July 19th Energetic Self-awareness Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 19, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is avoiding negative thinking

☆The way forward is to understand that negative thinking is just as irrational as positive thinking. There are always two sides to the story, so aim for more realistic thinking.

The Birthday Of Energetic Self-awareness, The Day Of Controlled Movement

July 19th Energetic Self-awareness Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 19th Birthdays

Sun sign: Cancer

Ruling planet: Moon, the intuitive

Symbol: The Crab

Birth date ruler: Sun, the individual

Tarot card: The Sun (enthusiasm)

Favorable numbers: 1, 8

Lucky days: Monday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 8 of the month

Lucky colors: Orange, gold, yellow

Birthstone: Pearl

People born on July 19 set themselves extremely high standards. From a very early age self-improvement will have been a key theme. They expect a great deal from themselves and others, but those who know them well will recognize that their harshest criticism is reserved for themselves.

These people are energetic and charming, and both physically and intellectually they need to keep their bodies and minds active. This is why they will often push themselves incredibly hard or jump from activity to activity. They need to keep moving and, above all, to feel that they are learning, growing and improving in all areas of their lives. In many ways they are among the most self-aware individuals of the year and when they have made any kind of mistake or oversight they will immediately acknowledge it, trying to find ways of improving their performance, behavior or attitude in the future. Others love them for their ability to learn and change, but their self-awareness does come at a price: a painful awareness of their own inadequacies.

People born on this day are prone to relentless self-criticism and they may often exaggerate their imagined shortcomings. When they are indulging in a bout of insecurity, mood swings and impatience are likely, so it is extremely important for their psychological growth that they understand the need to stay centered. Spending more time simply being instead of doing will help boost their self-esteem, giving them the objectivity and distance needed to manage their emotions effectively.

Until the age of thirty-three they will be presented with opportunities to develop their strength and confidence. After the age of thirty-four they are likely to become even more perfectionist in their approach to life. Because of their tendency to be harsh with themselves they should ensure that they also bring more patience to their talents during these years because if they do they will be able to make the most of their wonderful potential becoming the creative and charismatic person they were always meant to be.

☆ On the dark side:Impatient, insecure, moody

☆ At your best:Energetic, self-aware, charming

Recurrent themes in the lives of July 19 people are movement, grace and form. Those born on this day are highly attuned to how they present themselves and often involved with mastering their body. Perhaps this preoccupation stems from their desire to channel and shape their emotions. Many born on this day are prone to mood swings, sometimes resulting in passive-aggressive behavior. They are also likely to be unusually temperamental in adolescence, which may be especially trying and awkward for them and others. As they mature, July 19 people work actively to cultivate their innate grace; they are not only conscious of how they carry themselves, but also of how they speak.

In fact, the self-awareness that July 19 people demonstrate, on a number of levels, can be an exceptional quality. When they have made a mistake, they are quick to acknowledge it, and though they may not rush to apologize when they are unfair or unkind to someone, they will try to improve their attitude in the future. This capacity for improving on themselves generally does not go unnoticed with friends, family or mates, who appreciate a July 19 person's efforts.

But though July 19 people generally succeed at mastering their deportment and how they relate to others, they still may not be in firm control of their own emotional center.

Stillness of mind and non-action are vitally important in this regard. Those born on this day who come to understand the value of non-action will enhance their active side and bolster their self-confidence.

However, because July 19 people are self-critical by nature, non-action must not be confused with hesitancy or indecision. Rather, using the power of waiting to advantage, contemplating and acting at the right moment is what is meant here. For those born on this day, denial of immediate gratification is essential in developing strength of character, and at some point in their lives they are likely to take on difficult experiences that teach them much in this regard.

July 19 people should beware of having undue faith in others, or engaging in adulation and hero-worship, which may ultimately rob them of their own self-worth and individual expression. It is vital that they cultivate and nurture their uniqueness, perhaps even by having the courage to strip themselves to the bone and build themselves up in a realistic fashion brick by brick.

July 19 people must also guard against perilous emotional encounters, as their unreality factor can be rather high where their perception of others is concerned; they are particularly prone to project their own emotions on those close to them. This July 19 tendency toward excessive subjectivity must be shaped and refined, not merely suppressed, as efforts at control should aim to produce a joyful, playful and vibrant personality, not a repressed or habituated one.

Power Thought:Today I will see my own beauty and believe in my own power,Most of what we need is quite close at hand

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 19th day of the month are ruled by the number 1 (1+9=10, 1+0=1), and by the Sun. Because of the fact that June 19 people are born on the first day of the Cancer-Leo cusp, which is strongly influenced by both the Moon (Cancer) and the Sun (Leo), there are inevitable conflicts between more extroverted Sun and Number 1 influences and inward Moon influences, with the active Sun influences usually predominating. Those ruled by the number 1 tend to be ambitious and dislike restraint.

July 19th Birthday Tarot Card

The 19th card of the Major Arcana, The Sun, can be considered as the most favorable of all the Major Arcana cards; it symbolizes knowledge, vitality, and good fortune, and promises esteem and reward. This card posits the good qualities of clarity, harmony in relationship and fine reputation: it does, however, also hold out the bad possibilities of pride, vanity and false appearance.

☆Luck maker:(Believe in your own value)Lucky people understand that they are not perfect, but are just like everyone else; they have simply learned how to minimize their weaknesses and maximize their strengths.

Love Seductive playfulness

You’re drawn to people born on October 24 to November 23:You are both big on feelings and this relationship can be passionate and intense.

People born on July 19 maybe prone to mood swings and tantrums, but their charm and seductive playfulness will more than make up for these shortcomings, drawing many different potential partners to them. They have a strong need for emotional security and will often seek a close relationship with someone who is dependable.

Health on the move

People born on this day love to move and, if exercise isn’t already a part of their lives, they should make sure it is because it offers them the opportunity to boost their health both physically and emotionally. Building their self-esteem is also of crucial importance because, although others find them fascinating and creative individuals, they are more likely to focus on their weaknesses than their strengths. Mind-control techniques such as meditation and cognitive behavior therapy may help them challenge and question irrational and negative thoughts. As far as diet is concerned, they tend to have a craving for sweet foods and chocolate, particularly when they are feeling low; so finding healthy alternatives such as fruit, or doing some exercise when the craving strikes, is recommended. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color yellow will boost their self-confidence and bring out their sunny potential.

July 19 people should take special care of their arms and legs, particularly as far as inflammatory and rheumatic conditions are concerned. They should make an effort to keep warm and dry in cold, damp weather. Chronic, sometimes unexplainable pains in the chest (generally the breasts or pericardial cavity) may be encountered and should be carefully diagnosed. Those born on this day should never neglect moderate physical exercise—dance, yoga, running and walking are recommended as daily activities. Psychologically, the ability of July 19 people to balance their active and passive tendencies, and thus keep on an even keel emotionally, is paramount to their good health. They must avoid raising their expectations to an unrealistic level. A well-balanced diet, including vitamin and mineral supplements, it necessary, is recommended.

Career Born sprinters

People born on this day are extremely energetic and this may draw them to sporting careers or the mastery of technical or artistic pursuits. Careers that offer the possibility of fulfillment include politics, social work, education, the caring professions, design, writing, music, art, poetry dance, drama, law, business, and fundraising.

Destiny To help humanity progress

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to believe in their own self-worth. Once they have started to work on building their self-esteem—which is a lifelong task—their destiny is to help humanity progress, be it socially physically technically or ideologically.

Though you must bring your emotions under control, never lose your spontaneity and insist on freedom for yourself. Don't worry about appearing naive; be more forthright. Beware of putting others on a pedestal or investing them with your own emotions.

Celebrities Born On July 19th

Brian May(British guitarist), Edgar Degas(French Impressionist artist), Benedict Cumberbatch(British actor),

Herbert Marcuse (Marxist philosopher, New Left founder, Eros and Civilization), Etienne-Marcel Decroux (founder French corporeal mime school, teacher of Marcel Marceau, Jean-Louis Barrault), Tom McLoughlin (actor, founder LA. Mime Troupe), Edgar Degas (French impressionist painter), Charles Mayo (surgeon, co-founder Mayo Clinic), George S. McGovern (presidential candidate, US senator, South Dakota), Lizzie Borden (suspected axe murderess), Samuel Colt (firearms inventor, manufacturer), Natalya Bessmertnova (Russian ballet dancer), Hie "Nasty" Nastase (Romanian 2x world # I -ranked tennis champion, US, French Open winner, original "bad boy" of tennis), Pat Hingle (film, stage actor), George Hamilton IV (country-western singer), Evio (Icelandic painter, film director, action artist), Vicki Carr (multilingual pop singer, Woman of the Year), A.J. Cronin (British novelist, The Citadel), Emmanuel Le Roy Ladune (French historian, Montaillou, A Medieval Village), Jan Myrdal (wnter, The Silk Road), George II (Greek king), Jody Brady (child actress), Gilbert Sheldon (17* c. archbishop of Canterbury, erector of Sheldon Theatre at Oxford)

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