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July 10th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJuly 10, 2024

Solitude may be very tempting for July 10, but it can easily turn to a fear of meeting others and forgetting the normal, pleasurable joking around and interraction between one human being and another.

Sun Sign: Cancer/Moon

Decanate: Cancer/Pluto; Numbers: 1, 8

July 10th Birthday Love Astrology

This quiet individual is generally extremely self-sufficient and knows his mind from an early date. July 10 has creative talents which may be developed and become a career. In particular, theirs is an impressive writing talent, although they are not extrovert talkers.

They may not be overly forthcoming with their opinions. But when asked, their opinions are well informed, logically thought through and may be powerful enough to swing a political vote or win the applause of a crowd. In the local community, July 10 may become a force for improvement, but all executed while remaining a pillar of respectability. Either sex can be good at raising money, great at thinking up original methods of doing so, but ifs not they who actually organises the ER party in aid of the theatre roof. This can cause the willing workers, people born on other days, to respond less enthusiastically to July 10's next very brilliant job-creation scheme to support charity.

Many July 10 people are happiest away from urban centres. They are susceptible to noise and get over-anxious about urban problems such as dirty air and the dustmen not turning up. Outside towns they may start businesses which derive their inspiration from the countryside, making furniture or textiles to distribute not only through chain stores but mail order catalogues. And many people born on this date thrive in the rural tourist industry.

Both sexes like to cook. Their tastes veer away from red meat and dairy products, towards vegetarian dishes and they develop passionate enthusiams for growing their own vegetables and for alternative medicine based on herbs. It's usually the men who like to cultivate rare vegetables, growing six kinds of tomatoes, from little cherry ones to the more unusual white and yellow types which can be raised from seed. The women are more interested in experimental cooking with edible wild plants many of which have medicinal virtues.

In Love

There is a changeable aspect to your nature that causes you to seek the comfort of a permanent love relationship, while longing for freedom and independence. You tend to think of yourself as daring and adventurous, and that may be true in most areas of your life. However, where love and romance are concerned, you are sensitive, self-protective, and afraid of getting hurt.

Inner conflict between independence and dependence can make you moody and anxious, prompting you to act in a passive-aggressive manner. To feel truly secure and happy, you need the love and support of Mr. or Ms. Right.

In Bed

In the bedroom, you can be bold and carefree one moment and urgently serious the next. You are inherently passionate and sexually vigorous, and the physical side of love is important to you. However, keeping romance alive is also high on your list of priorities. Trying new things excites you and helps you keep your lovemaking fresh and interesting. Although you enjoy experimenting and taking risks in bed, it requires some encouragement from your partner to get you started.


Borage has traditionally been thought to be good for the heart, to drive away sorrow, and can keep the exhausted student going at his studies. Delicious borage soup is made from one large bunch of leaves, chopped finely, 30g butter, 55g cooked rice, 570ml chicken stock, cream, salt and pepper and borage flowers. Wash leaves, melt butter, add rice, heat gently, stirring. Add stock, bring to boil Add borage, simmer for 10 minutes, liquidise. Thin with more stock and cream, season and serve with blue borage flowers floating in each bowl of dark green soup.


The lover who can overcome your initial shyness and inhibitions is the one most capable of turning you on. You long to be swept away by passion, but it takes a person you trust to make it happen. You respond eagerly to a mix of languid sensuality and bold aggression. Once awakened, your lusty libido carries you to the heights of ecstatic pleasure.


Solitude may be very tempting for July 10, but it can easily turn to a fear of meeting others and forgetting the normal, pleasurable joking around and interraction between one human being and another.

Reality Check

Openness to change makes you more willing to break with convention than other Cancer natives. Your need to be cautious about important things tells you how far to go without overstepping. Dedicated to achieving your personal goals, you may be conflicted between your devotion to responsibility and your desire to make a name for yourself.

July 10 Date Share

Marcel Proust, Frenchnovelist, Remembrance of Things Past who slept by day, ate breakfast when the rest of the world was going to bed and thought sunlight appalling. Arthur Ashe, tennis star, first Afro-American to win US Open and Wimbledon championships, died from an AIDS-related disease contracted from hospital care. John Gilbert, actor.

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