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July 18th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJuly 18, 2024

Your natural talents are sotremendous that its really a duty to develop them and not allow fads and wrong judgment colour your life. Its easy to tell sensible from silly if you really want to.

Sun Sign: Cancer/Moon

Decanate: Cancer/Neptune; Numbers: 7, 9

July 18th Birthday Love Astrology

Women born today are Cancerominously romantic and this tendency should not be encouraged, or they will spin forever through the universe, gazing down at the world through their rosy-tinted aura. Little girls get all the usual good fairy gifts, good looks, wit, talent, sweetness of nature, but then the bad fairy popped by later and counterbalanced all of this with a wedgette of vain gullibility.

They think lovers and frocks and even new jobs grow on trees - for them. Because they reap so much personal praise they often expect the best of everything, and more difficult, they expect somebody else to get it for them.

July 18 window shops for life. Then a partner, or friend, or even child, clinches the deal. Anything without an accepted, conventional style makes them shudder and they suffer from trainspotteritis at the mention of any outdoor activity involving fresh air. These girls have more earrings in an ear than anybody else. They could be persuaded to go to a club with a bathbag on their head, if the persuader had a glib enough tongue. The worst kind of man takes them for a ride.

If July 18 could but listen to sense their life would be easier, and better, too, for advisers who spend endless hours advising, while this creature revels in the attention. When she does take sense on board, the most delightful independent butterfly emerges, more eye-catching than anyone else around.

The men are not quite so subject to enslaving others, and even become other's slaves. And they are certainly more practical and able to do things for themselves. But at home, in any financial area or anything to do with property they are prey to bad influences from others on the make. And in the office, they are vulnerable to the worst kind of flattering toad. Everyone's nature can be modified. These are only general guidelines. Don't let the gullible factor bring you down.

In Love

People seek you out because they enjoy your affable personality and charming sense of humor. You identify with their problems, and instinct tells you where your help is needed. In matters of the heart, you’re an idealistic dreamer, and romance is never far from your thoughts. In an intimate relationship, you are cautious and emotionally vulnerable yet enormously loving and giving. You like being with a strong partner who makes you feel secure and encourages all your efforts. Although you thrive when things go well, if your love life doesn’t live up to your expectations you may feel totally shattered.

In Bed

You are very idealistic when it comes to love. Sex for you is more than just a physical act. It involves the body, mind, and soul. Mutual give and take in a relationship is very important to you, in the bedroom and elsewhere. A caring, thoughtful person yourself, you get off on gratifying your partner’s wishes. However, deep down you like to be coddled and pampered too, so you expect the same kind of consideration in return.


77MS good-looking date should ensure that skin is protected from sun. July 18 people burn easily, but sun is not really good for any skin at all. There are two types of sun ray you should protect your skin from, the UVA rays, responsible for stimulating the production of the pigment melanin, which is the skins natural protection against sunburn. UVA rays are most closely associated with skin cancer. The second type, UVB, age skin by damaging collagen and elastin, the suppleness and elasticity of the skin. Don't go below a Sun Protection Factor 15.


Love is your ultimate turn-on, and the trappings of a romantic liaison stir up your passionate juices and get them flowing. A lover’s haven near the ocean connects you to your deepest unconscious desires. The intimacy of a moonlight swim or a shared bubble bath will have a comparable erotic effect on an enchanted evening of amorous seduction.


Your natural talents are sotremendous that its really a duty to develop them and not allow fads and wrong judgment colour your life. Its easy to tell sensible from silly if you really want to.

Reality Check

Sensitive and deeply emotional, you possess a multifaceted personality that can change when your mood shifts. Most of your actions are dictated by feelings, impulse, or intuition. You prefer keeping your thoughts, plans, and ideas to yourself as a way of avoiding conflict and confrontation.

Consequently, your real position and opinion on things often remains hidden or disguised.

July 18 Date Share

Died: Jack Hawkins. Born: Richard Branson, British businessman, Virgin empire owner, adventurer. Nick Faldo, British golf champion. Nelson Mandela, South African president, anti-apartheid leader, head of ANC Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Russian poet, dissident.

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