July 10th Dark Horse Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 10, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is overcoming your shyness

☆The way forward is to forget what you’re thinking and feeling, and find out what others are thinking and feeling. When you put the attention on others, shyness will soon disappear.

The Birthday Of The Dark Horse, The Day Of Passive-active Duality

July 10th Dark Horse Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 10th Birthdays

Sun sign: Cancer

Ruling planet: Moon, the intuitive

Symbol: The Crab

Birth date ruler: Sun, the individual

Tarot card: The Wheel of Fortune (change)

Favorable numbers: 1, 8

Lucky days: Monday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 8 of the month

Lucky colors: Cream, orange, yellow

Birthstone: Pearl

People born on July 10 learn lessons from the successes and defeats of those around them and plot their actions accordingly. Others may regard them as passive but they’re not; they’re steady and purposeful, only making a move when certain it will be successful or well received.

Sensitive to everything going on around them, once they have secured the background data they need for the best chance of success, they will embark on the quest to realize their goals with tenacity and determination, drawing upon their intellectual and organizational skills. Although motivation and perseverance are vital to their success, they are also quick learners with the self-confidence to be flexible in their approach.

People born on this day may often lead modest, steady lives but they are neither predictable nor dull. Quite the opposite; when people get to know them better, everything about them has the potential to surprise. For example, they are never afraid to speak their mind but when they do it is with tact and sensitivity. They may also surprise others with their incisive wit or devote their considerable energy to one specific goal, stepping aside at the last minute to allow others to take the credit. At certain points in their lives, their early forties especially, they are also likely to astonish people with a total change of lifestyle, but even though the change may come as a shock to others, to themselves it will all be part of a well-planned strategy.

It’s not that they don’t like to be in the limelight; they do. It’s just that they will only step into it if it serves a purpose or highlights a cause they are promoting. Others may sometimes see them as shy and sensitive but beneath lies a steely determination to succeed that will reveal itself when the time is right. When they finally do decide to invest their energy into a worthy cause, everyone will wonder how they could have underestimated the creative and dynamic energy of this dark horse hiding behind a mild-mannered exterior.

☆ On the dark side:Withdrawn, passive, insecure

☆ At your best:Curious, purposeful, receptive

Those born on July 10 exhibit a certain detachment their whole life long which can even manifest at their greatest moments of triumph. Personal traits of receptivity, protection, introversion and sensitivity are deeply ingrained in those born on this day, including the most active and outgoing ones. Thus an unusual personality emerges, one which can have drives toward worldly success yet frequently retreats into its own protected sphere.

Visual talents are particularly evident in those born on this day. July 10 people assimilate impressions from the outside world, either through quiet reflection or direct observation, and give them renewed freshness in their work. Because of their extreme sensitivity to what is going on around them they may prefer to keep a low profile and not call attention to their private life. However, when activity is required to further their career or simply to acquire what they need they will not hesitate to emerge in strength.

In patiendy observing the world, July 10 people develop their own personal philosophy, one that does not necessarily have a strong moral bias. Those who hold anti-establishment viewpoints may live for their personal politics, and later come to be regarded as saints or sinners for their deeds.

Verbal talents are generally not highly developed in July 10 people. Most are quiet, preferring to observe and act at their own pace. Their lunar nature (as Cancerians) may lend them an unusual charm and appearance that others often find strange—qualities that make them fascinating or repellent in the eye of the beholder.

More conservative July 10 people are capable of leading very modest, even anonymous lives. Their way of seeking refuge from the world is by blending in with it and remaining unnoticed. Yet at certain critical points in their lives—adolescence, mid-thirties, mid-fifties notably—they are likely to surprise their family and friends by making a sudden departure from their otherwise passive self into a more active mode of existence. Usually they have been gearing up for this change for some years and have a clearly defined purpose.

July 10 people are not afraid to speak their mind, but generally do so with tact and discretion.

Sometimes overly sensitive to the feelings of others, they may compromise their own needs, postpone life decisions and generally soften their desires, to avoid inflicting pain. Such a tendency to procrastinate or deny themselves, to avoid facing the natural facts of their existence invariably works against them. They must beware of waiting too long and thus losing valuable opportunities.

Power Thought:I express my feelings in joyous, positive ways,Understanding begins, but does not end,with the act ofperception

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 10th day of the month are ailed by the number 1 ( 1+0=1 ). and by the Sun. The Sun tends to grant the qualities of a warm and well-developed ego, with a distinctly human, positive orientation to life, but this attitude may be severely impaired in July 10 people if they are too strongly protected or dominated by their parents. Those ruled by the number 1 hold clearly defined views on most subjects; indeed, July 10 people, while appearing to be tractable, are in fact stubborn and difficult to persuade. Although ambition is a quality often associated with the number 1. July 10 people are likely to manifest this trait in quiet or hidden ways (emphasized by the influence of the Moon, Cancer's ruler).

July 10th Birthday Tarot Card

The 10lh card of the Major Arcana is The Wheel of Fortune, which signifies a reversal in fortune and teaches that there is nothing permanent except change. The Wheel indicates ups and downs, wins and losses, successes and failures in life. Those ruled by the numbers 1 and 10 focus on seizing opportunities; acting at just the right moment is the key to their success. As pointed out, July 10 people must beware of waiting too long in this respect.

☆Luck maker:(Find ways to express passion)To get a lucky break you need to let people see how much you want something. Revealing your passion can be a good-luck strategy because it shows others you’re committed.

Love Mystery

You’re drawn to people born on September 24 to October 23:You share a passion for art, beauty and harmony, and this can be an intensely fulfilling relationship.

People born on July 10 may size up potential partners from a distance before they make the first move or declare their intentions. Even their long-term partner may find them something of a mystery finding it hard to know what they are thinking and feeling. It is wise for them to look before they leap but they need to make sure they don’t linger and observe for so long that they spend their life forever weighing up the pros and cons on the sidelines.

Health Experiment

Although they are quick to observe the negative effects of poor diet and exercise on other people, when it comes to themselves they can be surprisingly passive and detached. It is therefore important that they experiment with their diet until they find one that maximizes their nutrient intake without leading to weight gain. They also need to experiment with various forms of exercise to find which one they truly enjoy because this will increase their chances of sticking to it. Soaking in an aromatherapy bath and regular massages will help them feel more connected with their bodies. Surrounding themselves with the color red will encourage them to be more open and self-confident when socializing with others.

July 10 people must beware of passivity or a detached attitude in the face of illness, particularly regarding chronic difficulties. For this reason, regular checkups by a doctor as well as ongoing massage, home remedies and other forms of prevention are recommended. July 10 people as a rule appreciate what is offered them to eat, but are advised to develop their own cooking skills so that they will be forced to make choices and take a more active role in controlling their diet. Only moderate exercise (walking, swimming) is recommended.

Career Born psychiatrists

People born on this day may often be drawn to careers as psychologists or psychiatrists, but they can also excel as actors, writers, painters, and athletes. Other possible career options include photography counseling, tourism, and working for themselves.

Destiny To surprise others with their progressive vision

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to participate more in life and occasionally let their heart rule their head. Once they are able to be more impulsive, their destiny is to surprise and delight others with their clear sense of purpose and progressive ideals.

Take a more active role in the life around you; your shyness is a barrier to your self-expression.Be more forthright. Don't be afraid to make mistakes or appear foolish Give up the false security of judging from afar.

Celebrities Born On July 10th

Jessica Simpson(American singer and actress), Marcel Proust(French novelist), Carl Orff(German composer),

John Calvin (French-born Protestant reformer, The /nst/tutes of the Christian Religion, ruled Geneva), Marcel Proust (wealthy French novelist Remembrance of Things Past, recluse who shunned light by day, by night fetched string quartet to play for him alone), J.M. Whistler ( 1 9 th c. portrait, representational painter, anticipated symbolism, impressionism, Jugendstil), Camille Pissaro (French impressionist painter), Saul Bellow (US Nobel Pnze-winning novelist Herzog). Giorgio de Chirico (Italian metaphysical painter), Arthur Ashe (tennis star, first African-American man to win US Open, Wimbledon championships), Virginia Wade (Wimbledon, US Open tennis champion), Jake La Motta (world middleweight boxing champion, subject of film Raging Bui!), David Dinkins (first African-American New York mayor), Lee Morgan (jazz trumpeter, shot to death on stage by wife), Ario Guthne (folksinger, songwriter, film actor), David Brinkley (TV journalist, anchorman), Mary McLeod Bethune (African- American civil rights activist, founder National Council of Negro Women), Legs Diamond (New York gangster, shot to death in bed with showgirl), Bernard Buffet (French painter). John K. Smglaub (US Army major general, decorated in three wars), John Gilbert (matinee film idol), Owen Chamberlain (US Nobel Prize-winning physicist), Robert Chambers (Scottish I publisher, editor, The Book of Days)

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