July 16th Passionate Logic Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 16, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is resisting the tendency to proselytize

☆The way forward is to understand that compelling or forcing others to listen to your viewpoint will just alienate them.

The Birthday Of Passionate Logic, The Day Of The Rising Tide

July 16th Passionate Logic Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 16th Birthdays

Sun sign: Cancer

Ruling planet: Moon, the intuitive

Symbol: The Crab

Birth date ruler: Neptune, the speculator

Tarot card: The Tower (breakthrough)

Favorable numbers: 5, 7

Lucky day: Monday, especially when it falls on 5 and 7 of the month

Lucky colors: Cream, lagoon blue, white

Birthstone: Pearl

People born on July 16 tend to have an impulsive, passionate nature. They dream adventurous and exciting dreams and more often than not these come true. Once they are inspired, their energy and enthusiasm is without equal, but they have another side, their logical side. This unusual combination of passion and logic makes them interesting, unusual and exceptional.

The demeanor of these people can be down to earth and pragmatic, but despite this they never lose sight of their dreams and passions. Whatever life path they choose, there will always be a conflict between their logic and their impulses, and this will come across in words that are rational but presented passionately or behavior that is impulsive but explained logically. When their logic and passion are in harmony, with neither gaining the upper hand, they are likely to feel at their happiest; but when one is more dominant than the other it can lead to unhappiness. For example, they may try to repress their emotions by becoming obsessive in their behavior; or they may try to bury their logic and become unrealistic or unfocused in their approach.

For the first thirty-five years of their lives people born on this day will often grow in confidence and capability; these are the years when emotions are most likely to take the lead. After the age of thirty-six, however, there is a shift toward logic and reason, and they are likely to have a more practical and discriminating attitude, with service to others becoming a more important part of their lives. After the age of sixty-six there is an emphasis on harmony and balance between the two conflicting sides of their personality.

The key to success and happiness for people born on this day is to allow neither their rational nor their impulsive side to take the lead. If they can find a way to balance the two, they will find that they have within them outstanding potential not just to achieve their own dreams but also to bring excitement into the lives of others.

☆ On the dark side:Obsessive, unrealistic, unfocused

☆ At your best:Intense, passionate, devoted

Those born on July 16 are seized by romantic impulses again and again—impulses to do with love, adventure, fantastic happenings and unusual people. Those born on this day strive to bring excitement into their lives, and are generally frustrated with the humdrum nature of mundane existence. It is the passionate energy they give to their projects which sets them off from others. Idealists at heart, they must believe in what they do, and their work often takes on aspects of a crusade.

Yet there is another side to these romantics, and that is their highly developed mental powers. Many born on this day see themselves as logical creatures and believe in the power of mind over matter. What they say and what they do, however, may be two different things.

If one were to read the content of their remarks, one would recognize logic, but in fact when one listens to how they communicate, it is the language of emotion that comes across.

Indeed, their mode of expression can resemble a sermon when they try to convince others of what (to them) is sound, practical and makes sense.

Conflicts often arise for July 16 people between their reasoning and emotional natures.

For example, they may be disturbed by their passions and adopt a rigid discipline in order to regulate their energies. Unfortunately, this too often results in stilted behavior which produces frustration, and distances those born on this day from others. All the while the kettle is standing on the boil.

Many July 16 people cannot avoid proselytizing, using their curious blend of logic and passion to convert others to their side. They must beware of intruding on or being insensitive to established beliefs, or depriving others of the opportunity to learn for themselves through personal study and experience.

Conventional people born on July 16 may work quite ordinary jobs and lead what appear to be uneventful lives. But if one looks at the books they read, the films they love to watch, their favorite TV programs, a clue to their fantasy life may be found. Somehow their wish to be swept away, to sweep others away, must be expressed, and it is the feeling of being swept off one's feet that makes life really worthwhile to them.

Falling in love may have damaging effects on July 16 people, either because of its depth or frequency. Whatever the case, it is quite impossible to tear July 16 people away from their love object, no matter how hopeless their chances of capturing it are. Barriers, difficulties of all sorts, frustrations—these are simply essential components to romance for them. Convinced of their illusions they proceed on their way no matter what. If this love object is not a person but a place, a thing or a type of experience, it can retain its power forever if never possessed, if never realized. In this respect July 16 people prefer having their cake to eating it, and their dreams can become an excellenj substitute for effective action.

Power Thought:I am a good listener, to my intuition and to those with whom I live and work,We are all swimming in the same bowl of soup

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 16th day of the month are ruled by the number 7 (1+6=7), and by the planet Neptune. Those ruled by the number 7 do not always carry through their ideas and can get out of touch with reality easily, emphasized for July 16 people by the influence of the Moon (Cancer's ruler). Neptune is the planet of dreams, fantasies and also of religious feeling. Since those born on July 16 already have tendencies in this direction, they must be especially careful not to go over the edge psychologically. Those ruled by the number 7 can sometimes throw caution to the winds where money is concerned and leave their families financially embarrassed. A good accountant or bookkeeper is thus invaluable to July 16 people.

July 16th Birthday Tarot Card

The 16th card of the Major Arcana is The Tower, which in one version of the Tarot deck shows both a king falling from a lightning-struck tower and the builder of this tower being killed by a blow to the head. The Tower symbolizes the impermanence of not only physical structures but also of relationships or vocations in our lives. The changes wrought can often be sudden and swift. The positive elements of the card include overcoming catastrophe and confronting challenges. However, the Tower cautions against rising unjustifiably high, risking destruction at the hands of one's own invention and, particularly true for July 16 people, succumbing to the lure of fanciful enterprises.

☆Luck maker:(Be nosy)One of the most effective ways to gather information to increase your chances of luck is keeping your mouth shut and your ears and eyes open. Observe and find out who or what will help you succeed.

Love Follow your heart

You’re drawn to people born on March 21 to April 20:You are both sensitive, passionate and driven individuals and you can share an almost telepathic bond.

People born on July 16 aim high when it comes to affairs of the heart and they often tend to pursue and succeed in capturing romantic partners whom others may consider unsuitable or out of their league in terms of wealth, appearance and educational background. This is because they are passionate, sensitive and intelligent but also determined and focused enough to get who or what they want, no matter what odds are stacked against them.

Health Will-power alone

People born on this day need to understand that sometimes they will need to seek the advice of their doctor and that will-power alone cannot always keep them feeling healthy. They are especially prone to illnesses of the upper digestive tract, indigestion, catarrh, coughs, anemia, and lowered vitality so it is important for them to make sure they boost their health and their immune systems with a nutritious diet rich in antioxidants (found in fruit and vegetables) and plenty of exercise. Being so strong willed, they are unlikely to take the advice of any nutritionist or fitness instructor preferring to devise their own health program. This is fine as long as they do plenty of research first to find the best diet and exercise routine for their hectic lifestyle. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color green will boost their self-esteem and help them bring balance to all aspects of their lives.

The principal danger to the health of July 16 people is their sometimes passionate belief that they can overcome any physical difficulty through strength of mind. They must learn that certain serious disorders demand the intervention of a physician, surgeon, healer or chiropractic consultant. Admittedly, positive thinking does do wonders for them, and the tendency of those born on this day to stress prevention and a structured, yet individual approach to diet and exercise is largely to be commended.

Career Born spokesperson

These people are particularly suited to the arts, where their innovative work can inspire others, but they may also choose to help others by becoming social or religious campaigners. Other careers they may be drawn to include education, counseling, social work, or a job that requires speaking up for others, such as labor unions, politics or law.

Destiny To transform or better the lives of others

The life path of people born on this day is to find ways to balance their impulsive and their rational side. Once they find this balance, their destiny is to make a positive and transforming contribution to bettering the lives of others.

Calm down. Allow your feelings an easy expression and don't repress them. Direct your passions in positive, non-intrusive ways; learn not to antagonize or turn others off. Don't use wishes as an excuse tor inaction. Remain positive but not overbearingly so.

Celebrities Born On July 16th

Ginger Rogers(American dancer and actress), Barbara Stanwyck(American actress), Roald Amundsen(Norwegian polar explorer),

Mary Baker Eddy (Chnstian Science founder, writer, Science and Health), Ginger Rogers (Broadway dancer, Fred Astaire's partner, film actress), Ruben Blades (Panamanian salsa singer, songwriter, bandleader, film actor), Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot (French landscape, portrait painter), Roald Amundsen (Norwegian explorer, first man to reach South Pole), Anita Brookner (British writer, Hotel du Lac), Bella Davidovich (Russian-American pianist), Pinchas Zukerman (Israeli-American violinist, violist, conductor), Eugene Ysaye (Belgian violinist, teacher), Margaret Smith Court (Australian tennis champion, Grand Slam, I Ix Australian, 7x US Open, 5x French, 3x Wimbledon winner), Barbara Stanwyck (film actress), Cameades (New Academy school of philosophy founder, Cyrene), Trygve Lie (Norwegian statesman, lawyer, UN Secretary General), Shoeless Joe Jackson (baseball outfielder, member of infamous "Black" Sox team, hit .300 or better eleven times, career .356, banned from baseball for life), Barry Sanders (football running back, Heisman Trophy winner, all-time NCAA single-season rushing leader, NFC Rookie of Year. NFL Player of Year). Giuseppe Castiglione (18* c. Italian painter at Chinese Court, became proficient at Chinese art), Andrea del Sarto (Florentine Renaissance painter), Jorge Castillo (Spanish surrealist painter), Cal Tjader (jazz vibraphonist), Bess Myerson (Miss America)

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