July 14th Illusionist Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 14, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is reliability

☆The way forward is to understand that however great is your ability to charm, the best way to earn the respect of others is to prove that you’re honest, reliable and committed.

The Birthday Of The Illusionist, The Day Of The Convincing Storyteller

July 14th Illusionist Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 14th Birthdays

Sun sign: Cancer

Ruling planet: Moon, the intuitive

Symbol: The Crab

Birth date ruler: Mercury the communicator

Tarot card: Temperance (moderation)

Favorable numbers: 3, 5

Lucky days: Monday and Wednesday especially when these days fall on 3 and 5 of the month

Lucky colors: Cream, sky blue, white

Birthstone: Pearl

People born on July 14 tend to be seductive individuals blessed with intelligence and personal magnetism. They have the ability to cast a spell over others with their intense presence and excellent communication skills. Their charm can be gentle and subtle or bold and entertaining, but it will always match the occasion perfectly.

Whether they are talking to a large group or a small circle of close friends, these people know how to inspire confidence and, regardless of what cause or career they choose, they aim to convince and inspire others. They are masters of the art of illusion and their talent for developing believable and fascinating theories, strategies and stories is awesome. Possessing the drive and enthusiasm to make things happen, they can, despite their obvious gifts, get depressed or melancholy for no apparent reason.

Despite these sudden and unexplained episodes of melancholy, others tend to regard them with great affection and admiration. If they direct their thoughts and talents to a cause they believe in, they have the potential to achieve success. However, if they choose to manipulate the truth or devote themselves to an unworthy cause, they can become unscrupulous and untrustworthy. It is important, therefore, for them to understand the influence they have on others and not misuse their powers.

Until the age of thirty-eight, they are likely to grow steadily in confidence and creativity. Although winning the hearts of others by sensing their hidden motivations and promising to fulfill their desires will earn them popularity, if they want to hold the affection of others they must learn to balance this seductive gift with solid results. After the age of thirty-nine they will develop a more methodical and discriminating attitude, together with a desire to be of service to others; these are the years when they have opportunities to turn the illusions they create into reality. They need to take advantage of these because when they use their dynamic and seductive will-power to achieve rather than talk about their objectives, they are a force to be reckoned with.

☆ On the dark side:Misleading, dark, unscrupulous

☆ At your best:Persuasive, interesting, seductive

July 14 people are convincing—and how! What confidence they don't gain by a forthright, trustworthy image they magically induce through an unassuming charm. Some born on this day boldly inspire confidence from the first meeting. Others win hearts through precisely the opposite: a low-key, even self-deprecatory approach. Those July 14 people who impress one as conservative or even colorless can nonetheless be very credible due to their objectivity and professional image.

The marvellous thing about the seductive powers of July 14 people is that they can work their magic in the unconscious. Even those who realize they are being won over may go along anyway, feeling it to be a meaningful experience. Perhaps this is because those born on this day are not playing at seduction for its own sake but seek to enlighten others in some way. Most July 14 people have a technical command of their profession, skill or business that is remarkable. Their stories are fascinating and believable. Thus, should they prove to be unscrupulous, they can get away with murder before they are discovered. If they are honest, their charming personalities are a faithful indication of the real worth of their product or service.

Unfortunately, those born on this day are difficult to read and may fall under suspicion as they sometimes seem too good to be true.

Despite their charm, confidence and general good humor, those born on this day become deeply depressed periodically, seemingly for no apparent reason. For those who look closely, July 14 people carry a tinge of sadness about them which only serves to make them more human and attractive. But when July 14 people are alone they will submerge themselves in deeply plutonic areas of their personality only hinted at in their exterior. They are in touch with the dark corners of the human soul and carry these soulful qualities with them through life.

Because people tend to admire them and give great weight to what they say, July 14 people should try to be sure about the veracity of their statements and advice. Fiction should not blend too perfectly with fantasy. Because they possess the common touch, July 14 people are capable of reaching a wide audience and can easily misuse their personal magnetism to lead people astray, if they wish to do so. Their talent for creating believable illusions is highly developed, and as with all good magicians, performed effortlessly. Those July 14 people who do not understand themselves perhaps misuse their influence and manipulate others unconsciously.

Thus they can be dangerous to everyone concerned.

Power Thought:I only desire that which is for my highest good,After all, you are everything that happens around you.What else do you know?

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 14th day of the month are ailed by the number 5 (1+4=5), and by the speedy planet Mercury. The number 5 and Mercury represent change, marking both a disdain for plodding behavior and a propensity for impulsive action. Since the sign of Cancer is ruled by the Moon, Moon-Mercury influences here convey healing and regenerative properties. The number 5 also bestows a resilient character which recovers quickly from the hard knocks of life.

July 14th Birthday Tarot Card

The 14th card of the Major Arcana is Temperance. The figure shown is a guardian angel who protects us and keeps us on an even keel. Positively seen, Temperance modifies passions in order to allow for new truths to be learned and incorporated into one's life. Because Temperance may indicate negative qualities of moodiness and passivity, July 14 people must resist trendiness and try to establish their own styles, techniques and systems of thought as early as possible and persevere with conviction. The card of Temperance marks a clear choice between work in the service of good and enslavement to dark forces or a life of overly passive, lazy or excessive behavior.

☆Luck maker:(You can’t please everyone)One of the fastest ways to chase luck right out of your life is to make other people’s approval your first priority. The need to make everyone happy is neither in your own nor others’ best interest.

Love Root your relationships in fact not fantasy

You’re drawn to people born on August 24 to September 24:An excellent combination; you have much to learn from each other about balancing your emotions with a need for stability.

Although they effortlessly attract admirers, people born on July 14 can try too hard to please in a relationship. It is important that they let others know who they really are, so that their relationships are rooted in fact not fantasy They are sensitive, caring and willing to support those they love and admire. Their ideal partner would be someone loving and dynamic who can keep them constantly interested.

Health Darkness before dawn

People born on this day are prone to sudden dark moods or bouts of anxiety and depression. It is important that they don’t try to deny these or put on a brave front; they should treat these as an opportunity to connect with their feelings and see the process as a new beginning. If they can regard their suffering as a sign that certain aspects of their lives need to change, it gives it a meaning and a purpose for them. As far as their physical health is concerned, they need to be especially careful about digestive disorders, skin problems and respiratory difficulties, such as asthma. Their diet should be varied and wholesome with an emphasis on fruits and vegetables, and their exercise routine should be regular. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color blue will encourage them to be honest in their communication with others.

July 14 people have a strange relationship to illness and disease. On the one hand, they have marked abilities to exert healing influences on themselves and others, but on the other seem to periodically surrender themselves to sickness in a kind of ritualized exorcism of their plutonic side. Thus they may appear to be suffering, when they are actually undergoing a kind of renewal process. These are some of the few people whose depressions may be necessary for personal development. Physically, those born on this day may be vulnerable to certain chronic digestive, respiratory or skin disorders; such ailments should be dealt with promptly. Usually a July 14 person's diet is quite unusual and their desire for extra physical exercise almost non-existent. They should be left to their own devices in both of these areas.

Career Born social campaigners

These people are often found in careers concerned with humanitarian goals such as social campaigning or politics but they may also devote their talents to improving the lives of others through artistic pursuits such as theater, art, music, and dance. Other careers that might appeal include commerce, finance, management, education, social work, or working for themselves as an entrepreneur.

Destiny To influence, inspire and improve the lives of others

The life path of people born on this day is to find and devote themselves to a cause they believe in. Once they have found their own truth, their destiny is find ways to influence, inspire and improve the lives of others.

Recognize and own up to your seductive powers and having done so, serve higher constructive forces. Your effect on others is an indication of where you stand. Although you may grow by understanding your dark side, follow the light.

Celebrities Born On July 14th

Ingmar Bergman(Swedish director and screenwriter), Gustav Klimt(Austrian artist), Woody Guthrie(American singer-songwriter),

Woody Guthrie (legendary folksinger, guitarist, composer, father of Arlo), Isaac Bashevis Singer (Nobel Pnze-winning Yiddish short-story writer, described Jewish life in Eastern European villages, The Magician of Lublin), Ingmar Bergman (Swedish master film director, The Seventh Seal, Cries and Whispers, Fanny and Alexander, screenwriter), Gustav Klimt (Austrian fin-desiecle, Jugenstil painter), Irving Stone (biographical novelist, The Agony and the Ecstasy), Gerald Ford (US president, vice president, pardoned Nixon, center of undefeated Michigan football teams), Jules Mazann (French Cardinal, statesman), Harry Dean Stanton (film actor), Jerry Rubin ('60s political activist, wnter, lecturer), Emmaline Pankhurst (early British feminine activist, founder of Women's Franchise League), John Singleton Copley (American colonial portrait painter), Happy Chandler (baseball commissioner, US senator, governor, Kentucky), John Chancellor (TV journalist, anchor, commentator), Douglas Edwards (TV journalist), Northrup Frye (literary critic), Natalia Ginzburg (writer, critic), Roosevelt "Rosy" Grier (football player, film, TV actor, needlework expert), Terry Thomas (British comic film actor), Polly Bergen (actress, singer, cosmetics firm owner), Arthur Laurents (playwright, librettist)

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