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July 13th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJuly 13, 2024

When you feel a worry rising to your lips, bite it back. Left unexpressed, many forebodings do actually go away. A spoken anxiety somehow becomes tangible. Just being cheerful is often the best cheerer-up.

Sun Sign: Cancer/Moon

Decanate: Cancer/Neptune; Numbers: 2, 4

July 13th Birthday Love Astrology

This birthdate's child is full of woe, never comes across a good thing without looking for the bad thing that goes with it and is often such a worry-bore that others get caught in the crush as they make for the door. When this happens, he or she is deluged in self-pity.

And yet, they're the sweetest, kindest people, full of talent and perfectly clever enough to have an excellent, long and happy life. What they don't realise is that pessimism is more a phobia than a reality, a mindset you can choose to change. It's no more true that disaster is waiting around the corner than a stroke of fantastic luck, but you're a lot more fun to be around if you think it's the latter.

Women are the worst offenders here. They worry if someone's a couple of minutes late. They go into hysterics every time they get a bill and imagine imminent bankruptcy. They're obsessed with global warming, the problems which supposedly can be caused by eating beef, if their lover really does adore the size and shape of their bosom as he says he does, or is he just trying to be nice in the face of enormous odds, or perhaps in their case, enormous oddities?

Men worry about hair-loss, the shape of their chin, the size of their car and whether the small pain in their diaphragm is terminal and in which case, how long they have got to live.

Nip it in the bud. Or, if the misery mania is in full flood, nip it anyway. And the way to do this, for July 13, is to step up your sex life, take more time off, and concentrate on the physical pleasures of life. The afterglow of lovemaking puts everything in a rosy light. So more of it ensures more rosy light and the world and the universe seeming a better place.

In Love

People born on this date are romantic idealists who don’t give their hearts away easily. You may wine and dine a prospective mate at night and then get so involved in your work as to completely forget about him or her the next day. In an intimate situation, your overwhelming fear is rejection. No matter how much assurance you receive from your partner, you never feel totally secure. When you do find the love and affection you crave, you immediately begin worrying about losing it. With so many insecurities driving your imagination, you can become extremely jealous and possessive.

In Bed

A wonderful bedmate, you love to kiss, cuddle, and just hang out with your lover. You’re both shy and sensual, and that can be a very appealing combination. Passionate on one hand and tender on the other, you are enough of a sexual athlete to fully please your partner. Typically conventional and conservative by nature, you need to be able to idealize your lover. You’re not comfortable with kinky sexual experimentation, and you find crudeness and vulgarity off-putting.


Feelings of anxiety may be fostered by too many hours spent working in artificial light. Natural full spectrum, white sunlight keeps the bodily functions working at a minimal physiological level In the absence of full spectrum light, the autonomie nervous system has to make too many adjustments, which manifest themselves as fatigue, the desire to binge on sweet fast-food, irritability, gloom and mood shifts. Spend half an hour each day out of doors, preferably walking, which is calming to the mind and induces fitness in the body. Clear your mind of all preoccupations. Let the pleasure of the rhythm of your steps take over.


Anyone who wants to make points with you needs to remember that above all you like being courted. Soft music, a romantic dinner, and a few sweet nothings whispered in your ear are guaranteed to get your attention. Given Cancer’s fascination with moonlight and water, a romantic swim under the stars will go a long way toward winning your heart.


When you feel a worry rising to your lips, bite it back. Left unexpressed, many forebodings do actually go away. A spoken anxiety somehow becomes tangible. Just being cheerful is often the best cheerer-up.

Reality Check

You’re so self-protective that it’s not easy to penetrate your shell and get to know the real person underneath. You express your displeasure by withdrawing behind a wall or turning as cold as ice. Although frequent crabby moods may not mean very much, when you turn on the deep freeze, you are seriously upset.

July 13 Date Share

Harrison Ford, film star, who gets rid of his anxieties by building fences at his ranch. Sir George Gilbert Scott, British architect. Woie Soyinka, Nigerian playwright, first African to receive Nobel Prize for Literature. Cheech Marin, US comedy film actor, Cheech and Chong. John Dee, astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I. Sidney Webb, British socialist economist, co-founder of Fabian Society.

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