July 21st Daring Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 21, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is feeling that life is moving fast enough

☆The way forward is to focus more on the spiritual aspects of your life; this will help you move into the deeper, more profound aspects of yourself.

The Birthday Of Daring, The Day Of Tragicomic Controversy

July 21st Daring Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 21st Birthdays

Sun signs: Cancer/Leo

Ruling planets: Moon, the intuitive/Sun, the individual

Symbols: The Crab/The Lion

Birth date ruler: Jupiter, the philosopher

Tarot card: The World (fulfillment)

Favorable numbers: 1, 3

Lucky days: Monday and Thursday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 3 of the month

Lucky colors: Gold, green, white

Birthstone: Pearl

Those born on July 21 are not afraid to go where no man or woman has ever gone before. Highly dynamic and innovative, their curiosity and understanding of what motivates others make them extremely good at assessing people and situations, and this unique combination of shrewdness and daring ambition draws both success and controversy their way.

Above all, they love being on the cutting edge of innovative projects and activities, possessing the vitality and ambition to be successful in creative endeavors. They move fast and usually prefer to be in the thick of battle rather than sitting on the sidelines. They tend to aim high and, even if things don’t always work out exactly as planned, their jovial optimism and tragicomic sense of humor act as a buffer, providing them with a resilience that is second to none.

The drama and controversy of opposite points of view appeal greatly to the daring nature of these individuals. They make great debaters and conversationalists because they can see both sides of the argument. They love excitement, conflict and explosive situations, and are likely to be attracted to action games, racing cars, theme-park rides, diving, or any high-energy adrenalin-pumping situation that provides drama and demands courage. Until the age of thirty there are many opportunities for them to develop their strength, creativity and confidence; these are the years during which they need to make sure their love of thrill-seeking does not encourage them to stir up trouble for the sake of it. After the age of thirty their focus will change to a more pragmatic and rational approach, with a desire for a life that is still very fast moving, but slightly more settled and orderly.

The greatest strengths of these people are to be found in their daring creativity and courage, and in their generosity and empathy toward others. Sometimes these qualities will combine and result in a rare and talented individual who can be counted among the most dynamic but also the most understanding of all people.

☆ On the dark side:Thrill-seeking, impatient, reckless

☆ At your best:Bold, interesting, exciting

Try as they may, those born on July 21 cannot stay out of trouble for very long.

Somehow a storm is usually brewing around them, often one with tragicomic overtones.

Surprisingly enough, this can be equally true of quiet people born on this day; they seem to get caught up in exciting or unpredictable happenings not of their own doing. A more flamboyant July 21 person is, of course, more likely to be at least partly responsible for stirring up such excitement.

Opposing points of view are the specialty of those born on July 21, and they often present them with biting wit. Not only are they fine debaters but serve equally well as mediators, arbitrators and peacemakers, as their love of playing devil's advocate trains them in seeing both sides of an issue. Since they are well accustomed to conflict, they may be right at home in stressful situations that would easily upset others; those born on this day have a fine sense of humor that usually sees them through. July 21 people may be subject to great mood swings within themselves yet can remain remarkably calm and unaffected by emotional disturbances in others. Nonetheless, explosive situations do attract them and hold their interest.

Performers born on this day love the excitement of appearing in public, and are essentially exhibitionists. Their performance stance is usually highly physical and robust. Yet, the more highly evolved person born on this day may ultimately forsake the physical for the spiritual.

Less highly evolved July 21 people run the risk of drowning in pleasures of the flesh, and along with drink or drugs losing themselves in escapist activities or highly depressive ruminations. In extreme cases, those born on this day can be thrill-seeking, death-seeking or even suicidal.

Excitement of many sorts attracts July 21 people, but particularly excitement that involves some kind of strife. Thus war or war games, controversies, investigations, spy stories, detective thrillers, horror films or thrill rides often have a peculiar fascination for those born on this day.

A great danger for July 21 people is that they will allow such excitement to disrupt their lives and the lives of those around them. In a very few extreme cases, this can lead to social ostracism, but more often than not makes those born on this day popular in their social circle, since their presence in itself is often a guarantee of an interesting and fun time. July 21 people must, however, beware of disagreeing with too many "judgment calls," both by the referees of life and by family or friends, since they may be pegged as lovers of argument and conflict for its own sake.

Power Thought:Focus and concentration are the keys to my success,Synchronicity is the primary law of the Universe

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 21th day of the month are ruled by the number 3 '2+1=3). and by the expan- Sive planet Jupiter. Number 3 people are often ambitious, even dictatorial. July 21 peoplemust therefore be careful of their contentious nature being too dominant (emphasized by the Sun's rulership of approaching Leo), and through the optimistic influence of Jupiter too expansive and unrealistic (dreamy aspects here are further underlined by the Moon's rulership of Cancer). Those ruled by the number 3 in general, and July 21 people in particular, may make enemies because they have a tendency to arouse antagonisms in others.

July 21st Birthday Tarot Card

The 21st card of the Major Arcana is The World, which depicts a goddess running with energy- giving rods in her hands. She surmounts the world and displays the truth; she has unlimited power. This card symbolizes all that is attainable on the earthly plane. Although reward and integrity are assured, traditionally The World can also indicate monumental obstacles and setbacks of fortune, as well as negative traits of distraction and self-pity.

☆Luck maker:(Less is more)Lucky people know when to draw the line. They don’t overdo it and understand that too much stimulation can create confusion, blocking their chances of luck.

Love Fighting spirit

You’re drawn to people born on November 23 to December 21:Relationships between people born on these days have the potential for great intimacy, intensity and depth.

When it comes to love, people born on July 21 top the charts in almost every area, from devotion to romance. They are attracted to creative, hard-working people who know their own mind and who are not afraid to open their hearts and express their inner feelings. The only downside is that they don’t thrive in relationships where there is constant harmony; if things are going too well, they are not above stirring up trouble to keep the adrenaline pumping.

Health Avoid excess of all kinds

Their need for escapism, if not disciplined and channeled, can make people born on this day vulnerable to recreational drugs, drink and other addictions. It’s vital for them to find activities and friends that help them keep both feet on the ground and retain a sense of perspective. As far as diet and exercise are concerned, they should avoid excess of all kinds. Their diet should be as varied and interesting as possible to decrease their chances of nutritional deficiency and a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement may be a good insurance policy when they are on the go. An exercise routine is advised, but since they are unlikely to stick to it, getting as much fresh air and outdoor activity every day as possible is a more realistic goal. Wearing, surrounding themselves with or meditating on the color green will balance their emotions and help bring a feeling of calmness.

Many July 21 people act as if there is no tomorrow, and court danger at every turn. Even the mildest of them may have a sense of infallibility concerning their bodies and health. Accidents, injuries and insults to bodily systems may simply be accepted as a matter of course. It will not help to try to preach prevention to those born on this day, for whom such matters can be viewed as a waste of time, and who generally have their own ideas about health care culled from experience or reading. July 21 people tend to be adventuresome in their diet and love to eat. Obsessive eating and drinking can become a problem for those born on this day who have a propensity for excess in general. Regular exercise regimens arcdifficult for July 21 people to adopt.

Career Born film-maker

These people are well suited to careers as teachers, scientists, social workers, or working in the caring professions, although their adventurous spirit may draw them to occupations that involve risk, such as the army and secret services. Their debating skills might attract them to politics, sales, business, philosophy and psychology. The theater, film-making and cookery would appeal to their inherent flamboyance.

Destiny To turn the spotlight on human progress

The life path of people born on this day is to learn self-discipline and humility. Once they have found a sense of balance, their destiny is to inspire and encourage others to think independently and, by so doing, turn the spotlight on human progress.

Try to get a handle on your propensity for risk-taking. Consider opposing arguments and points ol ueu rather than rejecting them out of hand. Strengthen your center and learn how to reach it at will. As you grow older, make a gradual transition from the physical to the spiritual.

Celebrities Born On July 21st

Robin Williams(American comedian and actor), Ernest Hemingway(American writer), Josh Hartnett(American actor),

Ernest Hemingway (American expatiate short-story writer, newspaper reporter, Nobel Prize-winning novelist, The Old Man and the Sea, lived fabulous life of adventure, committed suicide), Hart Crane (epic poet, The Bridge, suicide at age thirty-three, jumped from steamship), Robin Williams (comedian, TV, film actor), Marshall McLuhan (Canadian media theorist, The Medium is the Message), Isaac Stem (violinist), Norman Jewison (film producer, director, The Cincinnati Kid, In the Heat of the Night), Carl Reisz (Czech-British film director, Who'll Stop the Rain, French Lieutenant's Woman), Jonathan Miller (British opera and theater director, documentary filmmaker, physician), Don Knotts (comedian, TV, film actor), John Lovitz (comedian, TV actor, Saturday Night Live), Cat Stevens (Yusef Islam, British singer, songwriter), Kaye Stevens (film actress), Arthur Treacher (British character actor [butler], fish and chips namesake), Kay Starr (singer). Gene Fullmer (world middleweight boxing champion, fought Sugar Ray Robinson), Baron Paul Julius von Reuter (German-bom founder of Reuters news agency), Les Aspin (US congressman, Wisconsin, chairman, Armed Services committee, Clinton secretary of defense), Albert Edelfelt (Swedish histoncal, genre painter), Lenore Ulnc (film actress), James Byron Hall (short-story writer, novelist, Racers to the Sun)

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