July 15th Stimulus Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 15, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is not being selfish

☆The way forward is to understand that being selfish only brings short-term satisfaction; taking the feelings of others into consideration brings both short—and long-term satisfaction.

The Birthday Of Stimulus, The Day Of Material Inducers

July 15th Stimulus Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 15th Birthdays

Sun sign: Cancer

Ruling planet: Moon, the intuitive

Symbol: The Crab

Birth date ruler: Venus, the lover

Tarot card: The Devil (instinct)

Favorable numbers: 4, 6

Lucky days: Monday and Friday especially when these days fall on 4 and 6 of the month

Lucky colors: Cream, pink, light green

Birthstone: Pearl

Whether they realize it or not, people born on July 15 have a powerful effect on others and a rare ability to exert their influence positively to help others move forward with their lives. When others do achieve impressive results, they do not hold back their praise, which only serves to increase their popularity: a wonderfully virtuous circle.

These people manage to combine their highly developed intellectual powers with an affinity and sensitivity toward both their environment and all those who live and work with them. This combination of emotional empathy and intellectual perspicacity, when combined with their strong powers of imagination and the profound effect they tend to have on others, endows them with the potential to bring about progressive change, enriching the lives of others.

From about the age of seven or eight, people born on this day are likely to begin manifesting their characteristic self-confidence and magnetic charm, but at around the age of thirty-seven there is a turning point which sees them becoming more pragmatic and realistic; they may find that their desire to be of service to others grows more intense, and these are the years when they can really come into their own. If they can learn to direct their prodigious energy and creativity toward the greater good they are likely to bring about considerable change for the better.

An inner ambition or desire to achieve and make a positive difference in the world can extend to all parts of their lives, and their determination can be compelling and inspirational. If however they become materialistic or selfish and use their influence to manipulate others they can be ruthless and disruptive. It is absolutely crucial for them therefore not just to think about what they want to accomplish in their lives but also to consider what effect their behavior and their actions will have on others. To truly utilize their outstanding potential for leadership, they may have to recognize the awesome power of their commanding disposition.

☆ On the dark side:Materialistic, manipulative, selfish

☆ At your best:Influential, motivating, exciting

July 15 people are able to realize their worldly goals by inducing others and manipulating materials to do their will. Those born on this day display an impressive control over their environment. With people, their first step is usually to arouse or activate them and then exert positive pressure to get them to move in the right direction.

The wise, talented use of material is a recurrent theme in the lives of July 15 people.

They may be bound to this world in a variety of ways: as a rich man to money, a real-estate agent to property, a father mother to a home, a painter to paints and canvasses, or a musician to an instrument. In the case of an artist, although the mode of expression is earthy and grounded, the content often moves toward more non-material and spiritual directions as the artist progresses through life.

Although their motives proceed from desire and attraction, potentially healthy forces, July 15 people will be prone to attach to objects once they have attained them. They must learn the lesson of non-attachment at some point in their lives or run the risk of complacency, jealousy or even all sorts of fixed sexual obsessions.

July 15 people can be highly useful members of society when directing their energies toward the betterment of its institutions. A willingness to share wealth, good fortune or material possessions with others is an important component of an evolved July 15 personality; less evolved types are likely to simply hoard these things for themselves or perhaps their immediate family.

Because of their unique connection to the material world, July 15 people face an important decision whether to be slaves to it or masters over it. The word mastery here should not imply an exploitative domination, but an ever-changing relationship with their environment where non-action plays as significant a role as action in maintaining harmony.

Those born on this day, indeed, have a great responsibility to their fellow human beings, particularly as their magnetic influence over them can be so considerable. Consequently, as early in life as possible, July 15 people must form their ethics and live according to a set of principles in which they truly believe, because their influential talents do not at all imply a corresponding depth in the moral sphere. Although highly responsible in discharging their duties, they must beware of using others for their own selfish ends and of teaching, either by word or example, empty values to their children, employees or associates.

Power Thought:My spirit or soul is the real measure of my humanity,Death, in terms of annihilation, is an impossibility

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 15th dayof any month are ruled by the number 6 (1+5=6), and by the planet Venus. Those ruled by the number 6 tend to be magnetic and can even inspire worship. As indicated above, July 15 people have great impact and control over others. Since Cancer is ruled by the Moon, those born on July 15 come under Moon-Venus influences which are highly seductive and emotionally manipulative. The challenge to those born on this day is not to get stuck in the material world and its passions, but first to understand, second to master and third to harness desire toward positive ends.

July 15th Birthday Tarot Card

The 15th card of the Major Arcana, The Devil, indicates a fear/desire dynamic working where sexual attraction, irrationality and passion are concerned. The Devil holds us slave through our need for security and money; he represents our base nature grasping for security; he controls us through the irreconcilable differences which exist in our male/female nature. But the card reminds us that although we are bound to our bodies, our spirits are free to soar. July 15 people must also understand their desires, their source and motivation, and learn to be honest about them.

☆Luck maker:(Learn to read people better)Lucky people are always sensitive to how they are perceived by others because they know that their chances of attracting luck improve significantly if they come across positively.

Love Emotional honesty

You’re drawn to people born on September 24 to October 23:You share a passion for art, beauty and intellectual pursuits, and this can create an intense and creative union.

People born on July 15 have the magnetic charm to effortlessly attract admirers but they also have a tendency to take advantage of the vulnerabilities of others. Once in a committed relationship they will do anything to help and encourage their partner, but they need to watch their tendency to become controlling or domineering. It is crucial for them to ensure that they are emotionally honest and direct in all affairs of the heart.

Health Higher things

People born on this day are prone to excess in all areas of their lives and their love of material pleasures may lead them to overeating and drinking too much. Their love of life’s material pleasures may lead them to gambling and a money-orientated approach to life. For their physical and emotional fulfillment it is therefore crucial for them to connect more with their emotions and their spirituality. Meditation is highly recommended, as is quiet time alone reading, thinking and dreaming. Diet should be wholesome and balanced, and low in sugar, salt, additives, and saturated fat. Team sports and competitive forms of exercise are a great way for them to deal with pent-up frustrations. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color purple will encourage them to think of higher things.

Those born on July 15 must beware of overindulgence and excesses of all sorts, which generally result in both physical and mental harm to themselves. Excess drinking, causing cirrhosis of the liver and stomach ulcers, and the deleterious effects of smoking put them at risk. By gaining control over their emotional drives, July 15 people can insure better personal health. Overeating can also be a problem for July 15 people and can be managed by adopting vegetarian or low-fat diets with an emphasis on grains, fruits and fresh-grown garden vegetables. Those born on this day can focus their obsessional nature on competitive and low-contact sports, as well as physical self-improvement (jogging, swimming, aerobics), usually with healthy results.

Career Born businessmen/women

These people have the ruthless streak needed to make it big in business or commerce but they may prefer to reach out to the world through creative and expressive endeavors, such as acting, music, art, writing, singing, or speaking. They may also be attracted to teaching, lecturing, journalism, the caring professions, and health care, but whatever career they choose, education of some type will be important to help them realize their exceptional potential.

Destiny To enrich the lives of others

The life path of people born on this day is to understand themselves and their motivations better, and to become aware of the forceful impact they have on others. Once they are able to do that, their destiny is to enrich the lives of others in some way.

Learn to harness your material talents; use them toward positive ends Beware of addictions and obsessions which ultimately slow you down, or set you back. Growth is a continual process of change Evolve an ethical code that defines the person you want to be,

Celebrities Born On July 15th

Forest Whitaker(American actor), Brigitte Nielsen(Danish actress), Rembrandt(Dutch artist),

Rembrandt van Rijn (Dutch I 7 master painter, etcher), Mother Cabrini (modern Catholic saint, missionary, founder of welfare institutions, orphanages. Columbia [Cabrini] Hospital), Inigo Jones (British 1 7 th c. architect), Julian Bream (British classical guitanst, lutenist), Iris Murdoch (British novelist Under the Net), Linda Ronstadt (singer, songwriter), Jacques Dernda (French philosopher, structuralist, deconstructivist, Grammatology). Philly Joe Jones (jazz drummer), Sir Muda Hassanal Bolkiah (perhaps nchest man in world, Sultan of Brunei). Jean-Bertrand Aristide (Haitian president), Leon Ledemnan (US Nobel Prize-winning nuclear physicist detected muon neutrino), Forest Whitaker (film actor), Jan Michael Vincent (film actor), Dorothy Fields (lyricist first woman songwriter elected to Hall of Fame, Annie Get Your Gun), Alex Karras (football player, TV actor, sports commentator), Carl Bildt (Swedish prime minister), Leopoldo Galtien (Argentina junta leader). Rudolf Levy (German- Jewish painter, died Auschwitz), Jean-Baptiste Charcot (French physician, Antarctic explorer), Bngrtte Nielsen (actress)

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