July 18th Better Way Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 18, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is recognizing your individual needs

☆The way forward is to understand that making time for your own thoughts and interests is not incompatible with the needs of the people you are devoted to.

The Birthday Of The Better Way, The Day Of Conviction

July 18th Better Way Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 18th Birthdays

Sun sign: Cancer

Ruling planet: Moon, the intuitive

Symbol: The Crab

Birth date ruler: Mars, the warrior

Tarot card: The Moon (intuition)

Favorable numbers: 7, 9

Lucky days: Monday and Tuesday especially when these days fall on 7 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: White, crimson, cream

Birthstone: Pearl

People born on July 18 appear to have limitless energy and enthusiasm. Throwing their heart, body and soul into whatever they do, they are admired for their dedication, conviction and determination to make their voice heard. They are unlikely to follow the conventional path in their personal or professional lives, and always aim to find a better way, speaking out boldly to let others know about it.

Although they can give the appearance of being extreme, eccentric or wild, there is often a method to their madness. Independent and innovative in their thinking, they also prefer to identify themselves with a group or common cause. The reasons for this include strong feelings of empathy with others, as well as a somewhat insecure need to ground themselves in the bonds of camaraderie that come from serving a common cause and receiving recognition.

Until the age of thirty-four they will be given opportunities to develop their daring as their power, confidence and creativity increase. They will often, however, choose to invest their considerable energies, intellectual talents and emotions in shared aims; it is important during this time that they don’t allow their views or opinions to become extreme or inflexible. After the age of thirty-five they may become more discriminating, businesslike and efficient. The need to work with and serve others will be as strong as ever, but this time the emphasis will be on supplying creative and progressive solutions, making these people powerful figures in the community. Another turning point comes at the age of sixty-four when issues around beauty, harmony and emotional fulfillment are emphasized.

Although they are self-disciplined, intelligent and sociable, the true inspiration they seek will lie in the realms of emotional satisfaction. They will always be gifted problem solvers able to find a better way for others; but once they understand that the best way for themselves is the inner way and trusting their highly developed intuition, they will find that they attract countless opportunities for their own happiness and true fulfillment.

☆ On the dark side:Insecure, extreme, wild

☆ At your best:Bold, committed, driven

Those born on July 18 so clearly reflect the views of their group that they may find themselves spokespersons for those whose opinions they not only share but also come to shape. Social considerations are often in the forefront here, and whether those born on this day are actively political or not. they usually have a well-defined set of priorities and ethics that anchors their purpose in the world.

Because of their extreme receptivity and their power to effect changes, July 18 people make ideal candidates to represent anything from smaller groups (families, clubs or local societies) to larger entities (unions, political organizations or government bodies). Occasionally such people can become actual living symbols of the group they represent. As such they have the potential to become very powerful figures, as long as they keep the bond with their family, constituents or colleagues alive. If they should be cut off from this group, they may suffer great anxiety, go through a crisis and be forced to reexamine their values.

Those born on July 18 are generally forceful individuals. If they had the freedom, adventurousness or the inclination to step away from their group affiliations they would perhaps benefit from it, but given their nature, perhaps this is a moot point. Freedom of thought, action and choice are always circumscribed to some extent by the ethics of the group to which they belong and usually July 18 people make a contribution or express their creativity within such a framework. When the values or objectives of their group come into conflict with the laws of society which they consider unjust, those born on this day do not hesitate to attack the status quo aggressively or defend their group against domination or suppression. In this they are tireless and courageous.

The private lives of July 18 people may suffer terribly from their work. They must acknowledge that without spending sufficient time with their mate and/or children a satisfactory relationship is not likely to result. Many born on this day are adept at social interaction yet quite immature emotionally, and therefore problems will arise in their personal relationships.

They may become quite dependent on the attention and affection they demand from those close to them, and extremely vulnerable and fearful if they are threatened with losing it.

This may be further complicated if they do not wish to invest enough of themselves to satisfy their loved ones. Those born on July 18 must learn to be as strong in their private lives as they are in their public lives, and this cannot be accomplished on a strictly part-time basis.

Power Thought:Today I will notice everything around me, as well as in me,We speak of the individual and the Universe.But within the Individual there Is a universe as well

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 18th day of the month are ruled by the number 9 (1+8=9), and by the planet Mars. The number 9 is powerful in its influence on other numbers (any number added to 9 yields that number: e.g., 5+9=14, 4+1=5; any number multiplied by 9 yields a 9: e.g., 9x5=45, 4+5=9). and July 18 people are similarly able to influence those around them. Since Cancer is ruled by the moon, July 18 people come under a Moon-Mars combination; therefore they must beware of emotional outbursts and a tendency to quarrel, as well as getting their emotional needs confused with those of others. These exceptionally Moon-influenced July 18 people (see also the Tarot section below) are often in for a ride on the old emotional rollercoaster, and possess a tendency to swing from passive to aggressive.

July 18th Birthday Tarot Card

The 18th card of the Major Arcana is The Moon, which primarily represents the world of dreams, emotions and the unconscious. Positive attributes include sensitivity, empathy and emotional understanding. Negative qualities include emotional malleability, passivity and lack of ego.

☆Luck maker:(Connect with your intuition)Ask your intuition specific, focused questions and wait for the answer. It may show up in the form of an amazing coincidence or a luck-making thought in your head.

Love Make love your cause

You’re drawn to people born on March 21 to April 20:You are both magnetic, expressive and emotional individuals and this can be an intense and passionate union.

People born on July 18 do have a tendency to identify themselves so strongly with the cause or project they are promoting that partners can feel left out or insignificant by comparison. Although they are attracted to people who will support their pursuit of truth, to keep their relationship alive they need to turn the spotlight on their partner from time to time and make them their cause.

Health Emotional confidence

People born on this day need to ensure that they find ways to express their negative emotions; repressing them will lead to unhappiness and confusion. They should understand that emotions, such as fear, anger, guilt, and sadness, should not be ignored but listened to because they have something important to say. Getting in touch with their emotions is therefore crucial, and if they can’t do this alone they may benefit from therapy or counseling. As far as diet is concerned, they should eat little and often to keep their energy levels high; the importance of moderate to mild exercise every day should not be overlooked as it will help them deal with pent-up emotions, boosting their self-esteem and body image at the same time. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color silver will encourage them to be more open and honest with themselves and others.

July 18 people have to deal with intense emotions and anger, as such feelings can have serious negative effects on their health if they are either severely repressed or violently expressed. One danger is that out of fear and a desire to appear rational, July 18 people will focus on their mental powers in order to push their feelings deep down inside them. An overabundance of either conscious control or uncontrolled emotion is harmful and any therapy that will help those born on this day find a healthy balance is recommended. Because of their great need for a happy home situation, emphasis on domestic comfort and sensuality as well as a wide variety of tasty food choices are particularly recommended. Moderate daily exercise should not be overlooked.

Career Born politicians

These people will often identify themselves with a group or cause and may therefore be attracted to careers in sports, politics, art, or religion. They may also excel in leadership positions in education, research, science, public relations, and philosophy. Whatever career they choose, they are never happy being told what to do, so it is imperative for them not to stay in a servile position for too long.

Destiny To be a just and progressive force

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to think independently and not always identify themselves with others. Once they are able to recognize the importance of individual and community needs, their destiny is to be a powerful force for justice and progress in their community and the world.

Don't lose yourself in your work. Get to know your emotions well and allow them easy expression. You are not always the center of every situation. Try to be emotionally honest in personal relationships. Don't be afraid of rejection.

Celebrities Born On July 18th

Nelson Mandela(South African civil rights leader), Richard Branson(British entrepreneur and businessman), Hunter S. Thompson(American journalist and author),

Nelson Mandela (South Afncan president, anti-apartheid leader, head of African National Congress, released after twenty years impnsonment), Peace Pilgrim (wanderer, walked more than 25,000 miles across Amenca for twenty-eight years carrying message of peace), John Glenn (test and combat pilot, US astronaut, senator, Ohio), Yevgeny Yevtushenko (Russian poet), Hunter Thompson (novelist, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas), Screamm' Jay Hawkins (bizarre and outrageous rock & roll, R&B singer, songwriter, pianist), Vidkun Quisling (Norwegian traitor, politician, WWII Nazi collaborator), Clifford Odets (playwright), Hume Cronyn (Canadian- US actor, writer, producer), William Makepeace Thackeray (Victorian writer, Vanity Fair), Hendrick Anton Lorentz (Dutch Nobel Prize-winning physicist, electromagnetic theonst), Richard Branson (British businessman, adventurer, founderowner Virgin Records, Airlines), S.I. Hayakawa (Canadian-bom US philologist, educator, legislator). Dick Button (US Olympic 2x figure- skating champion, 5x world champion, Emmy winner as best TV analyst), Tenley Albright (US Olympic figure- skating champion, 2x world champion), William Gilbert Grace (British 19* c. encketeer, scored 54,896 runs), Olga Spessivtzeva (Russian ballerina), Nick Faldo (British golfer, 3x British Open, 2x Masters winner, PGA player of year), Red Skelton (comic, actor), Harriet Nelson (TV actress, Ozzie and Harriet)

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