July 12th Subtle Initiator Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 12, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is accepting you may be wrong

☆The way forward is to understand that truly great leaders are truly great because they have learned to adjust their opinions if life gives them reason to do so.

The Birthday Of The Subtle Initiator, The Day Of The Persuasive Presence

July 12th Subtle Initiator Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 12th Birthdays

Sun sign: Cancer

Ruling planet: Moon, the intuitive

Symbol: The Crab

Birth date ruler: Jupiter, the philosopher

Tarot card: The Hanged Man (reflection)

Favorable numbers: 1, 3

Lucky days: Monday and Thursday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 3 of the month

Lucky colors: White, purple, blue

Birthstone: Pearl

Those born on July 12 are characterized by their dualistic nature. On the one hand, they are profoundly empathetic and gentle creatures keenly sensitive to the emotions of those around them; on the other, they possess a compelling urge to initiate and direct the actions of others. Although these two aspects seem to conflict, they both stem from their intense altruism.

It’s a mistake to dismiss these people as a pushover, because they hold profound convictions and refuse to redefine them. Their loyalty isn’t limited to their convictions; they are a steadfast and generous friend, although their tendency to try and orchestrate the lives of others can become annoying. Sometimes they plant their suggestions in such a subtle way that other people will believe that they themselves have originated them. As a result they often have a powerful influence over others; the key to their success is whether they decide to exert this influence in a positive way that encourages others to grow independently, or in a negative way that fosters dependence.

They are such insightful and capable individuals that they will often step in without giving others a chance to get involved; this can earn them a reputation for being controlling, difficult and stubborn. However, if they can learn occasionally to take a step back and give others a turn they will find that their chances of success and happiness increase. This isn’t to say they should hide their talents. It’s just that they are such strong-willed individuals that there’s a tendency for others to be guided rather than inspired by them.

Until the age of forty there will be many opportunities for them to demonstrate their creativity and strong convictions. After the age of forty-one they may become more pragmatic and discerning. As long as they ensure that they nurture others without smothering them this is the period when these empathetic but progressive individuals will do what they do best: initiate action that ensures the welfare of others and by so doing make their own special mark.

☆ On the dark side:Stubborn, controlling, difficult

☆ At your best:Persuasive, capable, disciplined

Those born on July 12 are masters at persuasion. Not only are their arguments cogent and logical, but they have an innate sense of timing. When necessary they can scold or cajole but only in the most extreme cases do they need to threaten. More often they use humor to win others over to their point of view.

July 12 people are not only good at convincing others but also at initiating action.

Through their efforts many projects get off the ground which might never have materialized.

Sometimes July 12 people can be so clever as to subtly plant an idea in someone else's mind so that this person may act on it, as if the idea originated with them.

Unfortunately. July 12 people can be domineering parents. Because they are so adept at exerting their influence, their children are of course no match for them and only much later may realize how much of their volitional nature was invisibly controlled. In extreme cases, children of July 12 people grow up to find they have an atrophied will and remain dependent on being guided.

Similar problems can arise in the love relationships of those born on this day, often involving their lovers or mates feeling and ultimately expressing built-up resentments against them. Because July 12 people rarely find partners who are a match for their strong personalities, it is difficult for them to find lasting happiness in their personal lives.

July 12 people are a powerfully influential presence in whatever environment they inhabit. At work, they are generally admired for their expertise, and thus can exert a positive influence in mediating disputes. However, those born on this day cannot suffer reporting to someone they don't admire or at least respect. For this reason, they often find themselves selfemployed, or without a direct supervisor. Because July 12 people are hard-headed thinkers who have a well-defined set of priorities and guidelines for life, it is difficult for them to accept wholesale the philosophy of a company or organization.

Because of their persuasive nature and forceful personality, July 12 people sometimes make enemies and arouse resentment or antagonism. They invariably believe they are acting in the common interest, but others may see them as dictatorial, unyielding or argumentative.

The truth is that July 12 people often find a solution to logical problems much faster than other people, and thus may deny them a chance to get involved. Those born on this day must learn to back off, to allow others some decision making power and self-respect; it is because July 12 people are such powerful providers that they tend to foster dependence in employees, children and friends.

Power Thought:I am relaxed, self-confident and serene,Giving others more space leaves oneselffreer to breathe

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 12th day of the month are ruled by the number 3 (2+1=3). and by the expansive planet Jupiter. Those ruled by the number 3 are often ambitious, sometimes dictatorial. They must therefore try to avoid being too bossy or aggressive. Those ruled by the number 3 like to be independent, so some July 12 people may feel the need to abandon the security of a steady job in order to freelance. The jupiterian nature of the number 3 offers the possibility of a highly positive, expansive personality, with the added influence of the Moon (ruler of Cancer) granting idealism.

July 12th Birthday Tarot Card

The 12th card of the Major Arcana is The Hanged Man, who dangles by his foot in a headdown position. Though such a position seems helpless. The Hanged Man is nevertheless spiritually powerful and deeply thoughtful. The positive attributes of this card are recognizing limitations and overcoming them, as well as simply being human: negative aspects are spiritual myopia and restrictedness.

☆Luck maker:(Think like a mirror)A mirror doesn’t judge or give advice. It reflects. Sometimes people just need to be heard, and mirroring their words back to them makes them feel that they are understood.

Love Who takes the lead?

You’re drawn to people born on October 24 to November 22:You are both sensitive and intense, and this can be a deep and intimate relationship.

Romantic partners who let people born on July 12 take the lead will appeal at first, but for a relationship to be successful in the long term it would be far more exciting and better for them to find someone who is their equal. Staying spontaneous and independent is the key to developing their inner power while still enjoying loving relationships.

Health Personal organizer

One of the best things people born on this day can do for their health is to organize their lives so that there is enough time for regular health check-ups, a daily exercise routine, and buying, cooking and preparing healthy fresh food. This is because they tend to lose themselves in their work and projects, and their health suffers as a result. They would also benefit from regular periods of peace and solitude where they can get in touch with their own feelings instead of constantly focusing on the feelings and concerns of others. An ideal way for them to relax would be to soak up the scent in an aromatherapy bath. One drop of juniper oil should do the trick. Wearing the color orange will also attract more positive people and influences into their lives.

July 12 people may tend to neglect their health, as they are often more concerned with their work and projects. Thus it makes sense for them to have regular checkups with a physician and to follow sound advice. It also works best for them to coordinate a fitness regimen with their other activities, rather than just exercising when the mood strikes them. Jogging, aerobics, gym workouts or swimming may fit the bill. It is helpful for July 12 people to find an out-of-the-way retreat where they can plug in to nature and recharge. They should watch their diet carefully, and regulate it closely to avoid gaining weight.

Career Born advisors

These people don’t like to follow the herd so they may prefer to work alone. Apart from national and civil politics or social work, other career choices might include writing, counseling, education, and all forms of advice-giving, such as sales, negotiation and promotion. Their excellent communication skills and sharp mind indicate tremendous potential to achieve, although they do need to avoid scattering their energies in self-doubt.

Destiny To lead, guide, advise, and inspire others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to trust and let go as far as their relationships with others are concerned. Once they are able to manage their urge to take control, their destiny is to lead, guide, advise, and inspire others.

Learn to back off; practice non-interference. Don't impose your ideas so forcefully. Always try to be sensitive to the needs and wishes of others

Celebrities Born On July 12th

Anna Friel(British actress), Christine McVie(British singer-songwriter), Henry David Thoreau(American naturalist and essayist),

Julius Caesar (Roman ruler, general, formed first tnumvirate with Pompey and Crassus, conquered Gaul, invaded Britain, assassinated), Henry David Thoreau (Transcendentalist writer, philosopher, naturalist, Walden, Essay on Civil Disobedience), Bill Cosby (comedian, film, TV actor, producer), R Buckminster Fuller (engineer, inventor, environmental theorist), Amadeo Modigliani (Italian painter, sculptor), Pablo Neruda (Chilean Nobel Prizewinning poet), Julio Cesar Chavez (Mexican world junior lightweight, lightweight, junior welterweight boxing champion, philanthropist), George Eastman (Kodak camera, flexible film inventor, photographic industrialist), Oscar Hammerstein II (lyricist, teamed with Richard Rogers, Pulitzer Prize winner, South Pacific), Kirsten Flagstad (Norwegian Wagnerian soprano), Andrew Wyeth (20 th c. representational painter, member of famous painting family), Van Clibum (pianist, competition sponsor), Tod Browning (film director, Dracula [with Bela Lugosi] , Freaks, producer), Milton Berle (TV comedian, film actor), Josiah Wedgewood (British earthenware, stoneware manufacttrer) Lasse Viren (Finnish Olympic gold medal-winnmg 5,000 and 1 0,000 meter rur Stefan George (German Romantic writer, poet), Otis Davis (US Olympic gold medal-winning 400 meter runner), Willis E. Lamb (US Nobel Prize-winning physicist), Richard Simmons (TV fitness instructor)

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