July 20th Evolution Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 20, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is feeling satisfied

☆The way forward is to understand that moving onto the next challenge will not necessarily bring you the fulfillment you seek. The secret of fulfillment is within you, not without.

The Birthday Of Evolution, The Day Of Ups And Downs

July 20th Evolution Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 20th Birthdays

Sun sign: Cancer

Ruling planet: Moon, the intuitive

Symbol: The Crab

Birth date ruler: Sun, the individual

Tarot card: The Moon (intuition)

Favorable numbers: 2, 9

Lucky day: Monday, especially when it falls on 2 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Cream, silver, white

Birthstone: Pearl

People born on July 20 love the journey of life. They thrive on movement, change and new experiences, being exhilarated rather than daunted by fresh challenges and situations. No matter how comfortable or secure their position in life, routine can be deadly to them and their restless spirit constantly seeks to move on and evolve.

These people rarely remain static for long, and their energy and intensity are boundless both physically and intellectually. Whether they are sporting types or not, they don’t like sitting down for long; likewise whether they are academically inclined or not, they are inquisitive and constantly searching for novel experiences.

Not surprisingly, their natural exuberance and infectious optimism draw others to them, and friends may often take great pleasure in hearing about their adventures. Given the constant process of change that defines their lives, they run the risk of being unstable; but in many cases the opposite is true and they are all calmness and control. Courageous risk-takers, nothing really unsettles them but boredom, and they are far more likely to be anxious and unbalanced when their lives are too easy or stuck in a rut. Others may find their obsessive need for challenge and contrast hard to understand, but these people are at their happiest and their best when they are struggling.

Until the age of thirty-two, they will have many opportunities to use the sociable and dramatic part of their personality. Both at work and at home they are likely to be popular, poised and self-assured but slightly lacking in direction and focus. It may take them longer than normal to find their true vocation or direction in life. There is a change of emphasis after the age of thirty-two when they are inclined to be more orderly, practically motivated and methodical. During these years, if they can develop a greater sense of focus and find goals that provide them with enough adventure and challenge, they can direct their creativity and energy toward increasing their knowledge, as well as enriching the lives of others.

☆ On the dark side:Unstable, scattered, restless

☆ At your best:Adventurous, exciting, optimistic

Those born on July 20 often live lives where they rise to the heights and descend to the depths. This metaphor of being alternately up and down can be central to their occupational, emotional, family or social life, as well as their dreams and hobbies. Such rising and falling activity is as integral to their personality as the seasonal changes are to nature.

In order to truly understand those born on this day, one must observe them in transition, as they are so often passing from one state to the next; it is actually not up or down, win or loss, or any state in between which defines a July 20 person but movement itself—going somewhere.

Thus becoming is more important to July 20 people than being, and they are markedly dynamic rather than static. In so often changing their state, those born on this day run the risk of becoming highly unstable personalities, like a radioactive element. Yet it is within this constant process of change that highly evolved July 20 people find stability and repose. They are living proof that the center of the hurricane, the eye, can be the calmest point of all.

Though most successful July 20 people have this calm center within them, they must beware of complacency and stagnation, especially if they are seduced by social position or monetary' reward. If they can motivate themselves to seek higher and more challenging peaks while at the same time maintaining their balance, they will remain productive. Their twin pitfalls are excessive behavior on the one hand and complacency on the other, both equally dangerous and needing to be brought into line with reality.

Mates to July 20 people or those involved with them in partnerships of any kind will be fortunate to live or work with an absolutely reliable team member. Yet they have to be very understanding of a July 20 person and just as patient, since it often takes those born on this day a long time to reach their true goals in life.

Strangely enough. July 20 people can be unhappy after achieving a measure of success, for what they may need most is to experience the little failures and frustrations that might motivate them to make fundamental changes in their lives. Again, the greatest danger to such a personality is to become too "comfortable" or "satisfied" with their efforts or life situation. It may be especially difficult for those closest to them (friends, mates, lovers, children) to understand the July 20 need for struggle; these loved ones may not wish to share in a process of growth that seems to embrace angst at the expense of happiness. But those born on this day can never be satisfied through a mediocre existence. If they can find the excitement and challenge they need in their career or everyday life, perhaps they can strike a balance between seeking and having. If not, they run the danger of suffocating in "contentment."

Power Thought:The most exciting journey of all is the journey within,At many tables there are only two types of eaters-the quick, and the hungry

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 20th day of the month are ruled by the number 2 (2+0=2), and by the Moon. Those ruled by the number 2 tend to be gentle and imaginative, easily hun by the criticism or inattention of others. They may also take offense easily and have a low threshold of irritation. Those ruled by the Moon and the number 2 are likely to be impressionable, emotional and easily swayed. As July 20 people are also Cancers (ruled by the Moon), such tendencies are only emphasized.

July 20th Birthday Tarot Card

The 20th card of the Major Arcana shows The Judgment or Awakening in which people are urged to leave material considerations behind and seek a higher spirituality. The card, depicting an angel blowing a trumpet, signifies that a new day, a day of accountability, is dawning. It is a card which moves us beyond our ego and allows us to glimpse the infinite. A danger exists, however, that the trumpet call heralds only exaltation and intoxication, resulting in a precarious loss of balance. Again, July 20 people are reminded of the value of maintaining stability while scaling the heights.

☆Luck maker:(Give luck room to breathe)Sometimes luck happens when you are not trying to make it happen but when you are simply open and available to what shows up. So just wait until the moment is right.

Love Wild imagination

You’re drawn to people born on June 22 to July 23:You are both creative and sensitive and this can create an intense and passionate union.

People born on July 20 are often attracted to restless, exciting types just like themselves but they will thrive better with a partner who is stable and reliable, and who lets them go off into their wild imagination without stifling them. Mental stimulation is also extremely important for them in a relationship, so they need to find a partner who can match their intellectual curiosity.

Health Emotional anchor

People born on this day will often put their bodies and minds under great stress, tending to be accident prone as a result. It will be extremely beneficial for them to have a close-knit group of friends or loved ones who can offer them an emotional anchor. As far as diet is concerned, obsessive food cravings could become a problem, so to counteract this they need to make sure they eat a diet that is as varied, healthy and interesting as possible. Fad diets should be avoided completely as should any kind of dependence on recreational drugs, cigarettes or alcohol. Regular moderate-intensity exercise is highly recommended, such as jogging, swimming, cycling, and dancing, as it will help release tension and provide them with physical challenges to overcome. Regular rest and relaxation are crucial to help them balance their being with their doing, and wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color blue will be calming and soothing to them.

July 20 people have to try to protect themselves from wear and tear on their bodies. Too often they do not acknowledge physical limitations and so expose themselves to dangers that can result in serious accidents and/or chronic diseases. In this respect they should heed the advice of their family physician and close friends. Outside of professional athletes, physical exercise should be kept moderate. July 20 people must guard against drug dependencies as chemical experiences can provide high-low oscillations that captivate them. The diet of July 20 people should be varied as much as possible, thus crowding out obsessional cravings.

Career Born photographers

Success in people-related careers such as counseling, education, law, medicine, and social reform is likely for these people, and their determination and creativity can help them accomplish much in the world of business. They may also have a special interest in working with children or dealing with food. Alternatively careers in film-making, photography art, music, drama, or entertainment may appeal.

Destiny To evolve into creative and inspirational individuals

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to find a balance between being and doing. Once they have learned that often the most exciting challenges lie within rather than without, their destiny is to grow, learn, develop, and evolve into creative and inspirational individuals.

Don't get trapped in a compromise no matter how comfortable; keep your eye on the distant mountain and heed your inner voice. Cultivate a sense of calm that stays with you. If you don't dare to dare, then dare to be happy with what you've got.

Celebrities Born On July 20th

Natalie Wood(American actress), Carlos Santana(Mexican guitarist), Nicola Benedetti(Scottish classical violinist),

Sir Edmund Hillary (New Zealand adventurer, mountain climber, first to top Mount Everest [with Sherpa guide Tenzmg Norgay], writer, Schoolhouse in the Oouds), Frantz Fanon (French psychiatrist, political writer, Black Skin. White Masks), Francesco Petrarch (Italian love poet, writer), Jacques Delors (European Economic Community president), Carlos Santana (guitarist, songwriter), Natalie Wood (film actress, drowned in boating accident), Cesare Zavattini (Italian screenwriter, The 8/cyde Thief, Two Women), Giorgio Morandi (Italian painter), Theda Bara (silent film actress), Diana Rigg (British stage, film, TV actress, The Avengers), Gerd Binnig (German Nobel Prize-winning physicist scanning tunneling microscope), Chuck Daly (US Olympic "Dream Team," 2x NBA championship- winning basketball coach, Detroit Pistons), Tony Oliva (baseball player, 2x AL batting champion), Theodore Prostakoff (musical prodigy, pianist at age three, world tour at sixteen, breakdown, retired at seventeen), Hermann Alexander von Keyseriing (Estonian-bom German philosopher, count, scientist, writer). Thomas Berger (novelist, Being Invisible), Elliot Richardson (Nixon Health, Education, Welfare secretary). Max Liebermann (German expressionist painter), Laszlo Mokoloy-Nagy (Hungarian constructionist painter, sculptor, decor designer), William Hammon (epidemiologist, used gamma-globulm to prevent polio)

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