July 11th Innovative Chameleon Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 11, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is telling it like it is

☆The way forward is to understand that there is a huge difference between diplomacy and dishonesty.

The Birthday Of The Innovative Chameleon, The Day Of The Unsolicited Opinion

July 11th Innovative Chameleon Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 11th Birthdays

Sun sign: Cancer

Ruling planet: Moon, the intuitive

Symbol: The Crab

Birth date ruler: Moon, the intuitive

Tarot card: Justice (discernment)

Favorable numbers: 2, 9

Lucky day: Monday, especially when it falls on 2 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Blue, silver, white

Birthstone: Pearl

People born on July 11 have an easy-going charm that appeals to other people, putting them at their ease. With the ability to effortlessly blend in no matter where they are or who they’re with, they always seem to have the inside knowledge both professionally and socially.

The diplomatic skills of these people are extraordinary and they are often excellent at working around problems and sidestepping confrontations; this doesn’t necessarily mean they are fickle or lazy. Quite the opposite. Although they are amiable and sensitive to the moods of others, they can be fiercely innovative and ambitious, with more than enough energy, intelligence and resourcefulness to reach their personal goals. It is just that, whether they realize it or not, their personality is defined by an intense interest in interpersonal relationships; this compels them to put the maximum effort into creating successful relationships with others.

Through their teenage years their confidence and creativity will gradually increase. During their twenties and thirties they will often find that they have unique access to information or insights into situations. If they choose to be discreet and stick to the truth, they will earn the respect and support of others; but if they choose to spread disinformation or fool others, they will earn a reputation for unreliability. After the age of forty-one there are opportunities to become more patient and discriminating; these may include providing practical service for others. They need to take advantage of these opportunities because the only way for them to find emotional fulfillment is through honesty, discretion and compassion toward others.

Throughout their lives they will find themselves in situations where their ability to put others at ease guarantees their popularity, giving them access to inside information. As long as they remember to center their lives on positive values such as honesty, respect, love, and responsibility, steering clear of play-acting or game-playing, these multi-talented individuals have the potential and versatility to produce excellent work, whatever they decide to do.

☆ On the dark side:Opinionated, opaque, superficial

☆ At your best:Sociable, knowledgeable, gregarious

Those born on July 1 1 are highly social people, fascinated by many aspects of the world about them. Usually having a ready comment to offer on practically any subject, they pride themselves on being in the know. Even the most private of those born on this day have a close circle of friends or family to whom they may offer their unsolicited opinions.

Maintaining privacy is extremely important to July 1 1 people and they allow very few to penetrate beyond their defenses. Hiding secrets, and later revealing them, comes naturally to those born on this day. who are well aware of what others think of them and the image they present. They are usually in tune with what is being said, be it rumor or gossip, at work or in their social circle. Even as professionals working at the highest level, this gossip can be of practical importance, since being in the know within an industry invariably involves some degree of probing. Through their inside knowledge of what is going on in the world, those born on this day are often able to manipulate events in their favor.

When necessary, July 11 people are masters of deception, capable of spreading disinformation just as breezily as they do the truth in order to throw competitors or rivals off the scent. They can also pretend to be obtuse, unambitious or generally less threatening when need be. Indeed, many July 11 people pride themselves on their play-acting. Sometimes, however, the one to be fooled is wise enough to see beyond the smoke and mirrors. In such an instance, July 11 people may be putting themselves in varying degrees of danger. Less highly developed July 11 people can even become compulsive fabricators, whom others will ultimately mistrust.

Those born on this day are most successful when they are partners in an endeavor, or team players. In fact, they usually avoid the responsibilities of a dominant leadership role and take the helm only when necessary. For many July 1 1 people, their work is something they can take only so seriously, because it is usually their private life and imagination which occupy their thoughts. Constantly figuring and planning, they seek to get the jump on Fate, trying to avoid being in the wrong place when the hammer comes down, or from the other side, hoping to be in the right place when it's time to cash in.

Somewhat narcissistic, July 11 people are often highly concerned with the appearance of their clothes and homes. The cultivation of individual taste is an extension of their personality and can even become the central focus of their lives. The choice of home furnishings and their correct placement, for example, can occupy hours of their time. Naturally, those born on this day must beware of getting mired in the material world at the expense of spiritual concerns.

Power Thought:I follow my innerlight. I am a shining example of love and clarity,Ripe fruit attracts by its color

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 11th day of the month are ruled by the number 2 (1 + 1=2), and by the Moon. Those ruled by the number 2 often make good co-workers and partners, rather than leaders, particularly true for those born on July 11. Their imaginative abilities will be further enhanced by the influence of the Moon (doubly so because the Moon rules Cancer), which may also convey a strongly unrealistic attitude. The number 11 lends a feeling for the physical plane which complements the emotional orientation of the sign of Cancer. Those born on double number days often display an interest in coincidences, symmetry, twins or other doubles.

July 11th Birthday Tarot Card

The 11th card of the Major Arcana is Justice, a serene seated woman holding the scales in one hand and a sword in the other. She reminds us of the order of the universe and that balance and harmony will be maintained in our lives as long as we continue on our path. The positive aspects of this card are integrity, fairness, honesty and discipline; the negative aspects are low initiative, impersonality, fear of innovation and grievances.

☆Luck maker:(Be yourself)There is nothing guaranteed to ruin your chances of luck more than trying to be something you are not. Remember, honesty is always the best--if not always the most popular--policy.

Love Romantic and sensitive

You’re drawn to people born on October 24 to November 22:Both of you are very big on feelings, and a match between you is likely to be deep and intimate.

Being part of a couple is a key personal goal for people born on July 11 because they prefer to plan joint activities rather than to pursue their interests alone. Romantic and sensitive, they have a lot of love to give but they may become restless if they feel too restricted in a routine, so keeping active is a prerequisite for their happiness in relationships.

Health Steer clear of fads

As long as people born on this day have plenty of company security and affection, they are likely to stay fit and healthy. Health problems, such as digestive upsets, coughs and colds, fatigue, aches and pains, are likely to arise through worry when they feel themselves to be alone. As far as diet is concerned, they will probably be well aware of the latest fads or trends but need to steer clear of any form of crash diet or diet that excludes certain food groups. They should ensure that they eat a balanced, well-rounded diet as it will give them the nutrients they need to stay fit, slim and healthy. Regular physical exercise, preferably team sports, is a must because it helps to make them feel more grounded. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color blue will encourage them to be free, creative and truthful in their self-expression.

Most July 11 people are more interested in the health of others or health trends in general than they are in their personal well-being. Sooner or later, however, they are likely to apply some of their knowledge to their own bodies, with mixed results. Those born on this day should maintain a common sense approach to their physical and psychological health, not going overboard on the latest trends. Regular meals consisting of more conventional food choices will have a stabilizing influence on them. More typically. July 1 1 people are prone to binges and yearnings for all kinds of delicacies or "feast foods" which can ultimately cause health problems if taken to excess. Regular sex and physical exercise are important to July 1 1 people as they help to ground their otherwise airborne spirits. Mineral or herbal baths, massage and all forms of sensuous stimulation are recommended stress relievers.

Career Born journalists

These people have a natural affinity for the arts and may make drama, art or music their career, but they will also be found making their mark in commercial enterprise, politics or sports. Other careers they may be drawn to include journalism, banking, law, sales, public relations, carpentry cookery and design.

Destiny To motivate, uplift and inspire others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to be honest with themselves and others. Once they find the courage to base their lives on love and integrity their destiny is to use their optimism and empathy to motivate, uplift and inspire others.

Beware of embellishing the truth too much or someday no one will take you seriously.Keep a rein on your imagination. Ground yourself in physicality, but beware of narcissism, Try to strike a balance between the airy and earthy sides of your nature.

Celebrities Born On July 11th

Suzanne Vega(American singer-songwriter), Yul Brynner(Russian actor), Giorgio Armani(Italian fashion designer),

John Quincy Adams (US president, served in Congress seventeen years after presidency, opposed slavery, annexation of Texas and Mexican war, died of stroke on the job), Georgio Armani (Italian fashion designer, former medical student), E.B. White (essayist, children's writer, Charlotte's Web), Yul Brynner (film, stage actor), Steve Wozniak (Apple Computer cofounder [with Steve Jobs], developed product in garage), Kristy Yamaguchi (US figure skater, Olympic gold medalist), Robert I (Robert the Bruce, Scottish king), John Wanamaker (merchant department store founder), Leon Spinks (world heavyweight, US Olympic boxing champion), Nicolai Gedda (Italian opera singer), Hermann Prey (German opera singer), Harold Bloom (literary critic), Bonnie Pointer (singer, Pointer Sisters). Thomas Bowdler (British doctor, editor, editions created the word "bowdlerize"), [^ Gough Whitlam (Austral iai f prime minister), William Baziotes (abstract surrealist painter), Len Ha- (British boxing champion), Lalande (French 18 th c. mathematician), Mark Lester (film actor), Mortimer M. Caplm (lawyer, government official)

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