July 22nd Brave Compulsion Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 22, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is learning from your mistakes

☆The way forward is to understand that making mistakes is an essential ingredient for success, helping you learn, grow and fine-tune your approach.

The Birthday Of Brave Compulsion, The Day Of Occupational Fluctuation

July 22nd Brave Compulsion Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 22nd Birthdays

Sun signs: Cancer/Leo

Ruling planets: Moon, the intuitive/Sun, the individual

Symbols: The Crab/The Lion

Birth date ruler: Uranus, the visionary

Tarot card: The Fool (freedom)

Favorable numbers: 2, 4

Lucky days: Monday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 2 and 4 of the month

Lucky colors: Gold, purple, cream

Birthstone: Pearl

People born on July 22 are action orientated. They want to see progress, not talk about it. Although this compulsion to act can lead them into difficulties, it can also make them remarkable inovators.

In addition to their sharp intellect and prodigious physical and emotional energy, these people possess great sensitivity and creativity, although they sometimes take action without having fully thought through the potential consequences. However, when disaster strikes they are masters at coping with the often messy and complicated results. This is because from an early age they have realized the importance of self-sufficiency and have become extremely resilient as a result. Because they are impulse driven and action orientated, their lives will often fluctuate between periods of great success and periods of great disappointment, but so powerful are their self-belief and desire to win through that they never consider giving up.

One big problem for them is their refusal to acknowledge their own shortcomings. While their belief in the indestructibility of the human spirit is commendable, they don’t take into account their vulnerabilities and the warning signs of potential problems. They may also have problems handling their anger and frustration, and this can manifest in controlling, dictatorial behavior or in repression with dangerous outbursts of rage. Until the age of twenty-nine there is an emphasis on creativity and sociability; during these years they need to make sure that they learn from both their failures and their successes. After the age of thirty there are opportunities for them to become more analytical, methodical and orderly. It is important for their psychological growth that they take advantage of these opportunities because attention to the details is the key to their success.

Above all, these people are natural optimists and, even though their actions can sometimes wear others out, their brave compulsion to re-energize and challenge themselves marks them out as inspirational leaders and survivors in their chosen fields.

☆ On the dark side:Reckless, moody, inflexible

☆ At your best:Bold, exciting, visionary

Those born on July 22 will have a difficult time keeping their careers on an even keel.

They may one day be blessed with tremendous good fortune, at another time with overwhelming misfortune. They can experience success in what they do for years, only to see it fall apart. Or they may suffer a lack of recognition for a long time and later delight when their star shoots high in the firmament. Not infrequently their greatest recognition comes posthumously.

Such fluctuations are not limited to their career, but also apply to their emotional lives as illustrated by the love affairs, marriages, divorces, separations and difficulties of all sorts July 22 people experience. So dominant is the July 22 will to come out on top, however, that they rarely even consider giving up. When they are in control of a situation, they appear to be invincible. Yet, even to the strongest of those born on this day. misfortune may come to strike them down at the zenith of their power.

One of the weaknesses of July 22 people is a blindness to their shortcomings which can keep them from making necessary changes in their lives and personalities. Because they are so thoroughly convinced of the correctness of what they are doing, they may fail to notice those little signs of impending disaster that must be heeded before it is too late. Another difficulty is that they have a hard time dealing with their aggressions. On one occasion they can be assertive, even forceful in their behavior, on another lack the will to confront problems and thus procrastinate. Repression of their more forceful side may lead to explosive and unpredictable outbursts, usually at the worst times. It may be asking a lot of mates, friends and children to allow for such a temperament.

July 22 people are generally courageous, straightforward and willing to compete at any odds, but they can also be foolhardy, stubborn and unrealistic. If their actions lead to personal failure, it is essential that they first acknowledge mistakes, second learn from them, and then move on. But if such a person immediately strikes out again without steps one and two, they are apt to cut a tragic figure in the eyes of the world. More highly evolved July 22 people allow themselves at least a short period of adjustment, recuperate fully and come back to fight again another day, perhaps worn, but wiser. Of course all of us must get to know ourselves better—our strengths, our weaknesses, our limitations—but for those born on July 22 it is truly a matter of the gravest importance. Their ability to achieve lasting success in any area of life is directly proportional to their self-knowledge, gained at the expense of merciless objectivity.

Power Thought:I draw strength, wisdom and inspiration from the stillness within me,Everything happens at once

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 22th day of the month are ailed by the number 4 (2+2=4), and by the planet Uranus, which is both erratic and explosive. People ruled by the number 4 have their own way of doing and seeing things. Because they so often take the opposing point of view with great self assurance they sometimes arouse antagonism and make enemies. Also they generally rebel against regulations and rules, wanting to change the social order. The Moon (ruler of Cancer) in combination with Uranus can indicate an explosive emotional life. Because 22 and 11 are the only double number days, those born on the 22 nd of the month often evidence an interest in various doubles: twins, coincidences and symmetry, for example.

July 22nd Birthday Tarot Card

The 22nd card of the Major Arcana is The Fool, who in several versions of the Tarot is shown blithely stepping over the edge of a cliff. Some interpretations picture him as a foolish man who has given up his reason, others a highly spiritualized being free of material considerations. Positive meanings include renouncing resistance and following instincts freely; foolishness, impulsiveness and annihilation are the negative aspects. The highly evolved Fool has followed life's path, experienced its lessons and become one with his/her own vision.

☆Luck maker:(Pay attention to the details)Although lucky people never lose sight of the bigger picture, they also understand the importance of the details. It is these that often make the difference between something average and something of outstanding quality.

Love Spot the warning signs

You’re drawn to people born on January 21 to February 19:You approach life differently but if you learn from each other this can be an extremely compatible relationship.

People born on July 22 can be incredibly charming and as a result they are rarely short of friends and admirers. Settling into a long-term relationship may initially be difficult as there is an emphasis on emotional fluctuations and love affairs, but once they do find someone they want to commit to they can be loyal and caring. Their ideal partner will be someone who can recognize the warning signs when they are pushing themselves too hard and can encourage them to unwind.

Health Self-awareness is key

It is important for people born on this day to get in touch with their emotions because lack of self-knowledge or self-awareness is a potential problem that could make them push themselves too hard or devote themselves to causes and people they are not suited to. Counseling or therapy may be helpful but they would also benefit from regular periods of rest, quiet and relaxation. As far as diet is concerned they should avoid drinking too much coffee and should experiment with herbal teas instead, such as chamomile which can ease stress and promote relaxation. Moderate to mild exercise is recommended, as are a no-working-at-weekends rule and regular holidays. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color yellow will boost their confidence and self-awareness.

Those born on July 22 are likely to face serious psychological problems unless they take some time off to get to know themselves better. Dynamic activity without sufficient reflection will eventually wear them down, and can only result in various stress-related complaints, often involving strain to the heart, back or stomach. As soon as possible, a regular wellrounded diet, with strictly ordered mealtimes should be instituted to give much needed structure and recharging nourishment to their day. Cigarettes and consumption of coffee should be limited if not eliminated altogether. Regular vacations and non-taxing forms of physical exercise are recommended.

Career Born chefs

Their varied gifts give these people the potential to succeed in a variety of careers, but their creativity makes them particularly suited to artistic or technical pursuits in which they can take a leadership position. Other careers that might appeal include sales, diplomacy politics, education, art, theater, writing, fashion, interior design, music, catering, cookery engineering, counseling, and childcare.

Destiny To combine patience and discipline with courage and vision

The life path of people born on this day is to learn from their mistakes and turn their weaknesses into strengths. Once they are more careful in their approach, their destiny is to show others that great things can be achieved when patience and discipline are combined with courage and vision.

Try to bring more stability into your life m all tonus. The key is structure. Relax and enjoy what you are doing, even when doing absolutely nothing at all. Take time to recharge. Learn to empty. Don't push so hard for success, as consistent and sustained efforts will be far more rewarding

Celebrities Born On July 22nd

Willem Dafoe(American actor), Selena Gomez(American singer), Don Henley(American musician and singer-songwriter),

Alexander the Great (Greek conqueror, Macedonian king, general, conquered most of known world before death at thirty-two). Gregor Mendel (Austrian monk, botanist, founder of modem genetics), Oscar de la Renta (fashion designer), Alexander Calder (sculptor, mobile maker), Edward Hopper (realist painter), Stephen Vincent Benet (epic poet John Brown's Body), Rose Kennedy (mother to John, Robert Edward, nine children, tragedy to five), Carl Menninger (psychiatrist, clinic founder), Tom Robbins, writer, Even Cowgirls Get the Blues), Philip I (Spanish king, mysterious death), Danny Glover (stage, film actor), Willem Dafoe (film actor), Paul Schrader (screenwriter, Taxi Driver, film director, American Gigolo), Charles Weidman (choreographer, modern dance innovator), Jason Robards (film, stage actor), Terence Stamp (British film actor), Robert Dole (US senator, Kansas, war hero, vice- presidential nominee), Al Di Meola (jazz-fusion guitarist), Bryan Forbes (British film actor, producer, director. Stepford Wives, novelist. The Distant Laughter), Alex Trebek (game-show host Jeopardy)

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