July 23rd Liberator Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 23, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is avoiding being taken advantage of

☆The way forward is to understand that there is a difference between compassion and stupidity. You are not stupid, so make sure you are only there for those who appreciate you.

The Birthday Of The Liberator, The Day Of Uncertainty Resolvers

July 23rd Liberator Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 23rd Birthdays

Sun signs: Leo/Cancer

Ruling planets: Sun, the individual/Moon, the intuitive

Symbols: The Lion/The Crab

Birth date ruler: Mercury, the communicator

Tarot card: The Hierophant (guidance)

Favorable numbers: 3, 5

Lucky days: Sunday and Wednesday, especially when these days fall on 3 and 5 of the month

Lucky colors: Gold, blue, orange

Birthstone: Ruby

People born on July 23 are often warm and sympathetic individuals and the first choice of shoulder for others to cry on. They have a gift for helping others resolve their inner conflicts and a strong desire to help them progress--be it professionally materially or spirituality--and are prepared to devote their considerable energies to this cause.

Above all, their greatest wish is to see others liberated from their doubts, fears, anxieties, and misfortunes. Other people recognize this selfless orientation and will gravitate readily to their warmth and compassion. For example, their office will always be the one where people stop to chat about what is going on, or their home the one where people like to congregate or settle disputes. But as well as being giving and supportive they have a quick and piercing mind. They can be a little conservative in their views, but underneath they are bursting with creativity and are excellent at learning new skills.

Sometimes, however, their approach to life can be a little too cerebral and they may hide their own feelings. Ironically, for someone who is always there to listen to others, when it comes to their own feelings they can be incredibly shy It is important for their psychological growth that they learn to pay as much attention to their own feelings as they do to the feelings of others, because their feelings have important messages to tell them.

After the age of thirty there is a turning point when they are likely to become more practical, analytical and discerning in their approach to life. In the years ahead their lives can be positive, fulfilling and powerful if they take advantage of the opportunities presented to them to pay attention to their feelings and grow in emotional confidence. Once they stop trying to be everyone’s liberator and pay sufficient attention to their own need for liberation and fulfillment, their strength of conviction, vigor, creativity, and orientation toward the common good augur well for outstanding success both personally and professionally.

☆ On the dark side:Self-sacrificing, directionless, repressed

☆ At your best:Generous, compassionate, creative

Those born on July 23 face a recurring theme of uncertainty in their lives. More highly evolved people born on this day are ultimately successful in resolving uncertainties, either personally for themselves or professionally for others. Less highly evolved people born on this day suffer from periodic identity crises in which profound doubts about themselves and highly self-critical attitudes surface.

July 23 people are basically traditionalists, and no matter how far out some of their views may be, they remain firmly rooted in conservative traits. Whatever their area of interest, be it their profession, hobby or art, they seek to know as much about its history as possible, in order to erase uncertainties; indeed, those born on this day investigate any area of which they are unsure in as thorough a manner as possible. Such investigations may range from detective or police work to scientific or social work.

July 23 people have a highly mental bias in approaching the world. Consequently, their emotional life may remain obscure and unexpressed; in fact, those born on this day sometimes suffer psychosomatic and addictive disorders due to suppressed feelings. Instead of spending all of their time resolving worldly or intellectual concerns, they might pay more attention to their own inner emotional state. Since July 23 people are often spiritually and religiously oriented, cultivating meditative practices may be of great help to them. If, however, they insist on pursuing external problems to the detriment of their inner life, they will only grow increasingly nervous and stressed.

Retreating into a protective shell is not the solution either. July 23 people must make a conscious effort to integrate their social activities with their inner emotional life. Often a positive primary relationship of long standing with a lover, mate or friend can be an essential bridge to the world. The dangers of dependency on such a person are obvious, but July 23 people also have a great deal to offer the other party in a relationship: their highly developed problem-solving abilities, compassion, understanding and human qualities are invaluable.

As mentioned, no matter how developed their egos, July 23 people are periodically assailed by doubts. Each time those born on this day resolve such difficulties they grow stronger, and take another step toward self-realization. Those July 23 people who can share their rich fantasy life with others are indeed blessed, and will be very much appreciated; they are capable of earning great esteem as social workers, psychologists, lawyers and physicians.

Those July 23 people who have experienced serious emotional problems have a marked insight into both illness and the process of healing, and may even be able to help others while they themselves are still recovering. The depth of gratitude and positive validation of such an experience can be mutually rewarding. The emotional complexity of those born on this day, their warmth and hu/nan struggle, generally makes contact with them meaningful.

Power Thought:I co m mit myself to the practice of reflecting in silence,An element of uncertainty is inherent in any act of observation

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 23th day of the month are ruled by the number 5 (2+3=5), and by the planet Mercury. Since Mercury represents quickness of thought and change (given even higher mental value by the Sun. ruler of Leo), July 23 people may be likely to change their minds and physical surroundings with great regularity. They must beware of letting their mental, rational faculties dominate their lives at the expense of emotion, intuition and spirit. The hard knocks those ruled by the number 5 receive from life traditionally will have little lasting effect on them, as they recover quickly. The number 23 is associated with happenings of all sorts, and for July 23 people this fuels their hunger for unusual experiences.

July 23rd Birthday Tarot Card

The 5th card of the Major Arcana is The Hierophant, an interpreter of sacred mysteries who is symbolic of human understanding and of faith. His knowledge is esoteric and he has authority over things unseen. Favorable traits conferred by this card are self-assuredness, absence of doubt and proper interpretation; unfavorable traits are moralizing, bombast and dogmatism.

☆Luck maker:(Think of yourself)Give to others by all means but not to the point where you neglect yourself. Luck making requires you to think of yourself as well; not just as an afterthought, but all the time.

Love Hold out

You’re drawn to people born on May 22 to June 21:As long as you make sure you share the spotlight, this relationship will be full of fastpaced action and fun.

People born on July 23 will often be extremely sociable and popular, appearing to effortlessly attract potential partners. However, the ones they attract may not always be the ones who are most beneficial for their psychological growth. They need to hold on and wait for that special someone who is willing and able to give as well as take.

Health Pamper yourself more

Not surprisingly people born on this day tend to put their own emotional and physical needs last, and this can lead to both physical and psychological problems. Therapy and counseling will help them get in touch with their feelings, as would more time spent reading, relaxing and pampering themselves. As far as diet is concerned, they need to make sure they avoid foods high in saturated fat, salt, sugar, additives, and preservatives, and go for foods that are as fresh, natural and rich in nutrients as possible. Alcohol, comfort eating and recreational drugs of all kinds should be avoided altogether because they have addictive tendencies. Moderate to mild exercise is recommended, especially walking, as it will give them time to think and dream. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color red will encourage them to be more assertive and to put their own needs first for a change.

As already indicated, those born on July 23 face an increased likelihood of psychosomatic and addictive difficulties. Those born on this day may benefit from therapy or counselling. but in any case should devote more of their problem solving energies to their own complex personalities. All non-prescription drugs should be avoided, particularly alcohol; if antidepressants are prescribed they should be used carefully. A healthy interest in various cuisines does wonders for the diet; July 23 people would do well to develop their cooking skills, if not already proficient, as sharing meals and bestowing pleasure on others is emotionally uplifting. Feeling needed and wanted is tremendously important to July 23 people. As far as exercise is concerned, moderate activities such as walking, bike riding, occasional tennis and swimming are recommended.

Career Born carers

These people need to feel wanted and they may thrive in the caring professions, medicine, teaching, social work, the military, and politics. They may also be successful in any kind of business or management position; with their love of freedom and independence, they may wish to be work for themselves or to express their creative side through the arts.

Destiny To guide the lives of others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to listen to their own feelings as well as those of others. Once they are able to place a higher value on their own needs, their destiny is to influence the opinions and the lives of others.

Do not try to be the savior for everyone s problems. Pay sufficient attention to your own (without obsessing). Learn to let things go; avoid earning around excess baggage. Give your critical and judgmental powers a rest from time to time.

Celebrities Born On July 23rd

Woody Harrelson(American actor and playwright), Daniel Radcliffe(British actor), Alison Krauss(American singer and musician),

Haile Selassie (Ethiopian 20w c. emperor, exiled, deposed), Raymond Chandler (mystery story writer, screenwriter, The Big Sleep), Cardinal James Gibbons (Archbishop of Baltimore, writer, Faith of Our Fathers), Max Heindel (theosophist, Rosicrucian leader), X "•* Emil jannings (German film, stage actor), James E. "Sunny Jim" Fitzsimmons (race horse trainer, horses won over 2,000 races including two Triple Crowns), Graham Gooch (British cricket player, team captain), Don Drysdale (baseball pitcher, 3x NL stnkeout leader), Leon Fleisher (pianist, teacher, conductor, lost use of right hand), Arato Isozaki (Japanese architect), Richard Rogers (British architect), Steve Lacey (jazz soprano saxophonist, composer), Vera Rubin (astronomer), Anthony M. Kennedy (Supreme Court justice), Woody Harrelson (film, TV actor, Cheers), Gustav Walter Heinemann (German politician, president), Nicholas Gage (journalist, writer, film producer), Coral Browne (Australianborn film actress), Gloria De Haven (film actress), Robert M. Adams (archaeologist Mesopotamian specialist)

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