July 14th Birthday Horoscope

Last updated onJuly 14, 2024

You need to assess whether your current goals are actually appropriate for the person you are today. Every so often, it is essential to stop and consider whether what you were once passionate about still means as much to you. This may have to do with life out in the world, or your personal life. Whatever the case, ensure that what you care about most is something that you actually care about.

Often we pray to a divine being beyond us, when in fact, that power lies within

July 14th Birthday Horoscope

You were born on July 14th

As a Cancerian and a water sign, one of the three signs that are sensitive and highly intuitive, not only do you derive insights from what you sense, but also some of your greatest joys come not so much from possessions or achievement, but your feelings.

This by no means indicates that you don’t enjoy acquiring things. In fact, many Cancerians are great collectors. It just means that it is important for you to recognize that whatever you’re doing, a portion of that activity is based on those feelings.

If there’s anything tricky, it’s that those around you won’t necessarily hold the same deep feelings. If you try to discuss them with others, they may look at you blankly because they don’t understand. So it is important that while you may be close to certain family or friends, you pick and choose those with whom you discuss these feelings.

It also means that sometimes you’ll juggle what you say. In some cases, you’ll need to be very frank and deal only with the facts, while with others you can talk about feelings. It’s like having two languages. But it is also like being a very special person, because not everybody has the capacity to experience life’s deepest joys and its deepest feelings in the way that you do as a Cancerian. That’s a very precious talent, one to be savored and enjoyed.

You and others

You may be into a routine or perhaps those around you like to do things the same way. Whatever the case, there’s a tendency to stick with the familiar. However, changes aren’t just great. They allow you to retool things that you didn’t even realize needed to be rethought and to make them better, either on your own or along with others.

Health and well-being

Your sense of well-being has as much to do with the state of your mind and your feelings as with the body you’re living in. Instead of focusing only on your physical body, your activities, and what you eat, pay close attention to your words and ideas, the way you feed your mind and your feelings. Focus on that and you will feel terrific every day.

Goals and challenges

You need to assess whether your current goals are actually appropriate for the person you are today. Every so often, it is essential to stop and consider whether what you were once passionate about still means as much to you. This may have to do with life out in the world, or your personal life. Whatever the case, ensure that what you care about most is something that you actually care about.


In your efforts to avoid causing offense or seeming overly critical, you’ve given one particular individual the impression that you’ve no objection to what they’ve said or done. But that’s not the case. This leaves you little choice but to be frank, and in a way that removes all possibility of doubt.

Zodiac Sign

Cancer: JUNE 20 – JULY 21

Ruler: The Moon

Symbol: The Crab

Element: Water

Flower: Lily

The only sign ruled by the Moon, Cancer accents cycles —both nature’s rhythms, especially the oceans and tides, and those in our lives. The symbol, the crab, is linked to water, as are your sign’s flowers: the lily and the lotus. Your herbs are aromatic, tarragon and verbena, and your tree is the maple. Your jewel, the pearl, not only comes from the sea, it mirrors the Moon’s form.

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