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July 21st Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJuly 21, 2024

Sometimes you feel hurt because a lover fails to understand what you want. It's because you havenyt told them. July 21 plays this maddening mindreading game as a love test, but others can't always pick up the right message.

Sun Sign: Cancer/Moon

Decanate: Cancer/Neptune; Numbers: 1, 3

July 21st Birthday Love Astrology

July 21 is intensely conscious of its surroundings, whether it be in the countryside or the deepest city. The eye is good, sees everything with the appraising detachment of a painter. Many express themselves best working in some visual area, such as set design or shop window dressing, where they usually win the annual Christmas festive design award. But quite a few with an aptitude for mathematics and sales, may enjoy working in banks or marketing departments. Wherever they go there will be flowers and plants, always something to please their senses and those of their colleagues.

The girls adore clothes. Find them at work in intense discussions about the exact shade of orange right for a weekend's car trip to a neighbouring village's flower festival. They can make plans for a wedding last a lifetime and fortunately you will never get a hint of those particular fondant shades of turqoise, pale pink and yellow which haunt such occasions.

Many of the men are even more stylish dressers, genuinely handsome and with impeccable taste, especially in shoes, of which they have so many that most partners have to train themselves not to fall over them at night on the way to bed. Neither sex cares too much about money, although many people born on this day land a financial windfall later in life. What they like is a loving partnership, healthy, happy children and a serene life, the accent on beauty.

Both sexes excel in the garden. Neither are they so fussy that others can't lie about drinking cans of coke and scattering newspapers. Favourite plants include the common buddleja, butterfly bush, (Budleja davidii) which comes in shades through lavender to deepest mauve, burgundy and creamy white, flowers all summer long and throws out such seductive honey fragrance that the air around it is busy with butterfly wings. Amongst roses they adore the oddly blueish Blue Moon hybrid tea powerfully lemon scented.

In Love

Naturally sensitive, affectionate, and loving, you require stability in a romantic relationship. Moreover, you want an intimate union that includes shared values and similar interests. You prize your independence, but building a solid future with your soul mate is really what it’s about for you.

Words are as important as deeds to you, and you need to know you can talk to your mate about what you’re feeling. Witty and fun loving, you enjoy a good joke and a good time. Your emotional peaks and valleys can get rather tiresome, but a romance with you is never boring.

In Bed

An intuitive, inventive, and imaginative lover, you exude a breezy, charismatic quality that attracts potential suitors. Although you enjoy an active love life, it takes more than just sex appeal to catch your interest. You need a partner who is not only sexy but also smart and interesting. With Mr. or Ms. Right, you feel transformed and exhilarated by lovemaking. With your clever, agile mind, you come up with new ways to make your sex life more enjoyable for you and your bedmate.


Delicate, dry skin on the hands which sometimes cracks is a common problem for July 21, made worse because they like to paint and do things about the house with their hands. Contact with household cleaning materials, paint, glue, insect sprays or highly perfumed soaps can cause this chronic skin condition. Avoid these substances to see if this helps. Zinc, found in seafood and seeds aids skin healing. Take it in in multi-mineral formula with a multi-vitamin for six weeks. Sunflower and pumpkin seeds help to heal and moisturise skin. Try taking one tablespoon of Essential Balance Oil daily, available from good health stores.


For you, pillow talk is one of the sexiest aspects of lovemaking. Hashing things over with your lover strengthens your feelings of connection and intimacy. It turns you on to talk about what you like to do in bed and to hear your partner describe what feels good to him or her. A verbal preview of what to expect stirs up all your erotic juices.


Sometimes you feel hurt because a lover fails to understand what you want. It's because you havenyt told them. July 21 plays this maddening mindreading game as a love test, but others can't always pick up the right message.

Reality Check

You are multitalented, artistic, and creative, with a knack for synthesizing and communicating your knowledge and ideas. However, you often have difficulty choosing among various options. This tendency to spread yourself too thin by scattering your energies in a number of directions can hamper your success.

July 21 Date Share

Robin Williams, comic, Disney star, Poets Society. Isaac Stern, violinist. Jonathan Miller, British intellectual, opera producer, television producer, author, distinguished medical practitioner. Cat Stevens/ Yusef Islam, singer, songwriter, Moslem. Ernest Hemingway, author, follower of the bullfight, Nobel Prizewinner. Carl Reisz, British director, The French Lieutenant's Woman.

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