter. Essentially a romantic, this Capricornflower has the kind of green fingers which could make both sexes professional gardeners. Even without a garden, there are window boxes crammed with pink and white petunias, and little balconies where multicoloured convolvulus climb. Even without a window box, great blowsy amaryllis blossoms decorate the window sills.

Although January 3 works in a responsible job this date is not over ambitious. He doesn't shirk responsibility or promotion, but does disapprove of the trappings of power and others’ interest in them. But what both sexes do is think about their passion for planting while at their computer. Find plant catalogues in their desk drawer and expect them to lull themselves to sleep reading the latest season's bulb booklet just dropped through the postbox.

It's best if January 3 finds a mate with similar interests, because otherwise they may feel shut out. With the superb design eye given to them at birth, people born today would like to experiment with largely one colour planting, based around their own lucky Capricorn colours of violet into blue with a touch of silver grey, and maybe some russet foliage. In spring there will be a sea of bluebells with little clumps of blue grape hyacinths in flower beds and later the lovely Grecian Blue Windflower (Anemone Blanda Atrocaerulae). He hunts for the rare blue tulip, Blue Aimable, and surrounds its powerful intense violet shade with soft irises. In summer lavender grows from palest to darkest violet blue, with cobalt clematis tumbling up through trees and over walls. If January 3 could cultivate a blue rose she would.

In Love

You’re a romantic idealist with high standards, a genial manner, a quick wit, and a disarming sense of humor. Although you consider mental accord as important as sexual harmony, your ardent nature demands a partner who is passionate as well as bright and funny. Your perfect match is someone who is earthy and sensuous, yet also able to keep you interested by sharing thoughts and ideas. While you may enjoy a fling or mild flirtation now and again, your inner goat craves a long-term, lasting relationship. You tend to think very carefully before you leap, but once committed you expect the love to last forever.

In Bed

With the right playmate you’re able to throw off your inhibitions and allow the red-blooded, lusty side of your nature to come to the forefront. You enjoy sex games and want a lover who is able to keep up with you between the sheets. Outside of the bedroom, however, the serious side of your nature asserts itself, and you expect the same kind of modesty and decorum from your significant other that you yourself project.


Lavender (Lavendula offlcinalis) originated in the mountainous regions of the Mediterranean. The Romans used it to add to their bath water and the English name came from the Latin lavare, to wash. English lavender is often regarded as the finest in the world. The best essence is distilled from the flowering topst but it is present in the leaves as well. Spike lavender (Lavendula spica latifolia) is the most useful for respiratory disorders. Aromatherapists use it for skin conditions, particularly acne and burns, for insect bites and stings, muscular aches and pains, pre-menstrual syndrome, as a sedative sleep inducer and to balance body and mind.


Your restless nature, and curiosity about everything and everyone, gives you something of a roving eye. In your most intimate moments, you are predisposed to try anything that might be fun. Because you also have an active fantasy life, your responses are heightened by a combination of verbal foreplay and the imaginings of your fertile mind.


What blue flowers in your garden mean: love-in-the-mist, uncertainty; hyacinth, devotion; forget-me-not, remembrance; harebell, resignation; cornflower, delicacy; clematis, intellectuality; Canterbury Bell, faithfulness; bugloss, mendacity; thyme, domestic virtue; violet, modesty; Grecian windflower, estrangement.

Reality Check

You want a love union that allows you freedom of movement, yet you demand a strong commitment and total loyalty from your mate. You have a way of testing and questioning everything in a relationship. When problems arise you respond intellectually rather than emotionally. You’re more comfortable talking about your difficulties than dealing with the feelings they engender.

January 3 Date Share

Died: Dick Powell Hollywood star. Born: Mel Gibson, Australian film heart-throb, Sergio Leone, Hollywood director. John Sturges, film director, The Magnificent Seven. Pola Negri, silent film star. George Martin, Beatles arranger, record executive. Ray Milland, film star. J R Tolkien, British author, Lord of The Rings. Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman orator, writer philosopher.

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