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July 23rd Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJuly 23, 2024

In difficult times it's best not to awaken enmity by inconsiderate behaviour, easy to do when you're not happy. Best to let things pass when you disagree with them, not castigating others if they are wrong, but not being duped either.

Sun Sign: Leo/Sun

Decanate: Leo/Sun; Numbers: 3, 5

July 23rd Birthday Love Astrology

Isolation is bad for July 23 people. They seek its sweetness but get sad when they are lonely. It's a psycheology which usually has two sides to most emotions and the one wars with the other. What is good for this mysterious star is a deep loving relationship, which allows for the need to be alone, but when another is near at hand. The sun needs its moon. Some July 23 people may have difficulty achieving this because they are shy, convinced that nobody will want them.

Fortunately their precious, wistful charm and dreamy vision is a magnet to those who want to share their life. This little violet lures lovers simply by its beauty, so that when plucked the perfume can be enjoyed. If they don't acquire a lover, and many choose to remain single, then it is essential for this creature to establish good friends.

For many, work is their life. There they are valued for their loyalty and thoughtfulness, will rarely find themselves sacked because others rely on their generosity with time and energy. In small projects the dreamy psycheology also works well because it contributes an unusual overview.

Either sex may pursue a specialist interest extremely successfully. Jewels lure them - emeralds and pearls are their gemstones - and so does anything redolent of an ancient culture. Roman coins fascinate them, still easily picked up in the Thames. You may find both sexes on archaeological digs in places such as the gold-working centres in the Ecuadorian highlands, where excavating is still in its infancy.

Back home this interest may develop into something the family can share, when July 23 goes metal detecting and treasure hunting on every holiday, usually with astonishing results. And very often, their finds are of such value that something extremely saleable and a subsequent fortune is discovered almost by accident.

In Love

Love makes your world go around, yet you are independent enough not to allow it to rule your life. Solitude holds little appeal for you; you want the closeness of an intimate union. However, the relationship must be on your terms. No one, not even your dearest love, gets away with telling you what to do. Despite the fiery passion of your strong sex drive, you yearn for a romantic relationship where love and friendship coexist. You’ll quickly lose interest in your mate if there is no intellectual connection. When you find your Mr. or Ms. Right, you make a loyal, loving partner.

In Bed

As a lover, you are not a big fan of subtle sexual technique. To your way of thinking, whispering sweet nothings in a potential lover’s ear is the sexual equivalent of empty calories. A firm believer in the old saw about action speaking louder than words, you prefer the more direct approach. While you can be aggressive and dramatic in the bedroom, you are never crude or boorish. The warmth of your sunny, romantic idealism permeates your lovemaking, just as it lights up everything you do.


July 23 likes dairy food and pastries and can't understand why the weight piles on. How can a custard tart or two mean a new pair of trousers? This creature usually thinks of nuts as a treat too, yet eaten carefully they will help you slim and reduce your cholesterol level And they are just as filling as a custard tart. Nuts are rich in polyunsaturated fat, protein, carbohydrate, vitamins - particularly E - and minerals. It has been found that a handful of nuts a day could halve the risk of heart attacks, possibly because the vitamin E content prevents the oxidation of cholesterol


Your idea of the perfect turn-on includes tons of affection and oodles of admiration. Love is your ultimate aphrodisiac, and you enjoy being the center of your lover’s attention. To arouse you physically, your partner should start by stroking your lower back and chest and then proceed to a full-body massage with aromatherapy oils.


In difficult times it's best not to awaken enmity by inconsiderate behaviour, easy to do when you're not happy. Best to let things pass when you disagree with them, not castigating others if they are wrong, but not being duped either.

Reality Check

You can be extremely stubborn and opinionated. Once you’ve made your mind up about something or someone, it’s virtually impossible to get you to change it. However, it is also your fixed nature that provides you with the grit and tenacity to see all your projects through to completion.

July 23 Date Share

Died: Montgomery Clift. Bom: Michael Wilding, Shakespearian stage and film actor. Raymond Chandler, thriller writer, scriptwriter, The Big Sleep. Graham Gooch, England batsman and captain. Woody Harrelson, film and TV star, Cheers (dumb blond). Haile Selassie, Ethiopian 20th century emperor, deposed.

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