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July 11th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJuly 11, 2024

What July 11 needs more than most is light relaxation which requires almost no thought. This creature will realty benefit from a few hours of sitting in front of the television with a glass of good red wine.

Sun Sign: Cancer/Moon

Decanate: Cancer/Pluto; Numbers: 2, 9

July 11th Birthday Love Astrology

The psychic in July 11 is very dominant. Tall, dark handsome strangers, short fat rich strangers, they always know in advance they will meet them. They know where they will marry and when they get pregnant, instinctively, they know which sex to expect. When July 11 goes house hunting, neither sex can help judging the house by the atmosphere. They trot round the rooms and garden sniffing like a psychic bloodhound and if the coast isn't clear the owner could offer the property for 25 pence and this creature wouldn't take it.

Although neither concerned nor bothered by ghosts, they don't usually want to share a home with one. Some do get quite fond of an ephemeral resident, but usually it's because they're a relation. What is disconcerting about this individual is that they can put their hand on a patch of skirting and find a hidden box which has maybe lain there for years. Or they dream there is a manuscript hidden on a ledge in the well in the garden, when there is no well. But later it's discovered and so is the manuscript.

Some July 11 people may consult professionals about their psychic powers and go on to develop them, either as a hobby or professionally, even learning the skills of exorcism. Most are reasonably pragmatic souls and tend to keep quiet about their divining skills, partly because it gets boring when people continually seek their advice.

July 11 has a capacity to make people feel safe. Both sexes bring reassurance to the workplace. Find them advising colleagues, always careful, never gossipy. They may rise extremely high in any field because of their psychic talent, few colleagues ever realising that this creature knew a deal would be made before it was even thought about.

In private they are especially good with the sick and can make everything feel better again, bringing optimism with them as they enter a room.

In Love

You are sensual, warm, caring, affectionate, and devoted. In love and friendship you are extremely loyal and responsive to the other person’s needs and desires. Sensitive and deeply emotional, you are more likely to be moved by deeds than words. Romance and the rituals of courtship are important to you. However, you want a partner who is not only your soul mate, but also willing to commit to a long-lasting relationship. To your way of thinking, both material and emotional security play important roles in any close relationship. Just knowing that your partner will always be there for you means more to you than anything else.

In Bed

You possess an innate sensuality that shows itself in the bedroom but is also evident in your thoughtful attentiveness to your beloved throughout the house. You take great pleasure in lavishing love and affection on your bed partner, and you expect the same kind of loving consideration in return.

Physical contact is as natural to you as breathing, and you enjoy touching, hugging, and kissing your significant other wherever and whenever the mood strikes you.


Sometimes caring for others can become overwhelming and Julyl 1 finds that his or her powers are not only depleted but that they have taken on some of another's woe. There are good Bach Flower remedies to help this. Centaury (Centarium umbellatumj works for those who have difficulty in saying no, and have become exhausted with neglecting their own interests. Chicory fCichorium intybusj for those who are overfull of care for those close to them and have begun to feel self pitying and angry that others don't conform to their commands.


You want a partner whose lovemaking helps you escape from the world and all its stresses. Just being together in a private place, where no one else is allowed to intrude, turns you on. Wine, soft music, and tender words of love, accompanied by an intimate little supper for two, all serve as seductive appetizers for an evening of languid sexuality.


What July 11 needs more than most is light relaxation which requires almost no thought. This creature will realty benefit from a few hours of sitting in front of the television with a glass of good red wine.

Reality Check

You like being helpful and accommodating, but you cannot be pushed too far. To protect your sensitive nature, you retreat into a shell or build a wall around yourself. You stubbornly dig in your heels when things don’t go your way, and when you’re really upset you turn sullen and moody.

July 11 Date Share

Died: George Gershwin, great American composer. Born: Giorgio Armani, Italianfashion designer, perfect men's clothes. Yul Brynner, film star, fascinated a generation. Robert the Bruce, Scottish King. Nicolai Gedda, Italian opera singer. Bonnie Pointer, singer, Pointer Sisters. Mark Lester, filmstar, Oliver!. Gough Whitlam, Australian prime minister.

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