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July 20th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJuly 20, 2024

ïn Tarot, the 20th card of the Major Arcana is The Awakening, sometimes known as The Judgement. This card reflects your innate stability and indicates a person who is not dazzled by money and understands the nature of accountability.

Sun Sign: Cancer/Moon

Decanate: Cancer/Neptune; Numbers: 2, 9

July 20th Birthday Love Astrology

People born on July 20 may be extremely good at sport and retain a lifelong interest in it. Their empathetic nature makes them spectacular at team sports or any other physical activity, such as boating, pot-holing, climbing or even exploring, which involves a close working relationship. In youth, days are spent messing about in playing fields and water or on horseback. These people are nearly always amazing with horses, showing no fear and forming an instant bond.

Both sexes love to dance and can do it for most of the night. In career terms this little crabette with just the hintiest flicker of the lion's tail - Leo days are coming shortly - keeps her sporty hobbies. She will run an office team and organise summer picnics and outings where other companies are invited to compete. July 20 man is much the same. Both are popular with management, because everybody likes a sportsman and everybody likes fun.

Many have a wide choice when it comes to work. They are good with words, fast with ideas and unusually visual. Plus a lot can sing well. Some flit from job to job, stepping from one career to another allied area. They make good agents, excellent publishers and being the first water sign, anything to do with water always attracts. Money has its attractions and most will acquire plenty. But they don't seek to display wealth, so the old tracksuit and trainers stay favourite and their posh clothes consist of matching well-cut suits and classy shoes. Not a person with a pigtail on top of his head and black nail varnish.

Most houses are furnished discreetly and usually painted white or pale shades of peach and blue for bedrooms. There will be wall charts of birds and mushrooms, perhaps butterflies and insects, all mirroring July 20's outdoorsy style and interests. If they have children, they'll all go blackberry and mushroom hunting.

In Love

Those born on this day care a great deal about the impression they make on other people, because they need to feel liked and respected by everyone. In an intimate union, you are sensual, passionate, generous, caring, and responsive. You truly enjoy the dance of courtship and romance. Yet you are essentially family minded and long for the safety and security of a committed partnership and settled home life. You believe happiness comes from being with the person who is right for you. Ultimately you would rather be alone than spend your life in a bad relationship.

In Bed

There are times when all you really want to do is kiss and cuddle. More often, however, you’re an ardent lover who absolutely revels in the sensual pleasures of making love. Emotional bonding is important to you, and you like knowing that you and your partner are on the same page in your relationship. You really don’t need a lot of thrills to entice you. In sharing the comforts of home, you set the stage for love and romance.


Have you ever stopped eating something because it was bad for you, then discovered it was OK? Here are some abiding medical truths. Honey is not a healthy alternative sweetener. It's just a collection of sugars. Our bodies make four times as much cholesterol as we can possibly absorb from our food. No fat is entirely saturated or unsaturated. Cornflakes have more fibre than brown rice. White bread has more calcium than brown. Taste is the only difference between white and brown sugars. Aspirin does ward off senility. Soya contains more protein than beef. People who drink alcohol have fewer colds and suffer less from coronary heart disease.


The languid elegance of the courtship ritual turns you on. Your sensitivity to tactile, sensory pleasures allows you to communicate through touch. You shiver with rapturous anticipation during a slow exploration of your lover’s body. A massage with warm herbal oils, or a relaxing neck rub, can help put you in the mood for love and sex.


ïn Tarot, the 20th card of the Major Arcana is The Awakening, sometimes known as The Judgement. This card reflects your innate stability and indicates a person who is not dazzled by money and understands the nature of accountability.

Reality Check

Typically maternal, thoughtful, home loving, and down-to-earth, you have a knack for reaching out to people and making them feel like family. It seems natural to you to comfort others when they have problems. Yet when things in your own life don’t go the way you planned, your tendency is to stubbornly dig your heels in and act sullen and moody.

July 20 Date Share

Died: Bruce Lee. Born: Diana Rigg, stage, film & TV actress, famous for her star role as Mrs Peel in The Avengers. Natalie Wood, lovely dark Hollywood film star, drowned in a boating accident Theda Bara, pouty silent film actress. Sir Edmund Hillary, first man to climb Mount Everest, with Sherpa Tenzing. Francesco Petrarch, Italian lyric love poet.

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