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July 1st Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJuly 01, 2024

The best love partners for July 1 are born between February 21 and March 21, and between October 21 and November 21. Best days of the week for marriage are Monday (for health), Tuesday (for wealth) and ultra-lucky Wednesday.

Sun Sign: Cancer/Moon

Decanate: Cancer/Pluto; Numbers: 1, 8

July 1st Birthday Love Astrology

July 1 people are charming, effervescent and many have a facility for money-making, particularly in computers and gadgets. They can brilliantly invent new programmes but with easy generosity often use their talents to help less confident colleagues. Sometimes July 1 is cocky, but more often displays adroit self-deprecation, a necessary political talent in the work place. A mistake may be made if these individuals are so convinced that clever actions speak louder than words, that they fail to claim their successes. There's always somebody else who will.

Sensitive to nuance, professionally and in private, people born today are often lost for the right word. They must rely on actions when they can't think of something appropriate to say and this may make them seem slow to comprehend. A verbally skilled potential lover should best look elsewhere, unless prepared to sacrifice fascinating conversation for the chance to be paired with a millionaire. But July 1 people should be wary of romancing passionate talkers because love easily sours into criticism and an undermining mockery which will hurt them.

Nevertheless, they are natural party people, often arriving with unusual flowers and exquisitely chosen presents. (This date thinks a dozen roses are dull. Instead, because July 1 people adore a mass of colour, expect armfuls of cobalt irises.) If any social occasion seems to flag it will be this quiet creature who has a flash of inspired showmanship, turns into an extrovert for the moment and leads the crowd. Often tremendous dancers, they can also make the clumsiest partner feel like candyfloss on the dance floor. More than that, July 1 people, with their exceptional physical and mental co-ordination, often become professional dancers, musicians and sometimes international sporting stars.

Sadly the Cinderella syndrome dogs some Cancerians born on this day and they can be tempted to indulge in maudlin unhappiness for no other reason than they feel a bit low after having a good time.

In Love

You like to think of yourself as daring and independent, but too much solitude makes you feel restless and depressed. You’re thrilled by the idea of risk taking yet afraid of getting hurt. While you may adore challenge and excitement, you actually require commitment and continuity. Despite your longing for emotional intimacy, your shifting moods take you back and forth between your need for love and your craving for freedom. As a result, you hide your feelings of vulnerability behind an aggressive façade. Although nurturing, generous, and giving, in a close relationship you can also be demanding, temperamental, and rather jealous.

In Bed

At once ardent and romantic, you tend to view lovemaking as a totally sensual experience. In the bedroom, you’re intensely serious and wickedly humorous by turns. You have a way of making the most ordinary pleasures sparkle with fun and excitement. Your sexually complex nature gives rise to an intimate union that is a blend of drama and passion interwoven with tenderness and sensitivity. You want a relationship in which you can share everything with your lover, without sacrificing your individuality.


If insomnia is a problem, try a tisane ofsophorific lettuce leaves. Remember some people quite naturally need less than eight hours sleep a night and try to work out what you feel best with. If you find that bed at midnight and getting up at 6am works for you, or if you constantly wake in the night, but don't feel the worse for it the next day, then clearly that is your natural ryhthm. The best thing is to cease worrying about the eight hour concept. Like most other things, it's just a general measure, not a specific. If, however you are always exhausted because of lack of sleep, then combine the lettuce leaf drink, which works for some, with a few drops of lavender oil sprinkled upon your pillow.


You’re turned on by the thought of doing something outrageous in bed, yet your insecurities make you hesitant. With a lover you really trust, you can let down your hair and go wherever your lusty libido leads you. Acting out your erotic fantasies in a playful manner allows you to indulge your sexual desires without feeling emotionally vulnerable.


The best love partners for July 1 are born between February 21 and March 21, and between October 21 and November 21. Best days of the week for marriage are Monday (for health), Tuesday (for wealth) and ultra-lucky Wednesday.

Reality Check

At once independent and dependent, you have an emotional life like a roller coaster with its constant ups and downs. Because you take yourself a bit too seriously, your pride is easily wounded. If your ideas are challenged or things don’t go the way you planned, you are subject to recurring fits of worry and depression.

July 1 Date Share

Princess of Wales. Carl Lewis, US athlete, gold medallist in Olympic track and field events. Dan Ackroyd, film actor, Ghostbusters. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz, German philosopher. Charles Laughton, British stage actor. Debbie Harry, singer, Blondie. Leslie Caron, dancer, film star. Geneviève Bujold, film star.

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