July 24th Charismatic Uncertainty Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 24, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is feeling happy on your own

☆The way forward is to celebrate your aloneness. The idea of aloneness carries with it a wonderful quality of freedom, as you’re free from what other people might think.

The Birthday Of Charismatic Uncertainty, The Day Of Exciting Instability

July 24th Charismatic Uncertainty Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 24th Birthdays

Sun signs: Leo/Cancer

Ruling planets: Sun, the individual/Moon, the intuitive

Symbols: The Lion/The Crab

Birth date ruler: Venus, the lover

Tarot card: The Lovers (choices)

Favorable numbers: 4, 6

Lucky days: Sunday and Friday especially when these days fall on 4 and 6 of the month

Lucky colors: Gold, pink, green

Birthstone: Ruby

People born on July 24 are among the most original and exciting of the year. They have an invigorating presence that surprises and shocks everyone they meet, and their charisma is so intense that others find themselves irresistibly drawn in.

They are exciting and adventurous, and others tend to cluster around them in the hope of understanding them better and perhaps catching some of their magic and energy. Sometimes they may express the dangerous side of their personality by taking up an extreme sport, dating someone wholly inappropriate or accepting a job that involves a huge amount of retraining or risk to their professional status. They are able to do this because they are often more concerned with the thrill of taking on a new challenge than they are with the consequences of their actions. They are here to have an amazing time and that is what matters most to them.

Although they may give the impression of being fearless, what they fear most of all is routine, the mundane and not moving forward with their lives. They need to learn that some of the greatest adventures lie within, and that getting to know themselves better will be an endless source of excitement and discovery. After the age of thirty there is a turning point in their lives when opportunities will be presented to them to draw more pleasure from being of service and doing their job well. They need to take advantage of these opportunities because their real source of fulfillment is to motivate and help others.

Whatever they choose to devote their dynamic creativity to, they will always find themselves attracted to the far out and the unusual. Whether they realize it or not, their actions are often designed to attract the admiration or attention of others. Once they discover that others will notice and admire them just as much, if not more, when they demonstrate their quieter, but no less effective, gifts for sensitivity and creativity, they have the potential not just to motivate others but to truly amaze and inspire them.

☆ On the dark side:Selfish, obsessive, fickle

☆ At your best:Innovative, hypnotic, inspirational

Those born on July 24 are magnetically attracted to exciting and unstable situations, people and places, and the idea of dynamic change is highly appealing to them.

Consequently, they are easily bored by the humdrum of daily existence. Most July 24 people are admirably flexible, and can readily adapt to changing needs and circumstances.

Unfortunately, colleagues or lovers can be thrown for a loop when a July 24 person suddenly changes direction.

Less highly evolved July 24 people can be rather unstable themselves. More fully evolved individuals born on this day manage to overcome their instability, transforming it into an exciting energy that not only makes them magnetic personalities but also fuels their endeavors.

However, a preoccupation or association with eccentric personalities and out-of-the-way places never leaves them. The most successful of those born on this day can make a fascination for the unusual work for them creatively.

July 24 people are most often acutely aware of how they appear to others. It is an anathema to them to appear boring in any way, so those born on this day who are at heart more conservative often try to co-opt an avante-garde or unusual image. If they are naturally more flamboyant or strange, they make no attempt to hide it, and so may be considered exhibitionists by others. In fact, what July 24 people are most afraid of is falling into a habitual rut, essentially feeling stuck.

Particularly women born on July 24 have a kind of nervous energy that must be tamed or trained, or they run the risk of acute stress; men born on this day often have ego problems that need to be resolved. Both must learn not to attract too much attention to themselves, and to go about their work in a confident but unassuming way. Those born on this day should free themselves of the notion that they have to prove their worth to others. Learning to progress slowly, one step at a time, and take each event as it presents itself is key.

Of course, the dramatic flair of July 24 people invariably surfaces, and well it should. The great danger is that emotional eruptions will periodically make things difficult for their families and business associates, leading to possible alienation. Such a situation is highly unfavorable, because for those born on July 24 in particular, a stable emotional life will make for a stable career and vice-versa. July 24 people have to learn to be more self-reliant, and hence less dependent on the approval of others. To this end they should clarify priorities—knowing what they want out of life reduces their flake factor, and makes them far less likely to hurt themselves or others in relationships. Nonetheless, due to changing circumstances, July 24 people may in fact find that they need to break off a relationship rather suddenly. Finding the best way to do so, graciously and with the best interests of the other person at heart, will ultimately prove less injurious to all concerned.

Power Thought:Nurturing inner peace positively affects my life and the lives of others,We must learn when to indulge and when to deny hunger

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 24th day of the month are ruled by the number 6 (2+4=6), and by the planet Venus. Those ruled by the number 6 are magnetically attractive and often inspire admiration, even adulation. In addition, since Venus is strongly connected with social interaction, it is a great temptation for July 24 people to give themselves over completely to exciting romantic and sexual experiences (made still hotter by the influence of the Sun, ruler of Leo). In any case, love is often the dominant theme in the life of those ruled by the number 6.

July 24th Birthday Tarot Card

As if to emphasize this last point, the 6Ih card of the Major Arcana is The Lovers, symbolizing the love that unites all of humanity through integration of masculine and feminine polarities. On the good side this card indicates affections and desires on a high moral, aesthetic, and physical plane; on the bad side, unfulfilled desires, sentimentality and indecisiveness.

☆Luck maker:(Become more aware of others)Lucky people understand that, as fascinating as they are, the best way to win friends and influence people is to make them feel they are the special ones, not you.

Love Teach me

You’re drawn to people born on September 24 to October 23:You are both exciting and enigmatic in your own way and will never tire of playing games with one another.

It won’t be easy for people born on July 24 to find a partner who is as compelling, unusual and adventurous as they are, but when they do they can be loyal, passionate and endlessly exciting partners. Settling down may also be a problem as they have such a restless nature. They are attracted to those who can teach them something but who also have a fun, youthful side to their personality.

Health Focus on higher things

Not surprisingly people born on this day are prone to accidents because they can be so reckless and their compulsion to seek out new and unusual experiences may lead them to experiment with activities, such as drug taking, that are detrimental to their health and well-being. They are prone to eating binges and comfort eating when they feel bored, so it is important that their diet is as varied as possible so they don’t deprive themselves of foods they love. They should also find healthy ways to relieve their boredom: going for a walk, writing in a journal or chatting to a friend or loved one. Because they are generally so active, regular exercise may not be as essential as it is for other people, but in the unlikely event that they do find themselves in a sedentary job, exercise will be an excellent way to release pent-up tension. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color purple will encourage them to take time out to reflex and focus on higher things.

Because of their tendency to recklessness, July 24 people must beware of accidents of all sorts. The involvement with instability mentioned earlier can lead them into some very tricky areas, from which their health may not emerge unscathed. Experimentation with drugs, weird situations, and strange people may be inevitable, but July 24 people generally recognize the importance of not getting stuck, and what they learn may prove invaluable to them. Those born on this day are prone to eating and drinking binges—their diets should be as varied as possible in order to crowd out such unhealthy habits. Greater emphasis on grains and vegetables and a reduction in protein, meat and refined sugars is recommended. Exerctse is usually not a central concern for July 24 people, who are so often in motion and exercising their bodies in the course of daily activities.

Career Born entrepreneurs

The creative talents of these people are so strong that they may suit a variety of professions, with the proviso that they assume a leadership role or at least act as independent agents. Being a good organizer, they can excel in commerce but they could do equally well in promotion, advertising, education, philosophy psychology politics, acting, and writing.

Destiny To admire, lead, motivate, and inspire others

The life path of people born on this day is to recognize the impact that their actions may have on others. Once they have learned to think through the consequences of their actions, their destiny is to admire, lead, motivate, and inspire others.

At some time or other in your life you will have to regulate your energies. Consider burnout; your desires may not carry you as far as you think. Learn to be alone and like it. Try to be more considerate of others.

Celebrities Born On July 24th

Jennifer Lopez(American singer and actress), Robert Graves(British poet), Amelia Earhart(American aviation pioneer),

Amelia Earhart (pilot first woman to fly across US and back, lost over South Pacific), Simon Bolivar (South American soldier, statesman, Bolivian independence fighter, namesake of country, fought to unite all of South Amenca), Alexander Dumas, Sr. (French novelist, Count of Monte Christo, The Three Musketeers), Zelda Fitzgerald (F. Scott Fitzgerald's wife, jazz-age symbol, schizophrenic, died m hospital fire), Robert Graves (Bntish poet, critic, mythologist, historical novelist, I, Claudius). Julie Krone (female jockey), Linda Carter (TV actress, Wonder Woman), John MacDonald (mystery writer, Travis McGee books), Bella Abzug (US congresswoman, women's rights activist), Walt Bellamy (basketball player, NBA seventh all-time rebounds, thirteenth scoring), Karl Malone (Utah Jazz basketball forward, "The Mailman," US "Dream Team" gold medalist), Michie Nakamura (Japanese soprano), Billy Taylor (jazz pianist), Ernst Bloch (composer). Chief Dan George (Native American leader). Charles McPherson (jazz alto saxophonist), Guy Savoy (French chef. writer, Les Legumes Gourmands) , Kenneth B. Clark (educator, civil rights leader), Peter Serkin (pianist), Frank Wedekind (German playwright, actor, poet)

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