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July 12th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJuly 12, 2024

Working for the good of others gets to be a burden sometimes. Music soothes this troubled soul. Cancer finds spiritual harmony in pieces composed in E minor. Try Dvorak's Symphony, and Sibelius's First Symphony.

Sun Sign: Cancer/Moon

Decanate: Cancer/Neptune; Numbers: 1, 3

July 12th Birthday Love Astrology

This is the day of the impressive thinker. These quiet people don't shilly-shally, but come to the point after due consideration, and even if others don't go along with July 12, most people agree that they always shed a new and interesting light on a situation. Nor does July 12 take the conventional route to his conclusion. Indeed, they dislike clichés so much that they shy away from those who use them.

Many rise high in public affairs, because they speak well, but also because they have another valuable quality - consideration for others. Endless trouble will be taken to listen to and consider advice and, if necessary, a great deal of time spent on research and in particular the effect that any decision may have on others around them. Some may find themselves involved in rethinking a company's future, a redirection, or even a merger. These are not people who will easily reach for mass redundancy or sacking. Wisely they are aware of the old saying ‘So you sow, so you shall reap’ and they will look for cost-cutting in other areas rather than simply reducing the number of people.

Other June 12 people can be found in government, or local government, where their thoughtful, often spiritual approach is always valued. This individual can be an excellent mentor, to the same sex as well as the opposite. Highly-sexed and emotional, the mentoring gets mixed in the pot with lust and love and sometimes everybody ends up confused. This is a difficult relationship to escape from completely unharmed.

Fortunately, in many cases, the relationship, often with an age gap, can work. Initially based on admiration - July 12 loves to teach about life and about sex - these mentoring love affairs are a nice mix of protectiveness and affection. The sparkle of Stardust stays. Just occasionally the story turns into Pygmalion, when these people develop bossy and hectoring tendencies with gentler people.

In Love

You enjoy interacting with people at social gatherings and in intimate one-on-one situations. You’re always ready with a smile and a kind word that lets others know you care about them. Naturally perceptive, affectionate, and loving, you want and need a stable romantic relationship in your life. More communicative than most Cancer natives, you’d rather talk about the things that bother you than go off and hide in your shell. Intellectual companionship is especially important to you in a close relationship. Without mental affinity and common interests, you may eventually become dissatisfied and begin thinking about moving on.

In Bed

You have a chameleonlike side to your nature that readily adjusts itself to the needs and desires of your companion. Physical intimacy with your beloved helps you tap into deeper levels of awareness and understanding. In the bedroom, your approach to lovemaking tends to alternate between breezy, lighthearted sensory stimulation and fervent sexual passion. You thrive in a romantic relationship that adds fun and humor to your life. A playful partner with a youthful outlook keeps you amused and interested.


July 12 has vivid, sexy dreamsy often about making love with somebody at work or somebody who is a close companion on a project - any project. Steamy dreams about co-workers often leave us feeling uncomfortable and puzzled. But they are very common and the key to being relaxed about all this, even being amused, is to remember that such dreams are not prophetic. Nevertheless, if you dream about passion with someone on the PTA committee it is an indicator that you are more attracted to them than you may have realised. Dreams are less complicated than reality, however. Stick to the dreaming. But enjoy it.


Your dreamy, old-fashioned side adores a romantic scenario such as a car-riage ride around the park, a midnight swim in the ocean, or spending a night with your lover in a moonlit castle. The more up-to-date, daring part of you yearns to try new things and does not shy away from the innovative erotic moves that add variety and satisfy curiosity.


Working for the good of others gets to be a burden sometimes. Music soothes this troubled soul. Cancer finds spiritual harmony in pieces composed in E minor. Try Dvorak's Symphony, and Sibelius's First Symphony.

Reality Check

You like talking about your feelings and ideas, and you encourage others to share their thoughts and emotions with you. Quick-witted, intuitive, and emotionally approachable, you respond to people’s problems with insightful feedback and helpful solutions. You may be supersensitive to everything going on around you, but your rationality keeps you from overdramatizing situations.

July 12 Date Share

Otis Davis, US Olympic gold medal-winning 400 metre runner Julius Caesar, Roman ruler, assassinated. Henry David Thoreau, transcendental writer, philosopher. Bill Cosby, comedian, film actor, The Cosby Show, one of the most successful stars in the world. Pablo Neruda, Chilean Nobel Prize-winning poet. Amadeo Modigliani, Italian painter.

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