July 15th Birthday Horoscope

Last updated onJuly 15, 2024

Everyone has a list of things they want to do. Yours may have been done some time ago. But the fact is, every once in a while, it is not only vital to review that, it’s important to take that metaphorical piece of paper that list is written on, and write a new one. There is no better time to do this than the present.

When the moment is right, an abrupt “No” can be a statement of love

July 15th Birthday Horoscope

You were born on July 15th

There are many definitions for the word “success.” On one hand you are a cardinal sign—one of the signs that begin in each season—but you are also an intuitive water sign, so your own definition of success may shift with your mood. The question is: does it have to do with worldly achievement—perhaps making money or being recognized—or is it about living a happy life in which you’re content with what you are doing and the people around you?

Ideally, it will be both, but times change and life changes, and having these all at once can be tricky. This means that defining success for you also has to do with how you feel about yourself and what you’re doing—and the joy that you have every day when you wake up.

Compare yourself to others, and it’s difficult to have that joy. On the other hand, if you simply feel the best you can each day, then reach out and share that feeling with others, whatever the day holds, you’ll feel better, and might even find that those good feelings are contagious.

Even more than that, as someone who is a cardinal sign, it is important that you be bold and take chances at least every once in a while. It is an important muscle for you to exercise, and the more you do, the more you will enjoy what, ultimately, you achieve.

You and others

We often get into rituals—with friends, or often with family at certain holidays or times of the year. While that’s nice, it can also be dull or restrictive, so alter the place or activity or even the people involved a little and get others to agree with this approach, you fill find a whole new way of doing something, which, while a familiar ritual, won’t become a trap.

Health and well-being

Others may have told you certain activities were good for you, so you are trying them out instead of doing something you really enjoy. This has to do with how you eat and with how you move. But even more than that, it’s about doing things to give your spirit a lift. As a water sign, that latter is far more important and can actually be the foundation of your well-being.

Goals and challenges

Everyone has a list of things they want to do. Yours may have been done some time ago. But the fact is, every once in a while, it is not only vital to review that, it’s important to take that metaphorical piece of paper that list is written on, and write a new one. There is no better time to do this than the present.


On several occasions over the past few weeks, when discussing certain tricky situations, you sidestepped the full facts. While, at the time, it was about sidestepping pointless discussions, you’re urged to inform those involve of the details you left out. And do it now, before they discover these for themselves.

Zodiac Sign

Cancer: JUNE 20 – JULY 21

Ruler: The Moon

Symbol: The Crab

Element: Water

Flower: Lily

The only sign ruled by the Moon, Cancer accents cycles —both nature’s rhythms, especially the oceans and tides, and those in our lives. The symbol, the crab, is linked to water, as are your sign’s flowers: the lily and the lotus. Your herbs are aromatic, tarragon and verbena, and your tree is the maple. Your jewel, the pearl, not only comes from the sea, it mirrors the Moon’s form.

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