July 17th Birthday Horoscope

Last updated onJuly 17, 2024

As a Cancerian, you like things that are familiar. You know what you’re doing. But there is a part of you that gets bored and needs new things to do. Be conscious of the fact that, occasionally, you’ll let something that you’re already doing slip so you have an opportunity to fix it. Here’s an idea. You might enjoy life more if you embrace a new activity or pursuit—something you can learn about—and a new joy to your life.

Joy can appear in the most unexpected settings, some so extraordinary you’re taken by surprise

July 17th Birthday Horoscope

You were born on July 17th

As a Cancerian, you are on one hand sensitive, but also you’re driven. You have a clear sense of what needs to be done—or you do until you talk to other people who have an entirely different agenda. The trick to dealing with this is to acknowledge that they want things done their way, and then very quietly go on and do what you think is most important first.

This doesn’t only have to do with tasks. It also has to do with life’s joys and, to be honest, who is better at assessing the joys that you will experience than you? There are those around you who are quite sure they know what’s in your best interest. If so, listen to them politely, then change the subject and go back to doing what you want to do. With certain individuals, this is easy, but with others, it may seem as if you’re almost being secretive or challenging them. If so, those are the ones you want to be particularly aware of, and you also want to be especially conscious of putting you and your own interests and your own goals first.

Do that and the happiness you have won’t be their happiness, but will be the happiness you’ve created from your own goals and happiness, which grows with each passing day, knowing that as you add one achievement to the next, you’re able to enjoy what you do and who you are all the more.

You and others

Your message has to do with being aware of and being cautious about complainers, those who need things done a certain way, those who regard those who don’t do things their way to be somehow inferior. This isn’t about you. However, they will be superb at making you feel guilty. The trick is to ignore them politely and do exactly what you want to do.

Health and well-being

If there is a secret to feeling well, it isn’t following someone’s regimen or eating the way someone says you should. It’s simply to get moving. That may mean getting out and about, or eating in a different way. And it needn’t be a tough road. It’s about just being sure you enjoy what each day offers.

Goals and challenges

As a Cancerian, you like things that are familiar. You know what you’re doing. But there is a part of you that gets bored and needs new things to do. Be conscious of the fact that, occasionally, you’ll let something that you’re already doing slip so you have an opportunity to fix it. Here’s an idea. You might enjoy life more if you embrace a new activity or pursuit—something you can learn about—and a new joy to your life.


There is little point in arguing with somebody who has already made, and committed to, a decision. Although you don’t realize it, that’s exactly what you’ve done, and in a range of situations. Review existing plans, especially those you regard as unchanging. They could be holding you back.

Zodiac Sign

Cancer: JUNE 20 – JULY 21

Ruler: The Moon

Symbol: The Crab

Element: Water

Flower: Lily

The only sign ruled by the Moon, Cancer accents cycles —both nature’s rhythms, especially the oceans and tides, and those in our lives. The symbol, the crab, is linked to water, as are your sign’s flowers: the lily and the lotus. Your herbs are aromatic, tarragon and verbena, and your tree is the maple. Your jewel, the pearl, not only comes from the sea, it mirrors the Moon’s form.

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