July 25th Pure Intention Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 25, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is learning to like yourself

☆The way forward is to understand that human beings weren’t meant to be perfect. It is okay to have weaknesses, make mistakes and have room for improvement.

The Birthday Of Pure Intention, The Day Of Quixotic Exploits

July 25th Pure Intention Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 25th Birthdays

Sun sign: Leo

Ruling planet: Sun, the individual

Symbol: The Lion

Birth date ruler: Neptune, the speculator

Tarot card: The Chariot (resilience)

Favorable numbers: 5, 7

Lucky days: Sunday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 5 and 7 of the month

Lucky colors: Gold, sea green, blue

Birthstone: Ruby

Those born on July 25 are motivated by a passionate desire to realize their progressive ideals. Whatever their motivation may be--professional recognition or the accumulation of wealth--they will always strive to do the right thing, their actions always being governed by a personal code of conduct that forbids them from doing anything that disadvantages others.

These people have a code of honor or a set of strongly held principles which they live by. These principles give them a sense of purpose and are more important to them than success itself. They are more interested in the reasons for a person’s behavior than the outcome of their actions, and winning and losing matters less to them than discipline, integrity and sincerity. Those who are success orientated may find this approach to life limiting, but to people born on this day it is liberating because it means that no experience, even the ones they fail in, is ever wasted.

With much to teach others, they have the potential to be a shining example of maturity and integrity, but curiously they are often unwilling to ask for the same level of honest commitment from others as they are willing to give themselves. This is because personal integrity is their guiding force in life and they believe that this must be the same for others. Unfortunately this approach can be a little na%20ive and they may find that others often disappoint them or let them down.

After the age of twenty-eight they are likely to develop their analytical skills and to become more practical, discerning and efficient. It is important during this period that they don’t become too perfectionist in their approach because it will block their creativity. In fact throughout their lives they need to be a little less harsh on themselves because if they learn to be more accepting of themselves they will find that it isn’t just their integrity that makes others smile with appreciation; it is also their creativity charm and unwavering devotion to their remarkably progressive vision.

☆ On the dark side:Self-critical, struggling, naïve

☆ At your best:Noble, dignified, warm

Those born on July 25 have a romantic yearning to see far-off lands and accomplish imaginative deeds. Unfortunately, their dreams are often difficult to realize. Regardless of practicality, most July 25 people act on their desires, achieving either a surprising success or perhaps a more predictable mixed result. Their idealism is generally a bit ahead of their reality factor.

Even when July 25 people "fail" they may feel the experience of having tried to be selfvalidating.

Many of those born on this day agree that "it is not whether you win or lose but how you play the game" that is most important. Thus July 25 people are primarily interested in motives for actions, and rather than focusing on how successful a person is. are likely to judge how pure his/her intentions are. Fair enough, they apply these standards to themselves as well. Thus parents born on this day may not be as concerned with their children's grades as with how hard their children tried and with what sincerity they approached their tasks.

Danger can also attract those born on July 25 and when threatened with it, they rarely back down. Confronting issues boldly is typical of those born on this day. who prefer to take criticism directed against them head on rather than deflect it through subtlety or the use of third parties. If July 25 people know in their heart that they are right, they can stand up to almost any kind of abuse, even torture.

Though July 25 people have a code of honor which they hold dear, they generally refrain from demanding that others adhere to the same principles. It is a personal philosophy of living which they strive to embody in both deed and word. Honor is a god to July 25 people, who would rather suffer terribly than break their word once given. This highly admirable trait can cause them grief in an imperfect world, and at times put them at a severe disadvantage. They must learn to be as forgiving of their own transgressions as they are accepting of others'.

Those born on this day are subject to great mood swings, but due to their inner strength generally keep a firm grip on themselves. Indeed, the cultivation of self-control can take on the nature of an obsession for July 25 people. Their approach to life is not unlike that of a samurai warrior who fearlessly defends honor without regard for financial gain or ego massage.

Remaining grounded in and aware of the present moment, seeing the value in everyday experience, is known deeply by only the most highly evolved of July 25 people. It may require years of growth and experience before those born on this day will turn their energy away from an imaginative tilting with windmills to observing with a cold eye what is happening right in front of them. Yet they will not (and should not) ever lose their love of adventure and their romantic bent toward accomplishing great exploits; in this they are an inspiration to familv. friends and children.

Power Thought:I love who I am and reward myself daily with positive thoughts,Bubble gum may not mean much to you until you get it on your shoe

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 25th dayof any month are ruled by the number 7 (2+5=7), and by the planet Neptune. Therefore, because of the influence of the Sun (which rules Leo). July 25 people have a strong Sun-Neptune connection. This means that they may be prone to mental confusion as well as being swept off their feet by romantic illusions. Those ruled by the number 7 traditionally like change and travel, fitting in very well with the yearning of July 25 people for faraway places. The number 25 is often associated with danger, again particularly relevant for July 25 people.

July 25th Birthday Tarot Card

The 7th card of the Major Arcana is The Chariot, which shows a triumphant figure moving through the world, manifesting his physical presence in a dynamic way. The card may be interpreted to mean that no matter how narrow or precarious the correct path, one must continue on. The good side of this card posits success, talent and efficiency: the bad side suggests a dictatorial attitude and a poor sense of direction.

☆Luck maker:(Have faith)Lucky people understand that believing you can succeed determines to a great extent whether you will succeed or not. Faith is the most powerful force in the universe so believe in yourself and your potential.

Love Charming and strong

You’re drawn to people born on October 24 to November 23:You have much to learn and give each other, and this can be a passionate and intense union.

People born on July 25 are charming and strong, attracting many admirers, but they need to be careful that they don’t surround themselves with "yes" people. They are attracted to partners who can challenge them, and in a close relationship they can be loyal, supportive and loving. They do need, however, to get down from the moral high ground occasionally and be a little more lighthearted.

Health More time laughing

People born on this day are prone to fatigue because they tend to push themselves very hard. They are also prone to stress injuries through accidents, and muscle aches and pains. When they do find themselves feeling run down, they should not try to ignore it but welcome it as an opportunity to rest and recover; they should also make sure they don’t try to get back on their feet until they have fully recovered. As far as diet is concerned, they would benefit from regular meal times; this will give their day a much-needed structure. The same applies to going to bed; they should aim for roughly the same time each night. Regular exercise is essential as it will help them burn off energy and remove toxins. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color green will help them relax, as will spending more time laughing with friends and loved ones.

The quixotic personality of July 25 people demands constancy in order to maintain both physical and mental health. Regular rest and mealtimes go a long way in promoting a calm state of being. A stabilizing diet, one which avoids highly stimulating dishes in favor of grains and earthy foods, for example, can help them keep their feet on the ground. All "mindexpanding" drugs should be avoided by those born on this day. A regular regimen of energetic physical exercise, vigorous jogging or calisthenics will burn off excess energy and rid the body of harmful toxins. For some born on this day, team sports can satisfy a need for heroic exploits.

Career Born law enforcement officers

These multi-talented people can thrive in any profession, but to ensure success they need to develop faith in their abilities. Naturally charming and trustworthy, they may excel in public relations, politics, business, and sales, but they may also be drawn to careers where integrity is key, such as law and police work. They are also good with words and may be drawn to writing, the media and education, as well as art and music.

Destiny To inspire others with their integrity

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to be less harsh on themselves. Once they have learned to accept themselves, their destiny is to inspire and motivate others with their integrity and the infectious nature of their dynamic enthusiasm.

Concentrate more on the present moment. Try to be here rather than there. Pay attention to what others around you are saying and doing. Be more accepting of yourself. Continue to reach for the stars, but with your feet firmly planted on the ground.

Celebrities Born On July 25th

Matt LeBlanc(American actor), Rita Marley(Cuban-Jamaican singer), Rosalind Franklin(British chemist),

Omar Khayyam (Persian poet mathematician, astronomer), Thomas Eakins ( 1 9-20* c. naturalist painter, teacher), Walter Payton (football running back. NFL all-time leader in total yards gained, MVP, 7x All-Pro). Arthur James Balfour (British Lord, statesman, pnme minister, foreign secretary, Balfour declaration created Jewish state), David Belasco (stage actor, theater produc- er), Josephine Tey (Scottish mystery novelist The Daughters of Time, playwright, pen-names: Elizabeth MacKintosh and Gordon Daviot), Louise Brown (first test tube baby), Maxfield Parrish (painter, romantic illustrator), Annie Ross (British jazz singer, Lambert Hendricks and Ross, actress), Walter Brennan (film actor), Joseph Roisman (violinist, Budapest String Quartet primarius), Johnny Hodges (jazz alto, soprano saxophonist), Don Ellis (jazz trumpeter, composer, bandleader), Raoul Ruiz (Chilean TV, film director. The Sailor's Three Crowns, fled to Europe after Allende's overthrow), Stanley Dancer (harness racing driver, 4x Hambletonian winner, trainer and dri- verof Triple Crown winners in Trotting and Pacing), Florence Entwistle (celebrity portrait photographer). Estelle Getty (TV actress. Sophia of Golden Oris, Golden Palace), Enc Hoffer (philosopher), Midge Decter (political activist), Janet Margolin (film actress)

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