July 17th Master Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 17, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is to stop procrastinating

☆The way forward is to understand that not moving forward with your life is the same as moving backward.

The Birthday Of The Master, The Day Of Career Concerns

July 17th Master Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 17th Birthdays

Sun sign: Cancer

Ruling planet: Moon, the intuitive

Symbol: The Crab

Birth date ruler: Saturn, the teacher

Tarot card: The Star (hope)

Favorable numbers: 6, 8

Lucky days: Monday and Saturday especially when these days fall on 6 and 8 of the month

Lucky colors: Cream, maroon, brown

Birthstone: Pearl

People born on July 17 strive to rise to the very top in their chosen field and to have others acknowledge their mastery. Their independence, confidence and discipline make them extremely capable workers in whatever task they undertake, and they often greatly impress others with their focus, tenacity and professionalism.

Tending to present a serious, sometimes harsh face to the world, within their chosen sphere they are, however, passionate and creative; to those who know them well they have a wacky sense of humor. With a tendency to focus their energies on money and material concerns, they may end up in careers or situations that waste their talents. It is important, therefore, that they pay great attention to their choice of career as they will not find true fulfillment until they devote themselves to something that inspires them or speaks to their principles. They may also be guilty of procrastination. Although they are extremely good at working their way patiently up to the top, sometimes their rate of progress is so slow that it is detrimental to their creativity. They need to find the courage to speak up for themselves so that their talents can be exposed and given the recognition they deserve.

Until the age of thirty-six they are likely to win the respect of their associates and acquaintances with their confident, cool efficiency. After the age of thirty-seven, sometimes sooner, when there are opportunities for them to become more practical and discriminating, it is important that they direct their efforts toward gaining recognition for their creativity as well, so that well-deserved promotion does not pass them by.

If they make sure that their self-sufficiency does not make them seem unapproachable, they will be well on track to attain the targets they set for themselves without forfeiting the goodwill of others. They may also find that although their wish to have others acknowledge their mastery is granted, they find greater happiness and pleasure from their ability to bring cheer and inspiration to others with their generosity and creativity.

☆ On the dark side:Serious, isolated, procrastinating

☆ At your best:Self-sufficient, ambitious, capable

Those born on July 17 often manifest a great urge to become a star or rise to the top in their career. Yet this desire is belied by their modest, serious, even shy demeanor.

One should not mistake their quietness for passivity or reclusiveness, however, for in their chosen field of endeavor they are dynamic personalities to be reckoned with. Behind a serious exterior often lies a fine sense of humor which comes out when they are relaxed. Less highly evolved individuals born on this day may be frustrated with their lives because they have not yet discovered their strengths nor acknowledged the latent ambition that simmers within them.

July 17 people may fix on money or objects of power but more often than not invest their time and energy in themselves. Less highly evolved individuals born on this day may misplace their energies on undeserving people, organizations or trivial pursuits, thus robbing themselves of their most precious possession—time. Career counseling early in life may be helpful to some July 17 people not only to determine where their abilities lie but also to learn how best to promote them.

July 17 people do well as freelancers, small businesspeople and in jobs with a high degree of autonomy. They may very well have a supporting husband or wife in the background but for the most part are solo players. For a time they can enjoy a regular nine-to-five job, but when they have gained the experience they need they had better move on to more independent ventures. Once they have established themselves in a suitable field of endeavor, they will inexorably rise to the top. This makes them a very worthwhile investment for any affluent person who believes in them.

So strong are the convictions and self-confidence of highly evolved July 17 people that they have the patience to wait years for recognition, as long as they are able to continue their chosen work without interruption. All the while they are influencing, perhaps manipulating those around them in very subtle ways to further their work objectives. July 17 people must periodically evaluate their progress, however, as it may be that they are moving too slowly.

Finding a capable agent or representative may be crucial to those artists born on this day whose work demands exposure.

Sometimes, life events cause a July 17 person to change direction while at or approaching the pinnacle of success. Often this move will be humanly motivated, either through self-realization, a spectacular revelation, or accident of some kind. Generally July 17 people apply the same energy to their new life's work, though it may be of a less ambitious, perhaps more spiritual nature. Those born on this day are also capable of resuming earlier careers later in life.

Power Thought:I trust life to be wonderful. There are wonderful things ahead of me,Problems in life are simply challenges to grow

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 17th day of the month are ruled by the number 8 ( 1+7=8), and by the planet Saturn. Saturn tends to carry a serious aspect, which may make July 17 people unnecessarily severe with themselves and others. The number 8 carries a conflict between the material and spiritual worlds; those ruled by the number 8 can be lonely (emphasized in July 17 people by the influence of the Moon, Cancer's ruler), and also prone to indulge in excess.

July 17th Birthday Tarot Card

The 17th card of the Major Arcana is The Star, which shows a beautiful naked girl under the stars pouring refreshing water on the parched earth with one pitcher and reviving the stagnant water of a pond with another. She represents the glories of the earthly life, but also material enslavement to it. The stars above her are an eternal reminder of the presence of the spiritual world. July l"7 people, then, should always aim for the stars and never forget the higher goals of life.

☆Luck maker:(Think big)Lucky people are realistic, using their common sense when setting goals, but they are never satisfied with just getting by. So break your limitations by thinking big and believing you can achieve big things.

Love A special, close link

You’re drawn to people born on December 22 to January 20:You share a passion for knowledge and a desire for stability, and this can create an intense and fulfilling union.

People born on July 17 tend to be quite traditional when it comes to affairs of the heart but they may also be tempted to have secret love affairs. They need a very special, close link with their partners and are attracted to independent, intelligent and creative thinkers like themselves. Although they can be warm and loving, they need to be careful that the image they present is not so self-sufficient that others feel they won’t be needed.

Health Don’t crawl into your shell

People born on this day give the appearance of great self-sufficiency and they are likely to take care of their physical health by eating well and getting enough exercise. They do, however, need to pay greater attention to their emotional and psychological health. If they don’t get to know themselves better they may find that their so-called independence shatters when they encounter setbacks, challenges and disappointments in life, and that instead of being resilient and upbeat they crawl into a shell of negativity and anxiety. It is therefore extremely important for them to devote more time to self-development, challenging negative thinking and building their self-esteem. Meditation, yoga, cognitive behavioral therapy and counseling are all recommended, as is spending more time relaxing with friends and loved ones. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color orange will increase feelings of warmth, security and enjoyment.

July 17 people are usually well motivated when it comes to caring for their physical health, as they understand that their success depends on it. In addition to their sensible diet they should also take sufficient vitamin and mineral supplements, particularly vitamin C. However, unless they prepare themselves psychologically as well they will neither be able to withstand competitive stresses in their work nor will they be tough enough to handle tragedy, if and when it strikes. Those July 17 people who have not denoted enough time to getting to know themselves or have become overly dependent emotionally on a supporting figure in their lives may break down over the loss of a loved one. Thus all activities promoting self-awareness (spiritual training, yoga, psychological therapy, classes, reading and study) will be well worth the investment.

Career Born newscasters

These people are multi-talented with outstanding potential to acquire knowledge in whatever career they choose; they may be drawn to careers in management, law, sales, promotion, and politics. Alternatively they may choose to develop their creative side and talent with the spoken or written word in drama, education, writing, journalism, lecturing, or the media.

Destiny To inform, entertain or inspire others

The life path of people born on this day is to put more effort into their own creativity. Once they stop trying so hard to win people’s respect, their destiny is to inform, entertain or inspire others.

Give at least as much as you get. Avoid manipulating those close to you; make your intentions clear. Don't sacrifice human concerns for your ambition. Lighten up and let yourself laugh

Celebrities Born On July 17th

Donald Sutherland(Canadian actor), James Cagney(American actor and dancer), Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall(Member of British royal family),

John Jacob Astor I (German-born fur trader, New York multi-millionaire financier, owned a large portion of Manhattan), John Paul Jones (Scottishborn US naval commander, 1812 War hero, defeated British Navy), James Cagney (film actor), Bryan Trottier (hockey center, led New York Isanders to four straight Stanley Cups, top scorer, MVP), Donald Sutherland (film actor), Dawn Upshaw (soprano), Earie Stanley Gardner (mystery story wnter, Perry Mason senes), Berenice Abbott (New York photographer), Diahann Carroll (singer, actress), Phoebe Snow (singer), Chico Freeman (jazz tenor saxophonist, bandleader), Daryle Lamonica (football quarterback, "The Mad Bomber," 2x AFC passing leader), Peter Schikele (comic musician. P.D.Q. Donald Sutherland Bach), Nicolette Larson (singer), Phyllis Diller (comedienne), Sir Donald Francis Tovey (British music writer, theoretician, pianist), Eleanore Steber (opera singer), Vince Guaraldi (jazz pianist composer of Peanuts cartoon theme). Richard M. Scammon (election analyst, political science statistician), Lionel Feinmger (painter, caricaturist)

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