July 13th Action Man/woman Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 13, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is believing in yourself

☆The way forward is to understand that like attracts like; self-doubt will attract misfortune and unhappiness. Change the way you think about yourself and you will attract joy, success and good fortune.

The Birthday Of Action Man/woman, The Day Of Taken Opportunity

July 13th Action Man/woman Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 13th Birthdays

Sun sign: Cancer

Ruling planet: Moon, the intuitive

Symbol: The Crab

Birth date ruler: Uranus, the visionary

Tarot card: Death (change)

Favorable numbers: 2, 4

Lucky days: Monday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 2 and 4 of the month

Lucky colors: Cream, light blue, silvery white

Birthstone: Pearl

People born on July 13 tend to be courageous and daring risk-takers with a resilience that ensures they will always bounce back with their energy redoubled no matter how hard life knocks them down. This isn’t to say they are blind optimists; rather their imagination never fails them, and if things can’t or won’t happen in one particular way they look for a new approach or strategy.

Fearless and focused, there is little that can intimidate them, except perhaps when it comes to affairs of the heart where they can be a little unsubtle and awkward. Their approach to life is action orientated, endowing them with an irresistible urge to achieve their targets. When their sharp mind, originality, inventiveness, and prodigious energy are added, it results in an outstanding capacity to recognize a potentially advantageous opportunity, seize the moment and act incisively. Sometimes their risk-taking strategy backfires, but their refusal to admit defeat and willingness to look at alterna tive approaches maximizes their chances of success.

Taking risks and achieving success comes naturally to them because they tend to be blessed with self-confidence. There may, however, be those less evolved who lack this self-belief and this is probably because they have taken a risk that backfired affecting their confidence. It is vital for their personal fulfillment that they do not allow their negative self-belief to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Getting involved may be their strength, but to be true to themselves they first need to change their thoughts about themselves. When they truly believe in their own potential their chances of fulfillment and good fortune will increase significantly.

At the age of thirty-nine they come to a turning point; this is the time when they are most likely to be plagued by self-doubt. If however they can make this turning point work for rather than against them by becoming more orderly discriminating and practical in their approach, they will find that their creativity and optimism return.

☆ On the dark side:Reckless, inflexible, self-doubting

☆ At your best:Daring, opportunist, resilient

Thelives of July 13 people seem to revolve around taking advantage of opportunities.

Less highly evolved people born on this day don't recognize their chance when it comes or continually make false starts, resulting in setbacks or outright failures. Most July 13 people, however, have a feeling for kairos (the "right" time for something to happen) and through a single opportune move may set themselves on a path leading to a full expression of their abilities with commensurate monetary or spiritual rewards.

Less highly evolved people born on July 13 may come to think of themselves as unlucky, which is not only devastating to their self-confidence but may become a self-fulfilling prophecy. More successful July 13 people rest easy, confident that their time will come, regardless of their temporary setbacks or slow progress; their self-confidence and self-esteem rarely waver, even in times of great trial.

Successful July 13 people may start at rock bottom but as long as they are moving up, they are content. In this respect they are like patient and stalwart mountain climbers toiling their way to the top. At some point in their ascent they may need to take a high-stakes gamble or series of calculated risks as a result of which they are able to proceed with even greater alacrity. Fate has a way of rewarding them for their risk-taking, which can be as extreme as leaving everything they have and know behind to emigrate to a new country, quitting a regular job to go into business or setting out in an entirely, untried new direction.

Their courage in risking total failure is sometimes bolstered by the fact that they may have nothing to lose in the first place.

After formulating a project or founding a business, July 13 people usually stick around to run it and reap the benefits as well as the trials, tribulations and sometimes the losses. Should they be totally wiped out financially or face defeat in their endeavors, they most often simply put their affairs in order and begin to try again in another field—they are not the types to cry over spilled milk.

The families of July 13 people have to trust in their risk-taking instincts. If the mate of someone born on this day is not understanding or supportive enough, the relationship will come under enormous stress and most probably fail.

July 13 people are capable of being faithful friends. However, they are not the most forgiving types and in extreme cases can dump a fair-weather friend quite unceremoniously with a "friends to the end—and this is the end" attitude. Those who become involved with July 13 people must watch their step, for those born on this day don't have a lot of time for duplicitous nonsense.

Power Thought:I am now free from self-doubt,Everything is changing all the time,from one moment to the next

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 13th day of the month are ruled by the number 4 (1+3=4), and by the planet Uranus which is both erratic and explosive. Since July 13 people are usually invoked in welldirected, patient pursuits, they must learn to keep the impulsive uranian part of themselves under control until that right moment. Although the number 13 is considered unlucky by many people it is. rather, a powerful number which does carry the responsibility of using its power wisely or running the risk of self-destruction. Less highly evolved July 13 people must beware of tagging themselves "bad-luck" people, making self-fulfilling prophecies or indulging in self-pity. The number 4 traditionally represents rebellion, idiosyncratic beliefs and a desire to change the rules, so July 13 people often find themselves on the outside of society looking in. Since their sign of Cancer is ruled by the Moon they must be particularly wary of being betrayed by impulsive emotions.

July 13th Birthday Tarot Card

The most misunderstood card in the Tarot is the 13lh card of the Major Arcana, Death, which very rarely is to be taken literally but signifies a letting go of the past in order to grow beyond limitations, metamorphically. Both this card and the number -i suggest that July 13 people must guard against discouragement, disillusion, pessimism and melancholy.

☆Luck maker:(Just imagine)Lucky people understand that their imagination is the key to unlocking their success. You can’t accomplish anything without it first being pictured in your mind. The way to success is to visualize yourself succeeding.

Love Try a more subtle style

You’re drawn to people born on March 21 to April 20:You are both energetic, adventurous and expressive, and this relationship has the potential to be intense and fulfilling.

People born on July 13 are often uncomfortable and unsubtle when it comes to affairs of the hearts. They are so action-orientated that they seldom appreciate the need for a more subtle approach by winning someone over with beautiful words or gestures. They are also incredibly restless and may tire quickly of their partners. Part of the problem is that they aren’t really sure what they want from a relationship, but once they make up their mind they will find it.

Health Watch your stress levels

Because people born on this day are such risk-takers they may suddenly make major lifestyle changes or decisions, and may not appreciate how greatly this can impact their health and well-being. Stress and insomnia could be problems, as could digestive upsets and fragile immune systems. It is important for them therefore to give themselves plenty of time to adjust to new routines or situations, making sure they get enough rest, relaxation and fun. Improving their diet by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, and oily fish will help them cope with stress, and regular exercise, preferably mild to moderate such as swimming or cycling, is also highly beneficial. Mindcontrol techniques such as cognitive therapy or hypnotherapy are recommended if self-esteem is a problem, and wearing the color blue will help them approach people and situations in a calm, controlled way.

July 13 people must beware of accidents and psychological stress during periods of radical transformation; perhaps they see their objective clearly but overlook their own delicate physical or psychic state. To break down just as the goal is within reach would be truly tragic, so they should use their periods of slow buildup or recovery to better their health, through improving their diet and engaging in regular exercise. Usually July 13 people are curious about all sorts of foods, and make excellent cooks if they invest the time.

Career Born entrepreneurs

These people may be drawn toward careers where they can work for the welfare of others such as social work or teaching, although their talents may suit them equally well to becoming entrepreneurs, performers or artists. Other careers that might suit include public relations, sales, catering, landscape gardening, or real estate.

Destiny To surprise and inspire others with daring originality

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to trust their good judgment, and weigh up the pros and cons before taking a risk. Once they have learned to believe in themselves, their destiny is to surprise and inspire others with their originality and courage.

Always wait tor the right moment; this is your greal Strength. Like a tiger, know when to lie still and when to leap. Your patience will be rewarded When you make your move, give it all you've got. Daring to fail is your key to success—don't bad-mouth yourself.

Celebrities Born On July 13th

Harrison Ford(American actor), Patrick Stewart(British actor), Eric Portman(British actor),

Father Flanagan (Roman Catholic priest, founder of Boy's Town for homeless or troubled boys), Harrison Ford (film actor), John Jacob Astor IV (realestate magnate, science- fiction writer, inventor of marine turbine and bicycle brake, died on Titanic), Wole Soyinka (Nigerian playwnght Nobel Pnze winner for literature, first Afncan recipient), Jack Kemp (US senator, Housing and Urban Development secretary, football quarterback, NFL passing leader), Albert Ayler (jazz tenor saxophonist), Charles Scribner III (publisher), Isaac Babel (Ukranian-Jewish short-story writer, Red Cavalry)', Cheech Marin (comedian, film actor, Cheech and Chong), Bob Crane (TV, stage actor, Hogan in Hogan's Heroes), Helen Coulthard (revivalist minister, came up from slums), Carlo Bergonzi (Italian tenor), Hau pei-tsun (Taiwanese premier), John Dee (astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I of England), Bosley Crowther (New York Times film critic), David Thompson (basketball forward, legendary leaf George Lang (Hung,-, culinary expert), Sic Webb (British socialist e omist, co-founder of Fabian Society), Sir George Gilbert Scott (British architect Kenneth M. Clark (British art historian, writer, Rembrandt and the Italian Renaissance)

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