July 1st Delicate Equilibrium Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 01, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is being consistent

☆The way forward is to understand that when you’re ruled by your impulses you’re not in control of your life.

The Birthday Of Delicate Equilibrium, The Day Of Emancipation

July 1st Delicate Equilibrium Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 1st Birthdays

Sun sign: Cancer

Ruling planet: Moon, the intuitive

Symbol: The Crab

Birth date ruler: Sun, the individual

Tarot card: The Magician (will-power)

Favorable numbers: 1, 8

Lucky days: Monday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 8 of the month

Lucky colors: Cream, ginger, gold

Birthstone: Pearl

Charismatic, enterprising and determined to get ahead in life, people born on July 1 possess an adventurous spirit, a shrewd mind and a remarkable memory. Insightful, intuitive and imaginative, many of them are also great humanitarians capable of making tremendous sacrifices for others and for society as a whole.

Although they have the ability to be extroverts and are often genial and outgoing in public, in private they can be more moody and changeable than most realize. Balancing the introvert and extrovert, or feminine and masculine energies, within them, they are equally solitary and gregarious. They also have an unusual empathy for the issues, conflicts and insecurities experienced by the opposite sex, and as a result will be sought out by both male and female friends for their opinions or friendship. They love to give advice and offer support, especially if it’s for those less fortunate; other people love them for their spontaneous generosity. Their volatile, artistic temperament can, however, cause them to act on impulse, alienating them from others when they say or do things they later regret.

Until the age of twenty-one they are likely to be extremely shy and lacking confidence in their own abilities, but after the age of twenty-two there are many opportunities for them to develop their strength, creativity and self-expression. They need to take advantage of these opportunities because if they don’t, they may start to torture themselves with worry, anxiety and self-doubt. After the age of fifty-one their focus changes to a more pragmatic desire to be of service.

In many ways it could be said that they are their own worst enemies. They need to learn to reconcile their inner and outer selves so that they don’t get trapped in only one half of their lives. When they do reach this delicate balance they will discover within themselves a rare and exquisite magic that can not only reach out and inspire others, but also enhance their own potential for happiness, success and good fortune in all areas of their lives.

☆ On the dark side:Self-doubting, negative, impulsive

☆ At your best:Warm, ambitious, charismatic

July 1 people tend to be highly sensitive, capable and adaptable, as well as emotionally open. Though many born on this day are also long-suffering, and very prone to emotional pain, they generally win out in their struggle against dominance, injustice or oppression of any type.

July 1 women feel keenly the conflict between the workplace and motherhood or the demands of a career vs. keeping a home; therefore, they are often taken up with issues surrounding gender in modern society. July 1 men have an unusual sensitivity and empathy for women, and for their own feminine side.

July 1 people of both sexes are often their own worst enemy in that depression can be a constant and unwelcome companion in their lives. Worries regarding inferiority at work or failure at home can dog them even when they are most successful. Those born on this day are likely to display ambivalent feelings toward individuals and social groups with whom they are most closely bound, and ultimately, toward themselves. On the positive side, July 1 people are hardly ones to follow blindly. No matter how committed they are to an endeavor, cause, or ideology, they remain flexible enough to see another point of view or way of doing things. July 1 people seek profundity and are quickly put off by simplistic answers and shallow thought.

July 1 people are indeed deep themselves—complex personalities who keep a whole world of strictly personal feelings inside them. On the other hand, they have a highly social side which generally manifests in acts of service and unselfish contributions to society. July 1 people tend to be givers rather than takers. Because of their receptive and empathic tendencies, they are often sought out as understanding and helpful friends. Yet, when they are in one of their tormented states they are of little constructive use for anyone.

Those born on this day have their own particular brand of emotional self-torture. It seems that they must bring up very disturbing feelings and work them out before they can advance in their personal development. The danger is that they will get locked into negative patterns. Often a chance happening or even a shock is needed to reorient them, followed by a sudden realization of their behavior and subsequent resolve to improve their situation. Here a more highly evolved July 1 emerges as an aggressive and positive personality willing and ready to function in the world, and capable of integrating a successful social, family and love life. Sometimes those born on this day become remarkably extroverted once they come out of their shell, and actively seek out life's pleasures. Such revels are a kind of lifelong celebration of emancipation.

Power Thought:The only constraints I have are the constraints I decide to believe in,There is always something smaller, and always something bigger

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 1st day of the month are ruled by the number 1 and by the Sun. People born on the 1 st like to be first. Those ruled by the number 1 are typically individual, highly opinionated, and eager to rise to the top. Because July 1 people are a bit passive in expressing themselves, they will gain a positive boost from a Sun-Moon connection. The Sun symbolizes strong creative energy and fire, which is best kept flowing steadily rather than allowed to sporadically flare out of control.

July 1st Birthday Tarot Card

The 1st card of the Major Arcana is The Magician, who symbolizes intellect, communication, information, as well as magic. Over his head is an infinity symbol, which in some Tarot decks takes the form of a hat. in others a halo. Many interpretations may be drawn, one of which is that the Magician recognizes the cyclical and unending nature of life and is empowered by this understanding. The positive traits suggested by this first card include diplomatic skill and shrewdness but, negatively, lack of scruples and opportunism. The choice rests with the July 1 person whether to embrace superficiality and illusion, or pursue more profound goals.

☆Luck maker:(Stop self-destructive behavior)Lucky people don’t destroy their own chances of success and happiness with self-sabotaging behavior, so begin to notice when you are doing things that do not promote positive results.

Love The big issue

You’re drawn to people born on

July 24 to August 23:You share a love of excitement and a need for security and this can create a passionate but secure union.

Love for people born on July 1 is the big issue of their lives, and they need a partner who is solid and secure and of whom they can feel proud. Loyalty and trust play an important role in their relationships, but they need to make sure that passion and love are the price they pay for safety and security.

Health Happy inside

People born on this day don’t always have a positive relationship with their body and their health and well-being may suffer as a result. They are prone to eating disorders, or to exercising and dieting obsessively to get into shape. It is extremely important for them to learn to get a sense of balance and perspective, remembering that until they feel happy inside no amount of exercising or dieting is going to make any difference. Depression is another major health risk for them and they would benefit from counseling or therapy. Listening to music may also be extremely therapeutic, as would plenty of mild mood-boosting aerobic exercise such as walking, dancing and swimming. Carrying a titanium quartz crystal with them will help them pull themselves together when they feel all over the place, and wearing the color yellow will help boost their self-confidence.

July 1 people are not overly comfortable with their bodies. Though they are graceful, and may enjoy many forms of movement, they periodically swing from active sexual expression to total abstinence. Depression is probably the greatest single health danger to July 1 people and at some point in their lives they may find it helpful to seek some form of counseling. Those born on this day need a friend, religious counselor or therapist to whom, if only occasionally, they can pour out their heart. The eating habits of July 1 people are often unusual or even peculiar. By alternately indulging and denying their appetites, they can develop an unhealthy attitude towards food, which should be corrected gently and gradually, as early in life as possible.

Career Born actors

These people like to be in control so they may succeed in management or executive positions. They may also prefer to work for themselves. Other careers that might suit them include politics, theater, film-making, fashion, acting, directing, art, music, dance, the caring professions, the leisure industry sport, social work, teaching, and working with children.

Destiny To help alleviate suffering in the world

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to give and receive. When they reach this balance, their destiny is to turn the spotlight on injustices and help alleviate suffering.

Happiness need not mean superficialiiy. profundity need not mean negativity Once you have gained insight, move out into the world; you can do it. Don I be afraid to stand alone; supporters and friends will join you. Learn to take as well as to give; never allow anyone to walk over you.

Celebrities Born On July 1st

Diana, Princess of Wales(former member of the British royal family), Liv Tyler(American actress), Dan Aykroyd(Canadian actor and comedian),

George Sand (French woman novelist, The Master Bell-Ringer, 19th c. feminist, famous affair with Chopin), Pnncess Diana (Lady Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales), Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (German universal genius, mathematician, physicist, philosopher, historian, theologian, metaphysican), Charles Laughton (British stage, film actor), Twyla Tharp (dancer, choreographer), Carl Lewis (US Olympic eight gold medal-winning track and field champion, Sullivan Award winner), Willie Dixon (blues songwriter, producer, musician), Dan Aykroyd (comic film, TV actor, Saturday Night Live member), Benjamin O. Davis (first African-American US Army general, served in Spanish-Amencan War, WWI, WWII), William Wyler (film director, The Desperate Hours, Ben Hur), Sidney Pollack (film producer, director, Tootsie), Deborah Harry (singer, B/ond/e, film actress), Nancy Lieberman-Gine (basketball player, 3x All-American, first woman to play in men's pro league). Rashied All (jazz drummer), Karen Black (film actress), Olivia De Haviland (film actress), Leslie Caron (dancer, film actress), Genevieve Bujold (film actress), Jean Stafford (Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist, short-story writer), Fadey Granger (film actor)

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