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July 19th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJuly 19, 2024

Repeated deliberation and procrastination brings fresh doubts and scruples and thereby humiliation, because one shows oneself unable to act. After a matter has been thoroughly pondered, it is essential to form a decision and to act.

Sun Sign: Cancer/Moon

Decanate: Cancer/Neptune; Numbers: 1, 8

July 19th Birthday Love Astrology

These people have great influence over others and can be found at the apex of power. They are seldom, however, the ones to actually exercise it. The subtle, empathetic nature of July 19 is better suited to advise and help. They lack the blistering roar of the leader and a naturally sympathetic cast of mind makes it almost impossible to do anything nasty.

This does not prevent them from advising somebody else to take drastic steps. Women find this role rewarding. It comes through marriage or the conventional personal assistant relationship so many develop with a powerful boss at work. They understand the need to provide physical comfort, to find the exact kind of tea, the perfect cut to a ham sandwich, the only shade of nail varnish in town. And of course they know who will be welcomed by their master, mistress, husband or lover and who won't.

July 19 may spend hours reading papers, researching in libraries or interviewing specialists in order to come up with vital answers for a conference. Most of them thoroughly enjoy this, fascinated by learning. Naturally they also enjoy the wealth and power, glamorous receptions, television interviews and the sheer fun of having the prime minister on the telephone.

In all their dealings, July 19 remains discreet and never misuses his power. Nobody is personally favoured or worse, excluded by this master of the key to the charmed circle, in a fit of willful meanness. They stay tactfully in the background behind other advisors, simply because the personal relationship means taking extra care.

July 19 must ensure there is sufficient time left for a personal life. If the powerful one is a domestic partner, it is vital for everybody's happiness. It's never the right time to get pregnant, so do it anyway. If it's a friendship then our summertime babe must have his or her own life. You can't live through another and overdependent people lose their attractions.

In Love

You demand the freedom to be your own person, yet you are naturally nurturing and eager to provide your loved ones with whatever they desire.

Generous and loyal to a fault, you pride yourself on always being there for your beloved. Yet despite your sweet, caring nature, you like to do things your own way. Your pride is easily wounded, and you can get really upset when your plans or ideas are challenged. In love, you long for a secure union in which both partners share responsibility equally, without either having to sacrifice any of his or her precious individuality.

In Bed

In bed, you know how to combine the best of tenderness and consideration with passion and erotic excitement. Your intuitive sense is so strong, you usually pick up on your partner’s desires before he or she is even aware of them. When you feel loved, accepted, and appreciated by your mate, you are not afraid to venture into previously untried sexual territory. Behind closed doors, your only aim is to please and be pleased.


Swimming is perfect exercise for people born in the hot months when slipping into cool water is more desirable than anything ehe. Exercise in water is disarmingly easy. Just try this simple pulse-raising walk on the spot routine for a few minutes and you will start to feel pleasantly agile and put your heart rate up. Stand, feet apart, chest deep in water and bend your right knee so that the right heel is lifted and your weight is over on the left. Now shift your weight back to the other foot, allowing your arms to move as if walking. Do it for seven minutes.


Because you are the one who usually takes care of others, you enjoy being pampered and catered to for a change. The lover who prepares a cozy breakfast in bed or turns the bathroom into a candlelit spa for two, with aromatic bath salts, herbs, and flower petals floating in the water, may expect to be rewarded with more than just a kiss on the cheek.


Repeated deliberation and procrastination brings fresh doubts and scruples and thereby humiliation, because one shows oneself unable to act. After a matter has been thoroughly pondered, it is essential to form a decision and to act.

Reality Check

Safety may be important to you, but you’re adventurous enough to take chances, especially when you believe that the odds are in your favor. You have a deep appreciation of higher values and intangible beauty, yet you rarely allow your idealism or artistic sensibilities to stand in the way of practical considerations.

July 19 Date Share

Edgar Degas, French Impressionist painter, concentrated on ballet dancers. Natalia Bessmertnova, Russian dancer, escaped from Iron Curtain to make successful career, helped by Anton Dolin in London, Paris and New York. Hie Nastase, Romanian explosive world tennis champion, original terrible brat of the courts. A J Cronin, novelist, The Citadel. Gilbert Sheldon, 17th century Archbishop of Canterbury, builder of Sheldonian Theatre at Oxford.

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