July 12th Birthday Horoscope

Last updated onJuly 12, 2024

You often forget your own achievements, some minor, some major. First, you put them all behind you,then you compare yourself to others. Every once in a while, if not even once a day, it’s useful to recall what you’ve done and enjoy the satisfaction those achievements have brought. Do that—then, when you tackle what’s next, you will do so with joy and conviction.

Healing occurs when the power of love outweighs the force of fear

July 12th Birthday Horoscope

You were born on July 12th

Every once in a while, you have a deep conversation with the most important person in your life, yourself, about what you want to do. There may be certain things you’d like to change, or goals you would like to pursue, or there may be doubts you’re wrestling with.

While you can go around and around with these, there’s also the chance to discuss these matters with others. However, that can be tricky, especially if it’s family or close friends you’re talking to, each of whom will have their own view about what’s in your best interest.

The secret to dealing with all of these is to sit down with yourself and consider what actually brings you joy. True, not everything in life will be joyous, certain situations require plain discipline. Still, the simple act of doing what you need to do is itself joyous.

The trick is to avoid sticking with the old just for the sake of it, or to keep those around you—family, friends, or colleagues—happy, but to explore. And in exploring, discovery’s an important part of that. Report back to those around you how much you’re enjoying it. Instead of seeking their guidance, invite them to join you in that process of discovery.

You’ll be turning destiny around. Rather than seeking others’ guidance, you’ll be giving it to them. Together, you’ll move ahead into a far more rewarding chapter.

You and others

There’s a secret to dealing with tricky matters. That is to raise them. And the more swiftly you do that, the better. Once you begin, you’ll realize that often those issues were on the minds of others, and they’re grateful you brought those matters up. Most of all, say exactly what you want. Here, too, others will be grateful for your bold approach.

Health and well-being

You have a choice. You can have really big ideas about the way you look after your body, then do very little simply because it is overwhelming. Or you can do something radical and take things one day at a time. Do that and you’ll not only be acting in your own best interest, you will be setting an example for others as well.

Goals and challenges

You often forget your own achievements, some minor, some major. First, you put them all behind you,then you compare yourself to others. Every once in a while, if not even once a day, it’s useful to recall what you’ve done and enjoy the satisfaction those achievements have brought. Do that—then, when you tackle what’s next, you will do so with joy and conviction.


Having right on your side is reassuring, especially when you’re dealing with those who are eager to debate existing plans or priorities. Still, before you challenge others, it would be wise to double-check even seemingly solid facts. Times change so much, you’re likely to make several surprising discoveries.

Zodiac Sign

Cancer: JUNE 20 – JULY 21

Ruler: The Moon

Symbol: The Crab

Element: Water

Flower: Lily

The only sign ruled by the Moon, Cancer accents cycles —both nature’s rhythms, especially the oceans and tides, and those in our lives. The symbol, the crab, is linked to water, as are your sign’s flowers: the lily and the lotus. Your herbs are aromatic, tarragon and verbena, and your tree is the maple. Your jewel, the pearl, not only comes from the sea, it mirrors the Moon’s form.

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